[LeetCode] Insertion Sort List

简介: Well, life gets difficult pretty soon whenever the same operation on array is transferred to linked list.

Well, life gets difficult pretty soon whenever the same operation on array is transferred to linked list.

First, a quick recap of insertion sort:

Start from the second element (simply a[1] in array and the annoying head -> next -> val in linked list), each time when we see a node with val smaller than its previous node, we scan from the head and find the position that the current node should be inserted. Since a node may be inserted before head, we create a new_head that points to head. The insertion operation, however, is a little easier for linked list.

Now comes the code:

 1 class Solution { 
 2 public:
 3     ListNode* insertionSortList(ListNode* head) {
 4         ListNode* new_head = new ListNode(0);
 5         new_head -> next = head;
 6         ListNode* pre = new_head;
 7         ListNode* cur = head;
 8         while (cur) {
 9             if (cur -> next && cur -> next -> val < cur -> val) {
10                 while (pre -> next && pre -> next -> val < cur -> next -> val)
11                     pre = pre -> next;
12                 /* Insert cur -> next after pre.*/
13                 ListNode* temp = pre -> next;
14                 pre -> next = cur -> next;
15                 cur -> next = cur -> next -> next;
16                 pre -> next -> next = temp;
17                 /* Move pre back to new_head. */
18                 pre = new_head;
19             }
20             else cur = cur -> next;
21         }
22         ListNode* res = new_head -> next;
23         delete new_head;
24         return res;
25     }
26 };


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怎么在在 Java 中对List进行分区
本文介绍了如何将列表拆分为给定大小的子列表。尽管标准Java集合API未直接支持此功能,但Guava和Apache Commons Collections提供了相关API。