
简介: 2019年7月18日下午,阿里云智能团队接待了由美国非盈利机构:全美浙江总商会教育专委会和密西根青少年励能基金会组织的“2019年国际青少年科技论坛中国行”代表团,该代表团成员由来自美国不同学校的19位优秀高中生组成。











同学Jessica Zhang说:“今天的参观让我感触很深。不是所有的科技公司都关注贫弱群体,而阿里云勇于承担社会责任,运用自己的技术,帮助贫弱群体打开市场、提供更多的机会。这也激励我们,开阔视野,去探索科技改善人类生活道路上的无限可能!”

Angela Liu同学觉得让她感触最深的是阿里云整个工作环境的设计,充满创新,其中印象最深的就是通往云计算博物馆的台阶,每一步都代表着企业前进的里程碑,整个氛围让大家渴望成为这个团队中的一员,共同为让世界变得更美好而努力!看到“把所有想象,变成脚印。未来是什么?走出去定义”的时候,同学们纷纷拿出纸笔记录,甚至有同学表示,阿里巴巴宝贵的传承和文化,让人不想错过每一段。




在后续的行程中,陈绪博士生动地讲解了阿里云的发展历史、文化传承、技术突破、商业创新等内容;阿里云 ECS首席架构师蔡俊杰介绍了阿里云弹性计算服务的核心价值、应用领域、购买选择以及重要技术;阿里云高性能计算总监何万青博士介绍了阿里云的云计算创新,从云计算的核心技术到机器学习、从人工智能在阿里巴巴的各种应用到超级计算集群容量,让大家全面了解了阿里云进步的一大动力——源自阿里巴巴对实时计算及高性价比的强烈追求。


美好的时光总是短暂的,转眼间活动接近尾声。临别前,阿里云给每位同学赠送了一件印有 “Alibaba Cloud”商标的T恤,同学们迫不及待地当场换上,合影留念。




Angela Li

The tour began with an introduction on the history ofAliyun as well as a brief explanation of Aliyun Milestone Steps and the Cloud Computing Museum. Here they learned about projects  Alicloud undertook and how they served to promote sustainable development and alleviate rural poverty in the 21st century.

Next the students participated in a 2 hour seminar hosted by three well respected long time Aliyun experts. After the presentation, the students can understand the detailed on structure of the Aliyun and major implications of ECS as well as the impacts of AI and machine learning on Aliyun

After the Seminar the students engaged with the staff for an hour long Q and A session. The questions brought up within this session ranged from employee culture to online traffic management and  to security and data breaches. Not only were the students able to gain valuable and insightful information about the world of cloud computing but they were also able to open their eyes to realize the importance of accepting change and innovation.

Ann Zhang:

I've always heard about company outreach in communities but never have I realized the full extent of the meaning. The trip to Alibaba caused me to redefine its definition as not just a program to help other people and to increase a company's presence, but as an educational experiences that changes lives. Through the trip to Alibaba, a whole world of exploration was opened up to me. We were introduced to the intricacies behind the monotonous humdrum of everyday life. Big data and AI are always on the move, dictating the next ad to appear on our late night hours of Youtube surfing or our next shopping spree on online stores such as Taobao. Technology is being integrated in our lives in more ways than I thought possible and in the trip to Alibaba I realized just how much I didn't know. More importantly though, through the visit I learned even the most common of objects have their minute details. With every item comes a story of its creation. Just like how ads that appear during online browsing are calculated appearances based on meticulously programmed lines of code, the world is more complicated than it seems. To fully understand anything, we have to truly delve deep and always keep our mind open. What we know is never all that there is to know on anything. With a new mindset after the trip from Alibaba, I believe that the company is not just a place to cultivate the next biggest innovations in technology, but also a place that cultivates the mind and character of its workers and aims to better the community through sharing its resources and wisdom.

Richard Li

Working is like a hamster running in a wheel. There is always a hamster running faster, and always one running slower. When you run fast enough to break the cage, theres another cage beyond that with another wheel.

This story was relayed to us during the Q&A session at Alibaba. While it may appear to have a pessimistic sentiment, it can and should be interpreted in a much more different way. Theres no point in attempting to climb some sort of ladder to reach the top, because there is no top to reach. Alibabas philosophy is to attack problems that appear impossible, and Alibaba Cloud is perhaps the most indicative of that. Additionally, the fact that Alibaba ensures that all of its bosses are capable of doing what they delegate others to do is also an admirable decision. Indeed, bosses arent even called bosses; theyre called team leads, to ensure that there is no concept of hierarchy and corruption. In essence, Alibaba has created a company that thrives not upon old, traditional organization and theory, but has stirred up the business universe with not only multiple innovative sub-companies but also multiple different organizational and technological structures.

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