SQL1:(select customerd, customername, companyname, realcompanyname from tb_shifen_customerwhere urldomain like "%.cn" and status=3 and accountm>0 limit 10) union (select customerd, customername, companyname, realcompanyname from tb_shifen_customer where urldomain like "%.cn" and status in (1,4,6) and status=3 and accountm<=0 and invalidate>=date_sub(curdate(),interval ? day) limit 10) union (select customerd, customername, companyname, realcompanyname from tb_shifen_customer where urldomain like "%.cn" and status in (1,4,6) and accountm>0 limit 10) union (select customerd, customername, companyname, realcompanyname from tb_shifen_customer where urldomain like "%.cn" and status=2 limit 10);
SQL1 |
执行时间 |
Concurrency=1 |
Concurrency=10 |
Concurrency=100 |
Icc编译的mysql |
36.01s |
31.20s |
162.78s |
Gcc编译的mysql |
41.02s |
40.30s |
181.83s |
Icc较gcc的提升 |
12.6% |
22.0% |
10.5% |
SQL2:select count(*) from tb_customer where urldomain like "%.cn";
SQL2 |
执行时间 |
Concurrency=1 |
Concurrency=10 |
Concurrency=100 |
Icc编译的mysql |
0.014s |
0.014s |
0.029s |
Gcc编译的mysql |
0.026s |
0.027s |
0.035s |
Icc较gcc的提升 |
41.2% |
48.1% |
17.1% |
SQL3:select cust.cust_id,cust.cust_stat_1,cust.cust_stat_2,cust.cust_name, cust.cust_branch_name,cust.cust_input_type,cust.add_time,cust.cust_follow_num, cust.cust_trade_1,cust.cust_trade_2,dis.distribute_time from tb_customer cust left join tb_cust_distribute dis on cust.cust_id=dis.cust_id and dis.state=1 where cust.cust_id>0 and cust.cust_stat_1 in(8) and cust.pose_id=157 order by cust.cust_id desc limit 1170 , 15;
SQL2 |
执行时间 |
Concurrency=1 |
Concurrency=10 |
Concurrency=100 |
Icc编译的mysql |
2.839s |
3.631s |
9.554s |
Gcc编译的mysql |
2.828s |
3.740s |
10.867s |
Icc较gcc的提升 |
-0.3% |
2.91% |
12.1% |
SQL4:update tb_cust_app tc left join (select count(distinct f.cust_id) num, follow_id from tb_follow_assignf, tb_customer c where f.cust_id=c.cust_id and c.cust_stat_1<>5 group by follow_id) tf on tc.user_id = tf.follow_id set tc.ownered_size=ifnull(tf.num,0) ;
SQL2 |
执行时间 |
Concurrency=1 |
Concurrency=10 |
Concurrency=100 |
Icc编译的mysql |
31.279s |
42.290s |
342.80s |
Gcc编译的mysql |
33.274s |
53.731s |
566.374s |
Icc较gcc的提升 |
6.0% |
21.23% |
39.5% |
5 测试结论
对于InnoDB引擎,从sql-bench,mysqlslap使用全脚本测试结果上看,icc编译的mysql较gcc编译的mysql从QPS(SQL执行时间)没有优势,甚至是劣势。同时从sql-bench,全脚本中的逐个SQL分析来看:对于利用primary key或者全表扫描的SQL,icc编译的mysql有一些优化效果;对于利用辅助索引的SQL,icc编译的mysql在执行时间上比gcc编译的mysql慢。分析原因,InnoDB使用聚簇索引存储数据,利用辅助索引时,还需要走一遍primary key,这中间会有比较多的随机读等操作。
综上所述:icc编译的mysql用于MyISAM引擎,较gcc编译的mysql优化效果明显。对于InnoDB引擎,使用辅助索引等操作,icc编译的mysql比gcc编译的mysql在执行时间上要慢,存在劣势。对于使用全表扫描、primary key的InnoDB操作,在低并发下,icc编译的mysql在执行时间上不会慢,在高并发下icc编译的mysql具有优势。同时业务类型是CPU密集型,而不是IO密集型,有助于发挥icc编译器的优化效果。