最近的项目中,需要用system center services manager来为用户呈现服务请求的自动化,在前期使用微软自己的CSPP(cloud services process pack)做了一下测试,在部署时遇到了一些小问题,这里跟大家分享一下
具体的部署截图我就不列举了,部署是很简单的,可以参考官方library或者一些博客文章,我的环境是基于windows server 2012 R2+system center 2012 R2上的;这里要说明一下SCSM2012 R2使用CSPP for SC2012 SP1是没有问题的
安装分为两部分,上面的CSPP是要在你的SCSM管理服务器上安装的,记住是SCSM管理服务器,不是SCSM DW管理服务器;第二个是要在orchestrator管理服务器上安装的,如果你的SCO是ALL-IN-ONE的话,那么就直接装好了,如果是分布式的部署,比如designer和runbook server都拆开了,那么就要选对机器
The installation of Cloud Services runbooks fails at the step, “Import Cloud services runbooks,” with the error message, “An error occurred while executing the custom action_ImportRunbooks.” The installation log file shows the error, “System.Management.Automation.PSSecurityException: AuthorizationManager check failed.”
To fix the issue
1. Extract all files from “System_Center_Cloud_Services_Process_Pack_Beta.zip” into a folder.
2. Find the folder SCORunbooks under the folder Setup.
3. Right-click on the two PowerShell scripts, ProcessSCORunbook.ps1 and SCO-COM-PowerShell.psm1.
4. On the General tab, click Unblock and Save.
5. Select Setup.exe from the extraction folder used in Step1.
6. Right-click and select Run As Administrator. (Make sure that Setup.exe and the Setup folder are in the same location.)
使用unblock-file <file path>即可;然后再以管理员方式运行setup就ok了
本文转自maomaostyle 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/maomaostyle/1311064,如需转载请自行联系原作者