PostgreSQL 11 preview - 索引优化。filter智能消除、分区索引智能合并

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PostgreSQL , 分区 , 约束 , partial index , 消除冗余Filter , 合并partial index scan









    ->  Index Scan using pi1 on 班级101分区表  (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=8)  
          Index Cond: (学号 = 1)  
          Filter: (班级=101)  




create table base (k integer primary key, v integer);  
create table part1 (check (k between 1 and 10000)) inherits (base);  
create table part2 (check (k between 10001 and 20000)) inherits (base);  
create index pi1 on part1(v);  
create index pi2 on part2(v);  
insert int part1 values (generate series(1,10000), random());  
insert into part2 values (generate_series(10001,20000), random());  
explain select * from base where k between 1 and 20000 and v = 100;  
                               QUERY PLAN  
  Append  (cost=0.00..15.65 rows=3 width=8)  
    ->  Seq Scan on base  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=8)  
          Filter: ((k >= 1) AND (k <= 20000) AND (v = 100))  
    ->  Index Scan using pi1 on part1  (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=8)  
          Index Cond: (v = 100)  
          Filter: ((k >= 1) AND (k <= 20000))  
    ->  Index Scan using pi2 on part2  (cost=0.29..7.34 rows=1 width=8)  
          Index Cond: (v = 100)  
          Filter: ((k >= 1) AND (k <= 20000))  

2、对于partial index也是一样的道理,当可以选择多个partial index时,PostgreSQL目前的版本,不能智能的进行最优索引的选择。

create table t (k integer primary key, v integer);  
insert into t values (generate_series(1,20000),random());  
create index i1 on t(v) where k between 1 and 10000;  
create index i2 on t(v) where k between 10001 and 20000;  
postgres=# explain select * from t where k between 1 and 10000 and v = 100;  
                          QUERY PLAN  
  Index Scan using i1 on t  (cost=0.29..7.28 rows=1 width=8)  
    Index Cond: (v = 100)  
(2 rows)  
Here we get perfect plan. Let's try to extend search interval:  
postgres=# explain select * from t where k between 1 and 20000 and v = 100;  
                             QUERY PLAN  
  Index Scan using t_pkey on t  (cost=0.29..760.43 rows=1 width=8)  
    Index Cond: ((k >= 1) AND (k <= 20000))  
    Filter: (v = 100)  
(3 rows)  

实际上可以使用多个partial index,从而实现最优的成本。

Unfortunately in this case Postgres is not able to apply partial indexes.  
And this is what I expected to get:  
postgres=# explain select * from t where k between 1 and 10000 and v =   
100 union all select * from t where k between 10001 and 20000 and v = 100;  
                               QUERY PLAN  
  Append  (cost=0.29..14.58 rows=2 width=8)  
    ->  Index Scan using i1 on t  (cost=0.29..7.28 rows=1 width=8)  
          Index Cond: (v = 100)  
    ->  Index Scan using i2 on t t_1  (cost=0.29..7.28 rows=1 width=8)  
          Index Cond: (v = 100)  

PostgreSQL 11 在优化器方面,可能针对这个场景会进行优化。patch如下。

Hi hackers,  
I am trying to compare different ways of optimizing work with huge   
append-only tables in PostgreSQL where primary key is something like   
timestamp and queries are usually accessing most recent data using some   
secondary keys. Size of secondary index is one of the most critical   
factors limiting  insert/search performance. As far as data is inserted   
in timestamp ascending order, access to primary key is well localized   
and accessed tables are present in memory. But if we create secondary   
key for the whole table, then access to it will require random reads   
from the disk and significantly decrease performance.  
There are two well known solutions of the problem:  
1. Table partitioning  
2. Partial indexes  
This approaches I want to compare. First of all I want to check if   
optimizer is able to generate efficient query execution plan covering   
different time intervals.  
Unfortunately in both cases generated plan is not optimal.  
1. Table partitioning:  
create table base (k integer primary key, v integer);  
create table part1 (check (k between 1 and 10000)) inherits (base);  
create table part2 (check (k between 10001 and 20000)) inherits (base);  
create index pi1 on part1(v);  
create index pi2 on part2(v);  
insert int part1 values (generate series(1,10000), random());  
insert into part2 values (generate_series(10001,20000), random());  
explain select * from base where k between 1 and 20000 and v = 100;  
                               QUERY PLAN  
  Append  (cost=0.00..15.65 rows=3 width=8)  
    ->  Seq Scan on base  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1 width=8)  
          Filter: ((k >= 1) AND (k <= 20000) AND (v = 100))  
    ->  Index Scan using pi1 on part1  (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=8)  
          Index Cond: (v = 100)  
          Filter: ((k >= 1) AND (k <= 20000))  
    ->  Index Scan using pi2 on part2  (cost=0.29..7.34 rows=1 width=8)  
          Index Cond: (v = 100)  
          Filter: ((k >= 1) AND (k <= 20000))  
- Is there some way to avoid sequential scan of parent table? Yes, it is   
empty and so sequential scan will not take much time, but ... it still   
requires some additional actions and so increasing query execution time.  
- Why index scan of partition indexes includes filter condition if it is   
guaranteed by check constraint that all records of this partition match   
search predicate?  
2. Partial indexes:  
create table t (k integer primary key, v integer);  
insert into t values (generate_series(1,20000),random());  
create index i1 on t(v) where k between 1 and 10000;  
create index i2 on t(v) where k between 10001 and 20000;  
postgres=# explain select * from t where k between 1 and 10000 and v = 100;  
                          QUERY PLAN  
  Index Scan using i1 on t  (cost=0.29..7.28 rows=1 width=8)  
    Index Cond: (v = 100)  
(2 rows)  
Here we get perfect plan. Let's try to extend search interval:  
postgres=# explain select * from t where k between 1 and 20000 and v = 100;  
                             QUERY PLAN  
  Index Scan using t_pkey on t  (cost=0.29..760.43 rows=1 width=8)  
    Index Cond: ((k >= 1) AND (k <= 20000))  
    Filter: (v = 100)  
(3 rows)  
Unfortunately in this case Postgres is not able to apply partial indexes.  
And this is what I expected to get:  
postgres=# explain select * from t where k between 1 and 10000 and v =   
100 union all select * from t where k between 10001 and 20000 and v = 100;  
                               QUERY PLAN  
  Append  (cost=0.29..14.58 rows=2 width=8)  
    ->  Index Scan using i1 on t  (cost=0.29..7.28 rows=1 width=8)  
          Index Cond: (v = 100)  
    ->  Index Scan using i2 on t t_1  (cost=0.29..7.28 rows=1 width=8)  
          Index Cond: (v = 100)  
I wonder if there are some principle problems in supporting this two   
things in optimizer:  
1. Remove search condition for primary key if it is fully satisfied by   
derived table check constraint.  
2. Append index scans of several partial indexes if specified interval   
is covered by their conditions.  
I wonder if someone is familiar with this part of optimizer ad can   
easily fix it.  
Otherwise I am going to spend some time on solving this problems (if   
community think that such optimizations will be useful).  
Konstantin Knizhnik  
Postgres Professional:  
The Russian Postgres Company  


PostgreSQL 11在优化器细节方面进行了很多优化,包括前面提到的分区表的智能并行JOIN,group, 聚合等。



2、在输入条件可以用到多个partial index时,自动选择union all扫描。(这项优化,将来也能用在分区索引上面,partial index是分区索引的一个雏形。)


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  • 云原生数据库 PolarDB
  • 云数据库 RDS PostgreSQL 版
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