What things you can do in System Center VMM? (Private Cloud)

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简介: Hi guys, I want toshare things what I know about SCVMM, thank very much!  ---This is an article about Microsoft PrivateClo...

Hi guys, I want toshare things what I know about SCVMM, thank very much!

 ---This is an article about Microsoft PrivateCloud- System Center Virtual Machine Manager's knowledge sharing, thanks.

System Center VMM : Virtual Machine Manager

1.   VMsand ServicesGettingStarted with System Center 2012 - Virtual Machine Manager

a.    Tenants

i.     You can create/modify/delete User Role in Tenants, a user role contains Name,Description, Profile(Fabric Administrator(Delegated Administrator)/Read-OnlyAdministrator/Tenant Administrator/Application Administrator(Self-ServiceUser)), Members, Scope(Clouds and Hosts),

1.   For Fabric Administrator and Read-Only Administrator, Library servers, Run Asaccounts,

2.   For Tenant Administrator and Application Administrator : Qutas for the clouds,Networking, Rescources, Actions.

b.   Clouds

 i.     You can create/modify/delete Cloud in Clouds, a Cloud contains Name, Description,Resources(Hosts/VMware resource pools), Logical Networks, Load Balancers, VIPTemplates, Port Classifications(SR-IOV/Host management/Network loadbalancing/Live migration workload/Medium bandwidth/Host Cluster Workload/Lowbandwidth/High bandwidth/iSCSI workload), Storage, Library(Stored VM path andRead-only library shares),Capacity(Virtual CPUs/Memory (GB)/Storage (GB)/Customquota (points)/Virtual machines),CapabilityProfiles(Hyper-V/XenServer/ESXServer/customCapabilityProfile)

ii.     You can create a new Service or create a Service using an existing servicetemplate, modify/delete the Service in Clouds, a Service contains Name,Release, Description, Cost center, Owner(a Owner and a User Role),Priority(Normal/Low/High), Status, Type, Service Settings/Servocomg Windows,Dependencies(Patterns), Custom Properties, Access(Self-Service owner and Sharedwith these Self-Service users or roles)

 iii.     You can create a new Virtual Machine using an existing VM/VM template/ virtual harddisk or create a new VM with a blank virtual hard disk, a virtual machinecontains Name, Description,Configure Hardware(select a Hardware profile),Select Destination(

1.   Deploythe virtual machine to a private cloud

a.    SelectCloud

b.   AddProperties

2.   Placethe virtual machine on a host

a.    SelectHost

b.   ConfigureSettings(Locations/Networking/Machine Resources)

c.    SelectNetworks(Virtual Network Adapter/VM Network/Virtual Switch/VLAN)

d.   AddProperties

i.     Automationactions: 1. Action to take when the virtualization server starts: Neverautomatically turn on the virtual machine/Always automatically turn on thevirtual machine/Automatically turn on the virtual machine if it was runningwhen physical server stopped. 2. Save State/Turn off virtual machine/Shut downguest OS

ii.     Operationsystem

3.   Storethe virtual machine in the library

a.    SelectLibrary Server

b.   Selectvirtual machine Path


iv.     Youcan Clone/Create VM Template/Shut down/Power On/Power Off/Pause/Resume/Reset/SaveState/Discard Saved State/Migrate Storage/Migrate Virtual Machine/Store inLibrary/Create Checkpoint/Manage Checkpoints/Refresh/Repair/Install VirtualGuest Services/Modify/Delete the virtual machine. Connect or View the virtualmachine via Console/RDP, view the Networking.

1.   AVirtual Machine can modify its Cost center/Tag/HardwareConfiguration/Checkpoints/Custom Properties/Self-Service Quotapoints/PRO(Performance an dResource Optimization)/Servicing Windows/Accessafter created.

2.   InHardware Configuration, you can modify VM’s CloudCompatiblity/Processor/Memory/Floppy Drive/COM 1/COM 2/Video Adapter/IDEDevices/SCSI Adapter 0/Network Adapter 1/IntegrationServices/Availability/BIOS/CPU Priority.

v.     Youcan Assign existing user roles or a new user role to current cloud.

c.    VMNetworks

i.     Youcan Create/Modify/Delete VM Network in VM Networks. It contains Name,Description, Logical network, Isolation(Isolate using Hyper-V networkvirtualization/No isolation), View Dependent Resources of the VM Networks.

d.   Storage

 i.     Youcan see physical drives for each VM, including its Disk information, Capacityinformation and Capacity.

e.    AllHosts

 i.     Youcan Create/Modify/Move/Delete Host Group/Add Hypeer-V Hosts and Clusters/AddCitrix XenServer Hosts and Clusters/Add VMware ESX Hosts and Clusters/ViewNetworking in All Hosts.

 ii.     HostGroup contains Name, Location, Description, Allow unencrypted file transfers(offers improved performance but is less secure): check/uncheck, PlacementRules, Host Reserves, Dynamic Optimization, Network, Storage and CustomProperties.

 iii.     AddHypeer-V Hosts and Clusters

1.   Indicatethe Windows computer location:

a.    WScomputers in a trusted Active Directory domainHow to Add TrustedHyper-V Hosts and Host Clusters

i.     Credentials:Usean existing Run As account/Manually enter the credentials

 ii.     Discoveryscope:Specify WS computers by names/Specify an Active Directory query to searchfor WS computers

iii.     Targetresources: Select all

iv.     Hostsettings:Host Group, Reassociate this host with this VMM environment, Add thefollowing path,Remove from “Selected virtual machines placement paths”

b.   WScomputer in an untrusted Active Directory domainHow to AddUntrusted Hyper-V Hosts and Host Clusters

 i.     Credentials:Usean existing Run As account

ii.     Targetresources:FQDN or IP address

 iii.     Hostsettings: Host Group, Reassociate this host with this VMM environment, Add thefollowing path,Remove from “Selected virtual machines placement paths”

c.    WScomputers in a perimeter networkHow to AddHyper-V Hosts in a Perimeter Network

 i.     Targetresources:Computer name, Encryption key, Security filepath

ii.     Hostsettings: Host Group, Reassociate this host with this VMM environment, Add thefollowing path,Remove from “Selected virtual machines placement paths”

d.   Physicalcomputers to be provisioned as virtual machine hostsHow to AddHyper-V Hosts in a Perimeter Network

 i.     Credentialsand protocol:Use an existing Run As account, Protocol: IPMI(IntelligentPlatform Management Interface), SMASH(Systems Management Architecture for ServerHardware), Prort: 623

ii.     Discoveryscope: IP addresss, IP subnet, IP range

 iii.     Targetresources(for IP subnet, IP range)

iv.     Provisioningoptions: Host group,

v.     Deploymentcustomization: Computer name, Skip Active Directory check for this computername: check/uncheck

iv.     AddCitrix XenServer Hosts and ClustersManaging Citrix XenServer Overview

1.   Serversettings: Computer name, TCP port:5989, Run As account, Host group, Thesecertificates have been reviewed and can be imported to the trusted certificatestore: check.

 v.     AddVMware ESX Hosts and ClustersManaging VMware ESX Hosts Overview

1.   Run  As account, Target resources, Host settings

2.   Fabric

a.    Servers

i.     AddLibrary Server

1.   Entercredentials: Use an existing Run As account/Enter a user name and password

2.   SelectLibrary Servers: Domain, Computer name, Skip Active Directory nameverification: check/uncheck, Add

3.   AddLibrary Shares: Select library shares to add

ii.     InLibrary Servers

1.   Youcan Scan/Remediate/Compliance Properties/Update Agent/Reeassociate/Connect viaRDP/Add Library Shares/Refresh/Remove/Properties a Server.

iii.     AddPXE Server

1.   Computername, Use an existing Run As account/Enter a user name and password

iv.     InPXE Servers

1.   Youcan Add PXE Server, Update WinPE Image

v.     AddUpdate Server

1.   Computername, TCP/IP port, Use an existing Run As account/Enter a user name andpassword, Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to communicate with WSUS server andclients

vi.     InUpdate Servers

1.   Youcan Scan/Remediate/Compliance Properties/Update Agent/Reeassociate/Connect viaRDP/ Remove/Properties a Server.

 vii.     AddVMware vCenter Server

1.   Computername, TCIP/IP port:443, Run As account, Communicate with VMware ESX hosts insecure mode: check/uncheck.

viii.     InVMware vCenter Servers

1.   Youcan Scan/Remediate/Compliance Properties/Update Agent/Reeassociate/Connect viaRDP/ Remove/Properties a Server.

 ix.     InVMM Server

1.   Youcan Scan/Remediate/Compliance Properties/Update Agent/Reeassociate/Connect viaRDP/ Remove/ Properties a Server.

b.   Networking

i.     CreateLogical Network

1.   Name,Description, Network sites within this logical network are not connected:check/uncheck, Allow new VM networks created on this logical network to usenetwork virtualization: check/uncheck

2.   NetworkSite: Add/Remove

3.   Youcan Create IP Pool/View Dependent Resources/Remove/Properties in LogicalNetworks

ii.     CreateMAC Pool

1.   Nameand Host Group: MAC address pool name, Description, Host groups

2.   MACAddress Range: Starting MAC address, Ending MAC address

3.   Youcan Remove/Properties in MAC Address Pools

 iii.     AddLoad Balancer

1.   Credentials:Run As account

2.   HostGroup

3.   Manufacturerand Model

4.   Addresss:Specify the IP address, fully qualified domain name (FQDN), or the NetBIOSnames of the load balancers, Port number

5.   LogicalNetwork Affinity

6.   Provider

 iv.     CreateVIP Template

1.   Name:Template name, Description, Virtual IP port

2.   Type:Gerneric, Specific: Manufacturer + Model

3.   Protocol:HTTP, HTTPS passthrough, HTTP terminate, Custom Protocol name

4.   Persistence:Enable persistence: check/uncheck

5.   LoadBalancing: Least Connections/Fareast Response Time/Round Robin

6.   HealthMonitores: Insert/Delete

7.   Youcan View Depenedent Resources/Remove/Properties a VIP Template.

v.     AddVirtual Switch Extension Manager

vi.     CreateLogical Switch

1.   General:Name, Description, Enable single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV):check/uncheck

2.   Extensions:Microsoft NDIS Capture, Microosft Windows Filtering Platform

3.   Uplink:Uplink mode, Uplink port profiles

4.   VirtualPort: Port classification, Include a virtual network adapter port profile inthis virtual port: check/uncheck, if check, port profile: Cluster, Default,High Bandwidth Adapter, Host management, iScsi, Live migration, Low BandwidthAdapter, Medium Bandwidth Adapter, Network load balancer NIC Profile, SR-IOVProfile

vii.     CreateNative Port Profile

1.   General:Name, Description

2.   Typeof native port profile: Uplink port profile, Network configuration: Networksites, Enable Windows Network Virtualization: check/uncheck

3.   Typeof native port profile: Virtual network adapter port profile,

4.   OffloadSettings: Enable virtual machine queue, Enable IPsec task offloading, EnableSingle-root I/O virtualization

5.   SecuritySettings: Allow MAC spoofing, Enable DHCP guard, Allow router guard, Allowguest teaming, Allow IEEE priority tagging

6.   BandwidthSettings: Minimum bandwidth (Mbps), Maximum bandwidth (Mbps), Mninimumbandwidth weight

 viii.     CreatePort Classification

1.   Name,Description

 ix.     AddGateway

c.    Storage

i.     CreateClassification

a.    Name,Description

ii.     CreateLogical Unit

a.    Storagepool

b.   Name,Description

c.    Size(GB)

 iii.     CreateFile Share

 iv.     AddStorage Devices

1.   Adda Windows-based file server as managed storage device/ Add a storage devicethat is managed by an SMI-S provider/ Add a storage device that is managed byan SMP provider

2.   SpecifyDiscovery Scope: Provider IP adress or FQDN, This computer is in an untrustedActive Directory domain: check/uncheck, Run As account

3.   GatherInformation

4.   SelectStorage Devices

3.   Library

a.    Templates

 i.     ServiceDeployment Configurations

1.   Youcan Configure Deployment, delete Service Deployment Configurations

2.   Youcan see Service Deployment Configurations when you Configure Deployment for aService Template but not deploy it.

 ii.     ServiceTemplates

1.   CreateService Templates

a.    ServiceName, Release

b.   Patterns:Blank, Single Machine (v1.0), Two Tier Application (v1.0), Three TierApplication (v1.0)

2.   Youcan Copy, Copy and Update, Configure Deployment, Export, Publish, Revoke, ViewUpdated Resources, Open Designer, Delete, Modify Properties.

 iii.     VMTemplates

1.   CreateVM Templates

a.    Usean existing VM template or a virtual hard disk stored in the library

b.   VMTemplate name, Description

c.    ConfigureHardware

d.   ConfigureOperating System

e.    ConfigureApplications

f.      ConfigureSQL Server

2.   CreateVM Templates

a.    Froman existing virtual machine that is deployed on a host

b.   VMTemplate name, Description

c.    ConfigureHardware

d.   ConfigureOperating System

e.    ConfigureLibarary Server

f.      SelectVirtual machine path

b.   Profiles

i.     ApplicationProfiles

1.   CreateApplication Profile

2.   Name,Description, Compatibility: General/SQL Server Application Host/Web ApplicationHost

3.   ApplicationConfiguration: SQL Server data-tier application, Virutal application, Webapplication, Application script, Script

4.   Youcan Copy, Delete, Modify Properties for a Application Profile

 ii.     CapabilityProfiles

1.   CreateCapability Profile

2.   Name,Description

3.   Capabilities:Compatibility: Fabric Compatibility Hyper-V, General: Processor Rang/MemoryRange/DVD Drive Range/Shared Image Mode, Bus Configuration: Hard DiskCount/Disk Size Range/Fixed Disk Mode/Dynamic Disk Mode/Differencing Disk Mode,Network Adapter Range/Network Optimizations, Advanced: Availability

4.   Youcan Copy, View Dependent Resources, Delete, Modify Properties for a CapabilityProfile

iii.     GuestOS Profiles

1.   CreateGuest OS Profile

2.   Name,Description, Compatibility: Microsoft Windows/Linux

3.   GuesOS Profile: General Settings: Operating System/Identity Information/AdminPassword/Product Key/Time Zone,Roles and Features: Roles/Features, Networking:Domain/Workgroups, Scripts: Answer file/[GUIRunOnce] Commands

4.   Youcan Copy, Delete, Modify Properties for a Guest OS Profile

 iv.     HardwareProfiles

1.   CreateHardware Profile

2.   Name,Decription

3.   HardWareProfile:  Compatiblitiy: Cloud CapabilityProfile, General: Processor/Memory/Floppy Drive/ COM 1/COM 2/Video Adapter, BusConfiguration: IDE Devices/SCSI Adapter 0, Network Adapters: Network Adapter 1,Advanced: Availablity/BIOS/CPU Priority/Virtual NUMA/Memory Weight

4.   Youcan Copy, Delete, Modify Properties for a Hardware Profile

v.     HostProfiles

1.   ProfileDescription: Name, Description

2.   OSImage: VHD file, Do not convert the virtual hard disk type to fixed duringdeployment: check/uncheck

3.   HarwareConfiguration:Network Adapters, Disk and Partitions, Driver Options

4.   OSConfiguration: Gerneral Seetings(Domain, Admin Password, Identity Information,Product Key, Time Zone), Scripts(Answer File, [GUIRunOnce]Commands)

5.   Hostsettings: Host Group, Reassociate this host with this VMM environment, Add thefollowing path,Remove from “Selected virtual machines placement paths”

6.   Youcan Delete, Modify Properties for a Host Profile

 vi.     SQLServer Profiles

1.   CreateSQL Sever Profile

2.   Name,Description

3.   SQLServer Configuration: Add SQL Server Deployment: Deployment1 1: Name/Instancename/Instance ID/Product Key/Installatioon Run As account/Timeout,Configuration:Media source/SQL Server administrators/Security mode, System administrator (SA)password Run As account/ Use TCP/IP for remote connections/ Use named pipes forremote connections/SQL Server configuration file, Service Accounts: SQL Serverservice Run As Account/SQL Server Agent service Run As Account/ReportingServices Run As Account

4.   Youcan Copy, Delete, Modify Properties for a SQL Server Profile

c.    EquivalentObject: See Global Custom Resources

d.   CloudLibraries: See Clouds

e.    SelfService User Content

f.      LibraryServers

 i.     Add/RemoveLibrary Server, Modify its Description, Host group, VM networks, Librarymanagement credential, Allow unencrypted transfers: check/uncheck

1.   Likeyou do in FabricàServerà Add Library Server

  ii.     Add/Remove/Refresh/ExploreLibrary Shares

g.    UpdateCatalog and Baselines

4.   Jobs

a.    Running

 i.     Youcan search job for Status, Start Time, End Time, Result Type, Owner, SessionOwner

ii.     Youcan select a job and check its Summary/Detals/Change Tracking

iii.     Youcan select a job and Restart/Restart (Skip last failed step)/Cancel a job

b.   History

 i.     Youcan search job for Status, Start Time, End Time, Result Type, Owner, SessionOwner

 ii.     Youcan select a job and check its Summary/Detals/Change Tracking

 iii.     Youcan select a job and Restart/Restart (Skip last failed step)/Cancel a job

5.   Settings

a.    General

 i.     Modify“Customer Experience Improvement Program Settings” properties:Join CEIP: Yes/No

ii.     Check“Database Connection” properties: Database server name, Database instance name,Database name

 iii.     Modify“Library Settings” properties: Enable libarry refresh: check/uncheck, Libraryrefresh interval (hours):1

iv.     Modify“Remote Control” properties: Default VMConnect port: 2179

v.     Modify“Network Settings” properties: Locial network matching: First DNS SuffixLabel/DNS Suffix/Network Connection Name/Virtual Network Switch Name/Disable,if failes, match by: Network Connection Name/Virtual Network SwitchName/Disable, Create logical networks automatically: check/uncheck, CreateVirtual switches automatically: check/uncheck

b.   Security

i.     UserRoles

1.   CreateUser Role like you creating in Tenants

 ii.     RunAs Accounts

1.   CreateRun As account

2.   Name,Description

3.   Username, Password, Confirm password, Validate domain credntials: check/uncheck

c.    ServicingWindows

i.     CreateServicing Window

ii.     Name,Description

iii.     Category:Normal

iv.     Starttime

v.     Duration:1 Minutes/Hours

vi.     Recurrencepattern: Daily/Weekly/Monthly

d.   ConfigurationProviders

i.     MicrosoftNetwork Load Balancing (NLB)

e.    SystemCenter Settings

 i.     OperationsManager Server

 ii.     AddOperations Manger

iii.     Introduction

 iv.     Connectionto…:

1.   Servername

2.   Usethe VMM Server service account/ Use a Run As account

3.   EnablePerformance and Resource Optimization (PRO): check/uncheck

4.   Enablemaintenance mode integration with Operation Manger: check/uncheck

v.     Connectionto VMM

1.   Username

2.   Password

f.      ConsoleAdd-ins

1.   ImportConsole Add-in Wizard

2.   Selectan Add-in: Add-in path

6.   Others





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