存储在集合中的文档,被存储为键-值对的形式。键用于唯一标识一个文档,为字符串类型,而值则可以是各中复杂的文件类型。我们称这种存储形式为BSON(Binary Serialized document Format)。
MongoDB服务端可运行在Linux、Windows或OS X平台,支持32位和64位应用,默认端口为27017。推荐运行在64位平台,因为MongoDB在32位模式运行时支持的最大文件尺寸为2GB。MongoDB把数据存储在文件中(默认路径为:/data/db),为提高效率使用内存映射文件进行管理。
- [root@server11 ~]# wget --64位系统
- [root@server11 ~]# wget --32位系统
- [root@server11 ~]# tar -zxvpf mongodb-linux-i686-2.2.2.tgz
- [root@server11 ~]# mv mongodb-linux-i686-2.2.2 /usr/local/mongodb
- [root@server11 ~]# /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --help
- Mon Jan 21 11:25:05
- Mon Jan 21 11:25:05 ** NOTE: when using MongoDB 32 bit, you are limited to about 2 gigabytes of data
- Mon Jan 21 11:25:05 ** see
- Mon Jan 21 11:25:05 ** with --journal, the limit is lower
- Mon Jan 21 11:25:05
- Allowed options:
- General options:
- -h [ --help ] show this usage information
- --version show version information
- -f [ --config ] arg configuration file specifying additional options
- -v [ --verbose ] be more verbose (include multiple times for more
- verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)
- --quiet quieter output
- --port arg specify port number - 27017 by default
- --bind_ip arg comma separated list of ip addresses to listen on
- - all local ips by default
- --maxConns arg max number of simultaneous connections - 20000 by
- default
- --objcheck inspect client data for validity on receipt
- --logpath arg log file to send write to instead of stdout - has
- to be a file, not directory
- --logappend append to logpath instead of over-writing
- --pidfilepath arg full path to pidfile (if not set, no pidfile is
- created)
- --keyFile arg private key for cluster authentication
- --nounixsocket disable listening on unix sockets
- --unixSocketPrefix arg alternative directory for UNIX domain sockets
- (defaults to /tmp)
- --fork fork server process
- --syslog log to system's syslog facility instead of file
- or stdout
- --auth run with security
- --cpu periodically show cpu and iowait utilization
- --dbpath arg directory for datafiles - defaults to /data/db/
- --diaglog arg 0=off 1=W 2=R 3=both 7=W+some reads
- --directoryperdb each database will be stored in a separate
- directory
- --ipv6 enable IPv6 support (disabled by default)
- --journal enable journaling
- --journalCommitInterval arg how often to group/batch commit (ms)
- --journalOptions arg journal diagnostic options
- --jsonp allow JSONP access via http (has security
- implications)
- --noauth run without security
- --nohttpinterface disable http interface
- --nojournal disable journaling (journaling is on by default
- for 64 bit)
- --noprealloc disable data file preallocation - will often hurt
- performance
- --noscripting disable scripting engine
- --notablescan do not allow table scans
- --nssize arg (=16) .ns file size (in MB) for new databases
- --profile arg 0=off 1=slow, 2=all
- --quota limits each database to a certain number of files
- (8 default)
- --quotaFiles arg number of files allowed per db, requires --quota
- --repair run repair on all dbs
- --repairpath arg root directory for repair files - defaults to
- dbpath
- --rest turn on simple rest api
- --shutdown kill a running server (for init scripts)
- --slowms arg (=100) value of slow for profile and console log
- --smallfiles use a smaller default file size
- --syncdelay arg (=60) seconds between disk syncs (0=never, but not
- recommended)
- --sysinfo print some diagnostic system information
- --upgrade upgrade db if needed
- Replication options:
- --oplogSize arg size to use (in MB) for replication op log. default is
- 5% of disk space (i.e. large is good)
- Master/slave options:
- --master master mode
- --slave slave mode
- --source arg when slave: specify master as <server:port>
- --only arg when slave: specify a single database to replicate
- --slavedelay arg specify delay (in seconds) to be used when applying
- master ops to slave
- --autoresync automatically resync if slave data is stale
- Replica set options:
- --replSet arg arg is <setname>[/<optionalseedhostlist>]
- --replIndexPrefetch arg specify index prefetching behavior (if secondary)
- [none|_id_only|all]
- Sharding options:
- --configsvr declare this is a config db of a cluster; default port
- 27019; default dir /data/configdb
- --shardsvr declare this is a shard db of a cluster; default port
- 27018
- --noMoveParanoia turn off paranoid saving of data for moveChunk. this
- is on by default for now, but default will switch
- [root@server11 ~]# mkdir -p /data/mongodb/db1
- [root@server11 ~]# mkdir -p /usr/local/mongodb/logs
- [root@server11 ~]# /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --port 3306 --dbpath /data/mongodb/db1/ --logpath /usr/local/mongodb/logs/m1.log &
- all output going to: /usr/local/mongodb/logs/m1.log
- [root@server11 ~]# netstat -ntpl |grep :3306
- tcp 0 0* LISTEN 13973/mongod
- [root@server11 ~]# cat /data/mongodb/db1/mongod.lock
- 13973
- [root@server11 ~]# /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --port 3306 --dbpath /data/mongodb/db1/ --logpath /usr/local/mongodb/logs/m1.log --shutdown
- killing process with pid: 13973
- [root@server11 ~]# /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongo
- MongoDB shell version: 2.2.2
- connecting to:
- > help
- help on db methods
- help on collection methods
- sharding helpers
- replica set helpers
- help admin administrative help
- help connect connecting to a db help
- help keys key shortcuts
- help misc misc things to know
- help mr mapreduce
- show dbs show database names
- show collections show collections in current database
- show users show users in current database
- show profile show most recent system.profile entries with time >= 1ms
- show logs show the accessible logger names
- show log [name] prints out the last segment of log in memory, 'global' is default
- use <db_name> set current database
- list objects in collection foo
- { a : 1 } ) list objects in foo where a == 1
- it result of the last line evaluated; use to further iterate
- DBQuery.shellBatchSize = x set default number of items to display on shell
- exit quit the mongo shell
- > show dbs
- local (empty)
- > use test
- switched to db test
- > { a: 1 } )
- > db.test.find()
- { "_id" : ObjectId("50fcb7f05712bfb21c866dc6"), "a" : 1 }
- > show dbs
- local (empty)
- test 0.0625GB
- > show collections
- system.indexes
- test
- [root@server11 ~]# ll -h /data/mongodb/db1/
- total 65M
- -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6 Jan 21 11:38 mongod.lock
- -rw------- 1 root root 16M Jan 21 11:37 test.0
- -rw------- 1 root root 32M Jan 21 11:37 test.1
- -rw------- 1 root root 16M Jan 21 11:37 test.ns
- [root@server11 ~]# tail -1 /etc/rc.local
- /usr/local/mongodb/bin/mongod --port 3306 --dbpath /data/mongodb/db1/ --logpath /usr/local/mongodb/logs/m1.log &