C 408—《数据结构》算法题基础篇—链表(下)

简介: 408考研——《数据结构》算法题基础篇之链表(下)。




























六、两个循环单链表的连接 (链接)















九、查找单链表中倒数第K个结点 [2009真题]





十、两个链表存储两个单词求共同后缀的起始位置 [2012真题]





十一、链表绝对值的去重 [2015真题]





十二、链表元素的重新交错排列 [2019真题]







  • 408应试的角度来看,算法题主要分为四部分——①线性表(包括数组和链表);②二叉树;③图;④查找。本篇博文主要讲链表相关基础算法(由于链表相关的算法题目较多,所以up分为了上下两篇博文)
  • 博文中涉及到的题目全部参考自《王道数据结构考研复习指导》《竟成408考研复习全书》。
  • 注意事项——①点击文章侧边栏目录或者文章开头的目录可以进行跳转。所有题目都符合408算法题的题目格式,即第一问算法设计思想、第二问C语言描述该算法、第三问计算该算法的时空复杂度。
  • 良工不示人以朴,up所有文章都会适时补充完善。大家如果有问题都可以在评论区进行交流或者私信up。感谢阅读!






       我们早在“C 408—《数据结构》算法题基础篇—数组”一文中就接触过归并思想。它的算法思想是:从头到尾依次比较两个顺序表中的元素,并把更小的那个元素放在最终的顺序表中,直到合并完毕;只不过现在从"顺序表"换成"链表"了,在顺序中我们是通过三个下标实现的,那么在链表中我们自然要通过三个指针来实现了。




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Data Structure Defining
typedef struct LinkNode {
    int data;
    struct LinkNode * next;
} LinkNode, * LinkList;
//Functions Declaration
void initialize(LinkList * pHead);
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data);
void traverse(LinkList pHead);
void freeList(LinkList pHead);
void freeSingleNode(LinkNode * node);
LinkList mergeTwoList(LinkList listA, LinkList listB);
int main(void) {
    LinkList listA,listB;
    LinkNode * a1 = createNewNode(1);
    LinkNode * a2 = createNewNode(2);
    LinkNode * a3 = createNewNode(2);
    LinkNode * a4 = createNewNode(3);
    LinkNode * a5 = createNewNode(4);
    LinkNode * a6 = createNewNode(5);
    listA->next = a1;
    a1->next = a2;
    a2->next = a3;
    a3->next = a4;
    a4->next = a5;
    a5->next = a6;
    a6->next = NULL;
    LinkNode * b1 = createNewNode(11);
    LinkNode * b2 = createNewNode(77);
    LinkNode * b3 = createNewNode(141);
    listB->next = b1;
    b1->next = b2;
    b2->next = b3;
    b3->next = NULL;
    LinkList finalList = mergeTwoList(listA, listB);
    printf("在合并后,降序链表finalList情况 —— ");
    return 0;
void initialize(LinkList * pHead) {
    (*pHead) = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    (*pHead)->data = 0;
    (*pHead)->next = NULL;
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data) {
    LinkNode * p = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    p->data = data;
    p->next = NULL;
    return p;
void traverse(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead->next;
    while (p != NULL) {
        printf("%d ", p->data);
        p = p->next;
void freeList(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead;
    LinkNode * temp;
    while (p != NULL) {
        temp = p;
        p = p->next;
void freeSingleNode(LinkNode * node) {
LinkList mergeTwoList(LinkList listA, LinkList listB) {
    LinkList finalList;
    LinkNode * p1 = listA->next;
    LinkNode * p2 = listB->next;
    LinkNode * temp;                        //定义temp指针是为了防止在头插的时候断链。
    while (p1 != NULL && p2 != NULL) {      //只要链表listA和listB中还有元素没有遍历完毕,就继续进行合并。
        if (p1->data <= p2->data) {         //注意——目标链表是降序链表,所以要先插小的。
            temp = p1->next;
            //进行 头插
            p1->next = finalList->next;
            finalList->next = p1;
            p1 = temp;
        } else {
            temp = p2->next;
            p2->next = finalList->next;
            finalList->next = p2;
            p2 = temp;
    while (p1 != NULL) {            //若listA中还有剩余的元素,就逐个头插到finalList中。
        temp = p1->next;
        p1->next = finalList->next;
        finalList->next = p1;
        p1 = temp;
    while (p2 != NULL) {            //若listB中还有剩余的元素,就逐个头插到finalList中。
        temp = p2->next;
        p2->next = finalList->next;
        finalList->next = p2;
        p2 = temp;
    return finalList;


               运行结果 :

image.gif 编辑


      (1) 时间复杂度 :

       O(m + n). 这是合并两个链表的最佳时间复杂度.

      (2) 空间复杂度 :

       O(1). 因为我们没有创建新的结点(题目也不允许我们创建), 整个过程只使用了几个临时的辅助变量, 所以该算法是"原地工作"的.










#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Data Structure Defining
typedef struct LinkNode {
    int data;
    struct LinkNode * next;
} LinkNode, * LinkList;
//Functions Declaration
void initialize(LinkList * pHead);
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data);
void traverse(LinkList pHead);
void freeList(LinkList pHead);
LinkList findCommonValues(LinkList listA, LinkList listB);
int main(void) {
    LinkList listA,listB;
    LinkNode * a1 = createNewNode(1);
    LinkNode * a2 = createNewNode(2);
    LinkNode * a3 = createNewNode(2);
    LinkNode * a4 = createNewNode(3);
    LinkNode * a5 = createNewNode(5);
    listA->next = a1;
    a1->next = a2;
    a2->next = a3;
    a3->next = a4;
    a4->next = a5;
    a5->next = NULL;
    LinkNode * b1 = createNewNode(2);
    LinkNode * b2 = createNewNode(2);
    LinkNode * b3 = createNewNode(3);
    LinkNode * b4 = createNewNode(7);
    listB->next = b1;
    b1->next = b2;
    b2->next = b3;
    b3->next = b4;
    b4->next = NULL;
    printf("\n初始的升序链表listA情况: ");
    printf("\n初始的升序链表listB情况: ");
    LinkList listC = findCommonValues(listA, listB);
    printf("\n维护有listA, listB公共值结点的listC链表情况: ");
    return 0;
void initialize(LinkList * pHead) {
    (*pHead) = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    (*pHead)->data = 0;
    (*pHead)->next = NULL;
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data) {
    LinkNode * p = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    p->data = data;
    p->next = NULL;
    return p;
void traverse(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead->next;
    while (p != NULL) {
        printf("%d ", p->data);
        p = p->next;
void freeList(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead;
    LinkNode * temp;
    while (p != NULL) {
        temp = p;
        p = p->next;
LinkList findCommonValues(LinkList listA, LinkList listB) {
    LinkNode * p = listA->next;
    LinkNode * q = listB->next;
    LinkList listC;
    LinkNode * rear = listC;                //listC链表的尾指针,用于实现共同值结点尾插到listC链表中。
    while (p != NULL && q != NULL) {
        if (p->data < q->data) {
            p = p->next;
        } else if (p->data > q->data) {
            q = q->next;
        } else {
            //去重(Eliminates consecutive duplicates in the result list)
            if (rear == listC || p->data != rear->data) {
                LinkNode * commonValueNode = createNewNode(p->data);
                rear->next = commonValueNode;
                rear = commonValueNode;
            p = p->next;
            q = q->next;
    return listC;


               运行结果 :

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      (1) 时间复杂度 :

       The time complexity is O(n + m), where n and m are the lengths of listA and listB respectively. This is optimal for this problem.

      (2) 空间复杂度

       The space complexity is O(min{n, m}) in the worst case, which is also optimal.










#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Data Structure Defining
typedef struct LinkNode {
    int data;
    struct LinkNode * next;
} LinkNode, * LinkList;
//Functions Declaration
void initialize(LinkList * pHead);
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data);
void traverse(LinkList pHead);
void freeList(LinkList pHead);
void retainCommonValuesInListA(LinkList listA, LinkList listB);
int main(void) {
    LinkList listA,listB;
    LinkNode * a1 = createNewNode(2);
    LinkNode * a2 = createNewNode(3);
    LinkNode * a3 = createNewNode(3);
    LinkNode * a4 = createNewNode(4);
    LinkNode * a5 = createNewNode(777);
    listA->next = a1;
    a1->next = a2;
    a2->next = a3;
    a3->next = a4;
    a4->next = a5;
    a5->next = NULL;
    LinkNode * b1 = createNewNode(1);
    LinkNode * b2 = createNewNode(3);
    LinkNode * b3 = createNewNode(4);
    LinkNode * b4 = createNewNode(11);
    listB->next = b1;
    b1->next = b2;
    b2->next = b3;
    b3->next = b4;
    b4->next = NULL;
    printf("\n初始的升序链表listA情况: ");
    printf("\n初始的升序链表listB情况: ");
    retainCommonValuesInListA(listA, listB);
    printf("\n最终的listA 链表情况: ");
    return 0;
void initialize(LinkList * pHead) {
    (*pHead) = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    (*pHead)->data = 0;
    (*pHead)->next = NULL;
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data) {
    LinkNode * p = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    p->data = data;
    p->next = NULL;
    return p;
void traverse(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead->next;
    while (p != NULL) {
        printf("%d ", p->data);
        p = p->next;
void freeList(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead;
    LinkNode * temp;
    while (p != NULL) {
        temp = p;
        p = p->next;
void retainCommonValuesInListA(LinkList listA, LinkList listB) {
    LinkNode * prevA = listA;
    LinkNode * currentA = listA->next;
    LinkNode * currentB = listB->next;
    while (currentA != NULL && currentB != NULL) {
        if (currentA->data < currentB->data) {
            prevA->next = currentA->next;
            currentA = prevA->next;
        } else if (currentA->data > currentB->data) {
            currentB = currentB->next;
        } else {
            //(Eliminates consecutive duplicates in the result list)
            if (currentA->data == prevA->data) {
                prevA->next = currentA->next;
                currentA = prevA->next;
            prevA = currentA;
            currentA = currentA->next;
            currentB = currentB->next;
    while (currentA != NULL) {
        prevA->next = currentA->next;
        currentA = prevA->next;


               运行结果 :

image.gif 编辑


      (1) 时间复杂度 :

       The time complexity is O(n + m), where n and m are the lengths of listA and listB respectively. This is optimal for this problem.

      (2) 空间复杂度

       The space complexity is O(1) as it operates in-place on listA.






  1. 暴力法”,分别用currentA和currentB两个指针指向listA和listB的当前结点,另设指针prevA记录每一轮循环的currentA是从哪个结点开始遍历的,
  2. listA和listB均从头开始遍历,判断当前对应的结点是否相等(指值相等),
  3. 对于第一次判断,如果不相等,令currentA指针后移一位(此时currentB指针仍然指向listB链表的首结点),重新开始判断;如果相等,就令currentA和currentB指针同时向右移,并再次判断新指向的对应的结点是否相等,
  4. 如果再次判断的结果不相等,说明之前判断相等的结点到这儿就卡住了,形不成同listB一样的连续序列,也就是说此次循环中,cuttentA从prevA记录的位置开始遍历listA是找不到和B一样的连续序列的(注意此时currentB指针已经发生了移动),
  5. 那么,出现失败的情况后,对于listA,令currentA指向prevA记录结点的下一个结点,并令currentB的指针重新回到listB的首结点,开始新的一轮循环,
  6. 如果发现任意一方的指针指向NULL时,跳出循环,此时判断currentB是否为NULL,只要currentB为NULL,说明一定在listA中找到了一个与listB相同的连续子序列。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
//Data Structure Defining
typedef struct LinkNode {
    int data;
    struct LinkNode * next;
} LinkNode, * LinkList;
//Functions Declaration
void initialize(LinkList * pHead);
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data);
void traverse(LinkList pHead);
void freeList(LinkList pHead);
bool judgeSequentialSub(LinkList listA, LinkList listB);
int main(void) {
    //Test our algorithm
    LinkList listA,listB;
    LinkNode * a1 = createNewNode(11);
    LinkNode * a2 = createNewNode(2);
    LinkNode * a3 = createNewNode(3);
    LinkNode * a4 = createNewNode(4);
    LinkNode * a5 = createNewNode(5);
    listA->next = a1;
    a1->next = a2;
    a2->next = a3;
    a3->next = a4;
    a4->next = a5;
    a5->next = NULL;
    LinkNode * b1 = createNewNode(3);
    LinkNode * b2 = createNewNode(4);
    LinkNode * b3 = createNewNode(5);
    listB->next = b1;
    b1->next = b2;
    b2->next = b3;
    b3->next = NULL;
    printf("\n初始的listA情况: ");
    printf("\n初始的listB情况: ");
    bool result = judgeSequentialSub(listA, listB);
    printf("Is listB a suqential sublist from listA? %s ", result ? "Yes!" : "No!");
    return 0;
void initialize(LinkList * pHead) {
    (*pHead) = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    (*pHead)->data = 0;
    (*pHead)->next = NULL;
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data) {
    LinkNode * p = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    p->data = data;
    p->next = NULL;
    return p;
void traverse(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead->next;     //Side note: Remember the type of next;
    while (p != NULL) {
        printf("%d ", p->data);
        p = p->next;
void freeList(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead;
    LinkNode * temp;
    while (p != NULL) {
        temp = p;
        p = p->next;
bool judgeSequentialSub(LinkList listA, LinkList listB) {
    LinkNode * currentA = listA->next;
    LinkNode * lastTimeA = currentA;            //To record where the currentA begins its traversing
    LinkNode * currentB = listB->next;
    while (currentA != NULL && currentB != NULL) {
        if (currentA->data == currentB->data) {
            currentA = currentA->next;
            currentB = currentB->next;  
        } else {                                //Update the currentA and lastTimeA if it doesn't match
            currentA = lastTimeA->next;
            lastTimeA = currentA;
            if (listB->next != currentB) {      //If listB didn't move, we won't reset it.
                currentB = listB->next;
    //return (currentB == NULL) ? true : false;
    return currentB == NULL; 


               运行结果 :


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      (1) 时间复杂度 :

       In the worst case scenario:

       You might need to check every node in listA as a potential starting point for a match.

       For each starting point, you might need to compare with all nodes in listB.

       So the time complexity is O(n * m) , where n is the number of nodes in listA and m is the number of nodes in listB.

      (2) 空间复杂度

       Uses only a fixed number of additional pointers (currentA, lastTimeA, currentB) regardless of the input size.

       It doesn't use any additional data structures that grow with the input size.

       Therefore, the space complexity is O(1) - constant space.







       关于链表是否对称,其实就是从链表的两端开始,每一对对应的结点的值都相同,不难想到会出现链表个数为奇数和链表个数为偶数这两种情况(一般讨论链表结点数时,不考虑头结点,因为头结点并不承载有效数据),使用两个指针left 和 right分别初始化为链表的尾结点和首结点,left指针以尾结点到首结点方向从右向左遍历,right指针则从首结点开始,依次向右遍历,只要left和right指向的结点的数据域相同,就继续遍历下去




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
//Data Structure Defining
typedef struct DlinkNode {
    int data;
    struct DlinkNode * prev, * next;
} DlinkNode, * DlinkList;
//Functions Declaration
void initialize(DlinkList * pHead);
DlinkNode * createNewNode(int data);
void traverse(DlinkList pHead);
void freeList(DlinkList pHead);
bool judgeDoubleLink(DlinkList pHead);
int main(void) {
    //Here is one specific circular double linked list ,to test our algorithm
    DlinkList pHead;
    DlinkNode * d1 = createNewNode(11);
    DlinkNode * d2 = createNewNode(5);
    DlinkNode * d3 = createNewNode(9);
    DlinkNode * d4 = createNewNode(5);
    DlinkNode * d5 = createNewNode(11);
    pHead->next = d1;
    d1->prev = pHead;
    d1->next = d2;
    d2->prev = d1;
    d2->next = d3;
    d3->prev = d2;
    d3->next = d4;
    d4->prev = d3;
    d4->next = d5;
    d5->prev = d4;
    d5->next = pHead;
    pHead->prev = d5;
    printf("\nLet take a look of our tentative list: ");
    bool key = judgeDoubleLink(pHead);
    printf("Is it a symmetic list? %s", key ? "Yes!" : "No!");
    return 0;
void initialize(DlinkList * pHead) {
    (*pHead) = (DlinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(DlinkNode));
    (*pHead)->data = 0;
    (*pHead)->prev = NULL;
    (*pHead)->next = NULL;
DlinkNode * createNewNode(int data) {
    DlinkNode * p = (DlinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(DlinkNode));
    p->data = data;
    p->prev = NULL;
    p->next = NULL;
    return p;
void traverse(DlinkList pHead) {        //Don't forget it's a circular linked list
    DlinkNode * p = pHead->next;
    while (p != pHead) {
        printf("%d ", p->data);
        p = p->next;
void freeList(DlinkList pHead) {        //Don't forget it's a circular linked list
    DlinkNode * p = pHead;
    DlinkNode * temp;
    while (p->next != pHead) {
        temp = p;
        p = p->next;
bool judgeDoubleLink(DlinkList pHead) {
    if (pHead->next == pHead) return true;// Handle empty lists
    DlinkNode * left = pHead->prev;
    DlinkNode * right = pHead->next;
    while (left->data == right->data) {
        if (left->prev == right->next)      //When the number of list is odd, take this handling
            return true;
        if (left->prev == right || right->next == left) //When the number of list is even, take this handling
            return true;
        left = left->prev;
        right = right->next;
    return false;


               运行结果 :

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      (1) 时间复杂度 :

       The time complexity is O(n/2), which simplifies to O(n), where n is the number of nodes in the list.

      (2) 空间复杂度

       Therefore, the space complexity is O(1) (constant space).

六、两个循环单链表的连接 (链接)


       给出两个均带有头结点的循环单链表,链表头指针分别为pHeadA and pHeadB,请设法将链表pHeadB链接到链表pHeadA的后面,要求得到的新链表仍然保持循环的特性。







#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Data Strcture Defining
typedef struct LinkNode {
    int data;
    struct LinkNode * next;
} LinkNode, * LinkList;
//Functions Declaration
void initialize(LinkList * pHead);
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data);
void traverse(LinkList pHead);
void freeList(LinkList pHead);
void insertList(LinkList listA, LinkList listB);
int main(void) {
    //Test our algorithm
    LinkList listA,listB;
    LinkNode * a1 = createNewNode(1);
    LinkNode * a2 = createNewNode(2);
    LinkNode * a3 = createNewNode(3);
    LinkNode * a4 = createNewNode(4);
    LinkNode * a5 = createNewNode(5);
    listA->next = a1;
    a1->next = a2;
    a2->next = a3;
    a3->next = a4;
    a4->next = a5;
    a5->next = listA;
    LinkNode * b1 = createNewNode(11);
    LinkNode * b2 = createNewNode(12);
    LinkNode * b3 = createNewNode(13);
    listB->next = b1;
    b1->next = b2;
    b2->next = b3;
    b3->next = listB;
    printf("What's the content of original listA : ");
    printf("What's the content of original listB : ");
    insertList(listA, listB);
    printf("After insersion, FINAL listA : ");
    return 0;
void initialize(LinkList * pHead) {     //No distinction with the uncircular linked list
    (*pHead) = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    (*pHead)->data = 0;
    (*pHead)->next = NULL;
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data) {    //No distinction with the uncircular linked list
    LinkNode * p = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    p->data = data;
    p->next = NULL;
    return p;
void traverse(LinkList pHead) {         //DIFFERENCE no.1
    LinkNode * p = pHead->next;     
    while (p != pHead) {
        printf("%d ", p->data);
        p = p->next;
void freeList(LinkList pHead) {         //DIFFERENCE no.2
    LinkNode * p = pHead->next;
    LinkNode * temp;
    while (p != pHead) {
        temp = p;
        p = p->next;
void insertList(LinkList listA, LinkList listB) {
    LinkNode * p = listA;
    LinkNode * rearA;                   //point to the end of listA
    LinkNode * rearB;                   //point to the end of listB
    while (p->next != listA) {          //To find the rear of listA to faciliate our insersion
        p = p->next;
    rearA = p;
    rearA->next = listB->next;
    while (p->next != listB) {
        p = p->next;
    rearB = p;
    rearB->next = listA;


               运行结果 :

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      (1) 时间复杂度 :

       The total time complexity is O(n + m).

      (2) 空间复杂度

       Space Complexity of insertList: O(1).










#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Data Strcture Defining
typedef struct LinkNode {
    int data;
    struct LinkNode * next;
} LinkNode, * LinkList;
//Functions Declaration
void initialize(LinkList * pHead);
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data);
void traverse(LinkList pHead);
void freeList(LinkList pHead);
void continuouslyDetectMinimum(LinkList pHead);
int main(void) {
    //A specific circular linked list to test our algorithm
    LinkList pHead = NULL;              
    LinkNode * a1 = createNewNode(11);
    LinkNode * a2 = createNewNode(14);
    LinkNode * a3 = createNewNode(141);
    LinkNode * a4 = createNewNode(5);
    LinkNode * a5 = createNewNode(100);
    pHead->next = a1;                  
    a1->next = a2;
    a2->next = a3;
    a3->next = a4;
    a4->next = a5;
    a5->next = pHead;
    return 0;
void initialize(LinkList * pHead) {     
    (*pHead) = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    (*pHead)->data = 0;
    (*pHead)->next = NULL;
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data) {    
    LinkNode * p = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    p->data = data;
    p->next = NULL;
    return p;
void traverse(LinkList pHead) {         //DIFFERENT FROM NORMAL LINKED LIST
    LinkNode * p = pHead->next;
    while (p != pHead) {
        printf("%d ", p->data);
        p = p->next;
void freeList(LinkList pHead) {         //DIFFERENT FROM NORMAL LINKED LIST
    LinkNode * p = pHead->next;
    LinkNode * temp;
    while (p != pHead) {
        temp = p;
        p = p->next;
void continuouslyDetectMinimum(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * tempPre = pHead, * minPre = pHead;
    LinkNode * temp = pHead->next, * min = pHead->next;
    while (pHead->next != pHead) {          //Don't forget that it's a circular one
        while (temp != pHead) {
            if (temp->data < min->data) {   //move the min and minPre if condition matched
                min = temp;
                minPre = tempPre;
            tempPre = temp;
            temp = temp->next;  //temp is used to traverse the list,so it should be updated at every loop.
        printf("%d ", min->data);       //Demand-no.1 print the current minimum node's data
        minPre->next = min->next;       //Demand-no.2 delete the current minimum node itself
        //updated all four pointer for the next-time operation(find and print and delete)
        tempPre = pHead, minPre = pHead;        
        temp = pHead->next, min = pHead->next;


               运行结果 :

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       (1) 时间复杂度 :

  • The outer while loop runs until the list is empty, so it executes n times, where n is the initial number of nodes in the list.
  • For each iteration of the outer loop, the inner while loop traverses the entire remaining list to find the minimum value.
  • In the first iteration, it checks n nodes, in the second n-1, then n-2, and so on.
  • This forms an arithmetic sequence: n + (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 2 + 1
  • The sum of this sequence is n(n+1)/2
  • Therefore, the time complexity is O(n^2)

       (2) 空间复杂度

  1. The algorithm uses a fixed number of pointers (tempPre, minPre, temp, min) regardless of the input size.
  2. No additional data structures are created that grow with the input size.
  3. The space used is constant throughout the execution of the algorithm
  4. Overall Space Complexity: O(1)



       已知一个带有头结点的非循环双向链表,该链表的每个结点都维护有四个属性——①pev(指向当前结点的前驱结点);②data(当前结点的有效值);③freq(当前结点的访问频度,初始值为0);④next(指向当前结点的后继结点)。现定义一个Locate(pHead, data)操作,该操作会访问链表中元素值为data的结点,并将该结点的freq域的值加一,同时,还会令当前链表结点保持freq域递减的顺序进行排列,并且,当两个结点的freq域的值相同时,要求最近被访问的结点优先排在前面,以便使得频繁访问的结点总是更靠近链表头。要求定义一个函数实现上述Locate(pHead, data)操作,并且返回目标结点的指针。(假设给定的链表已经按照freq降序排序)







#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Data Structure Defining(a little bit different from normal doubly linked list)
typedef struct DlinkNode {
    int data;
    int freq;
    struct DlinkNode * prev, * next;
} DlinkNode, * DlinkList;
//Functions Declaration
void initialize(DlinkList * pHead);
DlinkNode * createNewNode(int data);
void traverse(DlinkList pHead);
void freeList(DlinkList pHead);
DlinkNode * findCertainNodeAndSortByFreq(DlinkList pHead, int data);
int main(void) {
    //Here is one specific double linked list ,to test our algorithm
    DlinkList pHead;
    DlinkNode * d1 = createNewNode(11);
    DlinkNode * d2 = createNewNode(5);
    DlinkNode * d3 = createNewNode(2);
    DlinkNode * d4 = createNewNode(141);
    DlinkNode * d5 = createNewNode(77);
    pHead->prev = NULL;
    pHead->next = d1;
    d1->prev = pHead;
    d1->next = d2;
    d2->prev = d1;
    d2->next = d3;
    d3->prev = d2;
    d3->next = d4;
    d4->prev = d3;
    d4->next = d5;
    d5->prev = d4;
    d5->next = NULL;
    printf("At the original phase, the doubly linked list like this: ");
    DlinkNode * aim = findCertainNodeAndSortByFreq(pHead, 77);
    printf("The aim node's value = %d, and its freq = %d ", aim->data, aim->freq);
    printf("\nAfter we find the 77-value node, the list is like: ");
    return 0;
void initialize(DlinkList * pHead) {
    (*pHead) = (DlinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(DlinkNode));
    (*pHead)->data = 0;
    (*pHead)->freq = 0;         //Notice this extra field.
    (*pHead)->prev = NULL;
    (*pHead)->next = NULL;
DlinkNode * createNewNode(int data) {
    DlinkNode * p = (DlinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(DlinkNode));
    p->data = data;
    p->freq = 0;
    p->prev = NULL;
    p->next = NULL;
    return p;
void traverse(DlinkList pHead) {        
    DlinkNode * p = pHead->next;
    while (p != NULL) {
        printf("%d ", p->data);
        p = p->next;
void freeList(DlinkList pHead) {       
    DlinkNode * p = pHead;          //The head node also need to be freeed at end.
    DlinkNode * temp;
    while (p != NULL) {
        temp = p;
        p = p->next;
DlinkNode * findCertainNodeAndSortByFreq(DlinkList pHead, int data) {
    DlinkNode * aim = NULL;                     //to point to the aim node
    DlinkNode * traversePointer = pHead->next;  //to traverse the doubly linked lists
    DlinkNode * insert_pos = pHead;             //to identify the position for aim to insert
    //Step no.1 --- find the aim node
    while (traversePointer != NULL && traversePointer->data != data) {
        traversePointer = traversePointer->next;
    aim = traversePointer;
    if (aim == NULL) {          //NOT FOUND
        return NULL;
    //Step no.2 ---  modify the freq field of aim node
    //Step no.3 --- withdraw the aim node
    traversePointer->prev->next = traversePointer->next;
    if (aim->next != NULL) 
        traversePointer->next->prev = traversePointer->prev;
    //Step no.4 --- find the first previous node which hold a bigger freq than aim node
    while (insert_pos->next != NULL && insert_pos->next->freq > aim->freq) {
        insert_pos = insert_pos->next;
    //Step no.5 --- insert aim node into the right position found just hereinbefore
    aim->next = insert_pos->next;
    insert_pos->next->prev = aim;
    insert_pos->next = aim;
    aim->prev = insert_pos;
    return aim;



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       (1) 时间复杂度 :

  1. Finding the target node:
  • In the worst case, we might need to traverse the entire list.
  • This takes O(n) time, where n is the number of nodes in the list.
  1. Update the target node:
  • It takes only O(1) time.
  1. Removing the node:
  • This is a constant time operation, O(1).
  1. Finding the correct position to insert:
  • In the worst case, we might need to traverse the entire list again.
  • This also takes O(n) time.
  1. Inserting the node:
  • This is a constant time operation, O(1).

       Overall Time Complexity: O(n)

       (2) 空间复杂度

  • The function uses a fixed number of pointers (aim, insert_pos) regardless of the input size.
  • No additional data structures are created that grow with the input size.
  • The space used is constant throughout the execution of the function.

      Overall Space Complexity: O(1)

九、查找单链表中倒数第K个结点 [2009真题]













#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Data Structure Defining
typedef struct LinkNode {
    int data;
    struct LinkNode * link;       //The name of pointer field is to conform to a certain topic.
} LinkNode, * LinkList;
//Functions Declaration
void initialize(LinkList * pHead);
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data);
void traverse(LinkList pHead);
void freeList(LinkList pHead);
int findTheKthNodeFromTheEnd(LinkList list, int K);    //The name "K" and "list" is to adapt topic.
int main(void) {
    //Given a specifc linkd list, Test our algorithm
    LinkList list;
    LinkNode * a1 = createNewNode(11);
    LinkNode * a2 = createNewNode(5);
    LinkNode * a3 = createNewNode(2);
    LinkNode * a4 = createNewNode(77);
    LinkNode * a5 = createNewNode(141);
    LinkNode * a6 = createNewNode(211);
    LinkNode * a7 = createNewNode(9);
    list->link = a1;
    a1->link = a2;
    a2->link = a3;
    a3->link = a4;
    a4->link = a5;
    a5->link = a6;
    a6->link = a7;
    a7->link = NULL;
    printf("Let's see what's the original list looks like: ");
    printf("So what is the third-to-last element? \n");
    int key = findTheKthNodeFromTheEnd(list, 3);
    printf("Did we find it? %s ", (key == 1) ? "Yes!" : "No!");
    return 0;
void initialize(LinkList * pHead) {
    (*pHead) = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    (*pHead)->data = 0;
    (*pHead)->link = NULL;
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data) {
    LinkNode * p = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    p->data = data;
    p->link = NULL;
    return p;
void traverse(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead->link;     //Side note: Remember the type of link;
    while (p != NULL) {
        printf("%d ", p->data);
        p = p->link;
void freeList(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead;
    LinkNode * temp;
    while (p != NULL) {
        temp = p;
        p = p->link;
int findTheKthNodeFromTheEnd(LinkList list, int K) {
    if (K <= 0) return 0;                       //Handle the first illegal occasion.(too small K)
    LinkNode * former = list, * latter = list;  //Both pointer is initially pointing the head node.s
    for (int count = 0; count < K; ++count) {
        if (latter != NULL)                     //Handle the second illegal occasion.(too big K)
            latter = latter->link;
            return 0;
    while (latter != NULL) {
        former = former->link;
        latter = latter->link;
    int aimData = former->data;
    printf("value = %d", aimData);
    return 1;



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       (1) 时间复杂度 :

       O(n), where n is the number of nodes in the list. In the worst case, we need to traverse the list once.

       (2) 空间复杂度 :

       O(1), as we only use a constant amount of extra space regardless of the input size.

十、两个链表存储两个单词求共同后缀的起始位置 [2012真题]



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       PS : 其实这道题和我们在链表上篇中做过的第七题一样。(当时讲了两种方法,感兴趣的朋友们可以去看看)



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Data Structure Defining
typedef struct LinkNode {
    char data;
    struct LinkNode * next;
} LinkNode, * LinkList;
//Functions Declaration
void initialize(LinkList * pHead);
LinkNode * createNewNode(char data);
void traverse(LinkList pHead);
int getLength(LinkList pHead);
void freeList(LinkList pHead);
LinkNode * findTheStartOfCommonSuffix(LinkList str1, LinkList str2); 
int main(void) {
    //Given a specific one to test our algorithm
    LinkList str1;
    LinkList str2;
    //define nodes exclusive to str1
    LinkNode * str1_1 = createNewNode('l');
    LinkNode * str1_2 = createNewNode('o');
    LinkNode * str1_3 = createNewNode('a');
    LinkNode * str1_4 = createNewNode('d');
    //define nodes exclusive to str2
    LinkNode * str2_1 = createNewNode('b');
    LinkNode * str2_2 = createNewNode('e');
    //define some common nodes
    LinkNode * common1 = createNewNode('i');
    LinkNode * common2 = createNewNode('n');
    LinkNode * common3 = createNewNode('g');
    //connect these nodes as we want
    str1->next = str1_1;
    str1_1->next = str1_2;
    str1_2->next = str1_3;
    str1_3->next = str1_4;
    str1_4->next = common1;
    common1->next = common2;
    common2->next = common3;
    common3->next = NULL;
    str2->next = str2_1;
    str2_1->next = str2_2;
    str2_2->next = common1;
    printf("Let's see the original list of str1 : ");
    printf("Let's see the original list of str2 : ");
    LinkNode * firstNodeOfCommonSuffix = findTheStartOfCommonSuffix(str1, str2);
    printf("The value of the first common node of common suffix is :%c", firstNodeOfCommonSuffix->data);
    return 0;
void initialize(LinkList * pHead) {
    (*pHead) = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    (*pHead)->data = '0';
    (*pHead)->next = NULL;
LinkNode * createNewNode(char data) {
    LinkNode * p = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    p->data = data;
    p->next = NULL;
    return p;
void traverse(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead->next;
    while (p != NULL) {
        printf("%c ",p->data);
        p = p->next;
int getLength(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead->next;
    int count = 0;
    while (p != NULL) {         //LOOP
        p = p->next;
    return count;
void freeList(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead;
    LinkNode * temp = NULL;
    while (p != NULL) {
        temp = p;
        p = p->next;
LinkNode * findTheStartOfCommonSuffix(LinkList str1, LinkList str2) {
    LinkNode * temp = NULL;
    int variance = getLength(str1) - getLength(str2);
    //keep the str1 pointer is always pointing to the longer one.
    if (variance < 0) {
        temp = str1;
        str1 = str2;
        str2 = temp;
    for (int i = 0; i < abs(variance); ++i) {
        str1 = str1->next;
    //Make sure we will begin to compare from the first effective node.(Keep consistency)
    str1 = str1->next;
    str2 = str2->next;
    while (str1 != NULL) {
        if (str1 == str2) {
            return str1;
        } else {
            str1 = str1->next;
            str2 = str2->next;
    return NULL;



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       (1) 时间复杂度 : 

       findTheStartOfCommonSuffix function:

  • It calls getLength twice, once for each list: O(n + m), where n and m are the lengths of the two lists.
  • It then traverses the longer list from the beginning to the potential start of the common suffix: O(max(n, m))
  • Finally, it compares the nodes of both lists until it finds the common node or reaches the end: O(min(n, m))

       Overall time complexity: O(n + m)

      (2) 空间复杂度:

       The space complexity is O(1) (constant space). The algorithm uses a fixed amount of extra space regardless of the input size.

十一、链表绝对值的去重 [2015真题]


       用单链表保存m个整数,结点的结构为一个data数据域和一个link指针域,且要求|data| ≤ n(n为正整数)。现要求设计一个时间复杂度尽可能高效的算法,对于链表中data的绝对值相等的结点,仅保留第一次出现的结点而删除其余绝对值相等的结点。例如,若给定的单链表HEAD,其删除结点的情况如下图所示 :

image.gif 编辑








       考虑如何利用辅助空间,使得链表中每一个元素都能与之对应,并且可以很快查找到已保存的元素。不难想到顺序表的”随机存取“的特点,因此,可以将链表结点的|data|值转化为用数组的下标表示,由于链表结点|data| ≤ n,所以要申请一片大小为n + 1的连续空间(确保链表中每一个结点的|data|都可以用数组的下标来记录,因为|data| = n的下标对应了第n + 1个元素),数组所有元素全部初始化为0(0表示该下标对应的绝对值的结点还没有被保存);遍历链表,如果是第一次扫描到该绝对值的结点,就把数组对应下标的元素设为1(1表示该下标对应的绝对值的结点已经被保存),那么当下一次扫描到相同绝对值的结点时,通过数组下标对应的1就可以检测到该绝对值的结点已经存在了,此时需要删除当前结点。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Data Structure Defining
typedef struct LinkNode {
    int data;
    struct LinkNode * next;
} LinkNode, * LinkList;
//Functions Declaration
void initialize(LinkList * pHead);
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data);
void traverse(LinkList pHead);
void freeList(LinkList pHead);
void removeAbsoluteValueDuplicate(LinkList pHead, int n);
int main(void) {
    //Given a specific one to test our algorithm
    LinkList HEAD;
    LinkNode * a1 = createNewNode(5);
    LinkNode * a2 = createNewNode(11);
    LinkNode * a3 = createNewNode(-11);
    LinkNode * a4 = createNewNode(-5);
    LinkNode * a5 = createNewNode(77);
    HEAD->next = a1;
    a1->next = a2;
    a2->next = a3;
    a3->next = a4;
    a4->next = a5;
    a5->next = NULL;
    printf("The original list looks like : ");
    removeAbsoluteValueDuplicate(HEAD, 77);
    printf("After remove abs-value duplicate, it looks like: ");
    return 0;
void initialize(LinkList * pHead) {
    (*pHead) = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    (*pHead)->data = 0;
    (*pHead)->next = NULL;
LinkNode * createNewNode(int data) {
    LinkNode * p = (LinkNode * ) malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    p->data = data;
    p->next = NULL;
    return p;
void traverse(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead->next;
    while (p != NULL) {
        printf("%d ",p->data);
        p = p->next;
void freeList(LinkList pHead) {
    LinkNode * p = pHead;
    LinkNode * temp = NULL;
    while (p != NULL) {
        temp = p;
        p = p->next;
void removeAbsoluteValueDuplicate(LinkList pHead, int n) {
    LinkNode * pre = pHead;
    LinkNode * current = pHead->next;
    //Define a auxiliary space(use index to refer to node's absolute-data)
    int * recordArray = (int * ) malloc(sizeof(int) * (n + 1)); 
    for (int i = 0; i < n + 1; ++i) {       //all elements is initialized given the value of 0
        recordArray[i] = 0;                 //The value 0 means that corresponding-data node is not yet been preserved.
    while (current != NULL) {
        if (recordArray[abs(current->data)] == 0) {
            recordArray[abs(current->data)] = 1;        //distinguish between the "=" and the "==".
            pre = current;
            current = current->next;
        } else if (recordArray[abs(current->data)] == 1) {
            pre->next = current->next;
            current = pre->next;



image.gif 编辑


       (1) 时间复杂度 :

      O(m), where m is the length of the list, as we traverse the list once.

       (2) 空间复杂度 :

       O(n), where n is the maximum absolute value, due to the auxiliary array.

十二、链表元素的重新交错排列 [2019真题]


       设线性表L = (a1, a2, a3, ..., an-2, an-1, an) 采用带头结点的单链表保存,链表中的结点定义如下:
       typedef struct node {

               int data;

               struct node * next;

       } NODE;

       请设计一个空间复杂度为O(1)且时间上尽可能高效的算法,重新排列L中的各结点,得到线性表L' = (a1, an, a2, an-1, a3, an-2, ...)。要求:





       (a1, a2, a3, ..., an-2, an-1, an)要想变成(a1, an, a2, an-1, a3, an-2, ...),不难看出就是依次从表头和表尾开始挨个选元素,表头选一个表尾选一个,依次类推,直到将链表中的元素重新排列成一个新的序列;通过观察我们可知,我们的目标序列按照奇偶位序可以划分为两个子序列,分别为(a1, a2, a3, ..., amid) 和 (an, an-1, an-2, ..., amid+1),第二个子序列恰好就是原来链表后半部分的逆置,如果能得到后半部分序列的逆置,再和第一个子序列交替进行尾插,即得到目标序列。那么第一个问题就是如何得到后半部分序列的逆置?不难想到要先拿到链表中间元素amid的指针,然后对后半部分进行头插即可逆置。







#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//Data Structure Defining
typedef struct node {
    int data;
    struct node * next;
} NODE; //The name is to correspond the topic.
//Functions Declaration
void initialize(NODE ** pHead);
NODE * createNewNode(int data);
void traverse(NODE * pHead);
int getLength(NODE * pHead);
void freeList(NODE * pHead);
NODE * reArrangeList(NODE * pHead);
int main(void) {
    //Given a specifc list to test our algorithm
    NODE * pHead;
    NODE * a1 = createNewNode(1);
    NODE * a2 = createNewNode(3);
    NODE * a3 = createNewNode(5);
    NODE * a4 = createNewNode(-11);
    NODE * a5 = createNewNode(6);
    NODE * a6 = createNewNode(4);
    NODE * a7 = createNewNode(2);
    pHead->next = a1;
    a1->next = a2;
    a2->next = a3;
    a3->next = a4;
    a4->next = a5;
    a5->next = a6;
    a6->next = a7;
    a7->next = NULL;
    printf("Let's see the original list: ");
    NODE * resultList = reArrangeList(pHead);
    printf("So the re-arranged list looks like: ");
    return 0;
void initialize(NODE ** pHead) {
    (*pHead) = (NODE * ) malloc(sizeof(NODE));
    (*pHead)->data = 0;
    (*pHead)->next = NULL;
NODE * createNewNode(int data) {
    NODE * p = (NODE * ) malloc(sizeof(NODE));
    p->data = data;
    p->next = NULL;
    return p;
void traverse(NODE * pHead) {
    NODE * p = pHead->next;
    while (p != NULL) {
        printf("%d ",p->data);
        p = p->next;
int getLength(NODE * pHead) {
    NODE * p = pHead->next;
    int count = 0;
    while (p != NULL) {         
        p = p->next;
    return count;
void freeList(NODE *  pHead) {
    NODE * p = pHead;
    NODE * temp = NULL;
    while (p != NULL) {
        temp = p;
        p = p->next;
NODE * reArrangeList(NODE * pHead) {
    //if the number of list less than 3, there is no need to take this algorithm
    if (pHead == NULL || pHead->next == NULL || pHead->next->next == NULL || pHead->next->next->next == NULL)
        return pHead;
    //Fields For Step 1
    NODE * fasterP = pHead->next;
    NODE * slowerP = pHead->next;       //this pointer is used to point the mid node of the list.
    NODE * prev = NULL;
    //Fields For Step 2
    NODE * head = (NODE * ) malloc(sizeof(NODE));//it will be the head node of rear half of the list.
    NODE * temp = NULL;                 //help to reverse the rear half with head-insersion method.
    NODE * tempNext = NULL;
    int length = 0;
    //Fields For Step 3
    NODE * tempNodeContainer = (NODE * ) malloc(sizeof(NODE));
    NODE * rear = tempNodeContainer;    //!!! the rear is used to fufill tail-insersion in Step 3
    NODE * fore = pHead->next;          //Same as the previous one.
    //Step 1 : get the pointer of mid node
    while (fasterP != NULL && fasterP->next != NULL) {
        fasterP = fasterP->next->next;
        prev = slowerP;
        slowerP = slowerP->next;
    /*!!!!!!!  --- Mark This:
        Now the slowerP is at middle (or just after middle for even length lists),
        and the prev is at the previous node next to slowerP.
    //Step 2 : reverse the rear half of the list(use the head-insersion method)
            split the list into two halves:
            the nodes supposed to be reversed will be left in the rear half, others stay in fore half.
    length = getLength(pHead);
    if (length / 2 == 0) {          //When it's an even number, slowerP is just after middle
        head->next = slowerP;
        prev->next = NULL;
    } else {                        //When it's an odd number, slowerP is at middle
        head->next = slowerP->next;
        slowerP->next = NULL;
    temp = head->next;              //the first effective node of the rear half
    tempNext = temp->next;
    while (tempNext != NULL) {
        temp->next = tempNext->next;      //avert the fracture of rear half
        tempNext->next = head->next;
        head->next = tempNext;
        tempNext = temp->next;            //also successfully handle the last node's next field.
    temp = head->next;                    //prepare to execute Step 3
    //Step 3 : insert the node from fore half and the node from rear half(already reversed) respectively
    while (fore != NULL && temp != NULL) {
        rear->next = fore;
        rear = fore;
        fore = fore->next;
        rear->next = temp;
        rear = temp;
        temp = temp->next;   
    if (fore != NULL) {                   //fore half can only have one more node than rear half
        rear->next = fore;
        rear = fore;
    rear->next = NULL;
    pHead->next = tempNodeContainer->next;
    return pHead;



image.gif 编辑


       (1) 时间复杂度 :

  1. Finding the middle of the list (Step 1):
  • This uses the fast and slow pointer technique, which traverses the list once.
  • Time complexity: O(n), where n is the number of nodes in the list.
  1. Reversing the rear half of the list (Step 2):
  • This step traverses approximately half of the list once.
  • Time complexity: O(n/2), which simplifies to O(n).
  1. Merging the two halves (Step 3):
  • This step iterates through all nodes once.
  • Time complexity: O(n).

       Overall Time Complexity: O(n) + O(n) + O(n) = O(n)

       (2) 空间复杂度 :

  1. We create a constant number of additional nodes:
  • One dummy node for the rear half (head).
  • One temporary node (tempNodeContainer).
  • A few pointer variables (temp, tempNext, rear, fore, etc.).
  1. All these additional space requirements are constant and do not grow with the input size.

       Overall Space Complexity: O(1)


  • 算法题基础篇——链表,上下两篇博文共计22道题目,除了最后一道题有点难度外基本考的都是基本功,需要我们对链表有扎实的理解。
  • 大家回顾一下,一开始我们接触了头插法尾插法,后来又碰到了单链表的逆置,再到后面单链表的逆置只是作为了整个算法的一部分实现,整个过程是循序渐进的,希望大家可以多练习多回顾,举一反三。
  • 之后可能还会给大家分享“树”和“图”相关的代码题,敬请期待。
  • 🆗,以上就是本篇博文的全部内容了,感谢阅读!


37 9
122 1
22 3
二叉查找树(Binary Search Tree,简称BST)是一种常用的数据结构,它能够高效地进行查找、插入和删除操作。二叉查找树的特点是,对于树中的每个节点,其左子树中的所有节点都小于该节点,而右子树中的所有节点都大于该节点。
46 22
C 408—《数据结构》算法题基础篇—链表(上)
100 25
C 408—《数据结构》算法题基础篇—数组(通俗易懂)
74 23
本内容介绍了单链表的基本运算任务,涵盖线性表的基本概念、初始化、销毁、判定是否为空表、求长度、输出、求元素值、按元素值查找、插入和删除数据元素等操作。通过C++代码示例详细解释了顺序表和链表的实现方法,并提供了测试说明、通 - **任务描述**:实现单链表的基本运算。 - **相关知识**:包括线性表的概念、初始化、销毁、判断空表、求长度、输出、求元素值、查找、插入和删除等操作。 - **测试说明**:平台会对你编写的代码进行测试,提供测试输入和预期输出。 - **通关代码**:给出了完整的C++代码实现。 - **测试结果**:展示了测试通过后的预期输出结果。 开始你的任务吧,祝你成功!
75 5
86 20
【C++数据结构——树】二叉树的遍历算法(头歌教学实验平台习题) 【合集】
59 2

