GOES-16 MCMIPC 系列 ABI 2 级云层和水汽成像 CONUS
云层和水分成像产品的分辨率均为 2 公里。 1-6 波段为反射波段。 无量纲的 "反射系数 "以太阳天顶角为标准。 这些波段有助于确定云、植被、雪/冰和气溶胶的特征。 第 7-16 波段为发射波段。 大气顶部 (TOA) 的亮度温度以开尔文为单位测量。 这些波段支持根据发射特性对地表、云层、水蒸气、臭氧、火山灰和尘埃进行定性。 README NOAA 的卫星和产品运行办公室有一个提供状态更新的 "一般卫星信息 "频道。
2000 meters
Name Units Min Max Wavelength Description
CMI_C01 Reflectance factor 0 1.3 0.45-0.49µm
Visible - Blue
Daytime aerosol over land, coastal water mapping.
DQF_C01 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C02 Reflectance factor 0 1.3 0.59-0.69µm
Visible - Red
Daytime clouds, fog, insolation, winds
DQF_C02 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C03 Reflectance factor 0 1.3 0.846-0.885µm
Near-IR - Veggie
Daytime vegetation, burn scar, aerosol over water, winds
DQF_C03 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C04 Reflectance factor 0 1.3 1.371-1.386µm
Near-IR - Cirrus
Daytime cirrus cloud
DQF_C04 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C05 Reflectance factor 0 1.3 1.58-1.64µm
Near-IR - Snow/Ice
Daytime cloud-top phase and particle size, snow
DQF_C05 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C06 Reflectance factor 0 1.3 2.225-2.275µm
Near IR - Cloud Particle Size
Daytime land, cloud properties, particle size, vegetation, snow
DQF_C06 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C07 K 197.31 411.86 3.80-4.00µm
Infrared - Shortwave Window
DQF_C07 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C08 K 138.05 311.06 5.77-6.6µm
Infrared - Upper-level water vapor
High-level atmospheric water vapor, winds, rainfall
DQF_C08 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C09 K 137.7 311.08 6.75-7.15µm
Infrared - Mid-level water vapor
Mid-level atmospheric water vapor, winds, rainfall
DQF_C09 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C10 K 126.91 331.2 7.24-7.44µm
Infrared - Lower-level water vapor
Lower-level water vapor, winds, and sulfur dioxide
DQF_C10 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C11 K 127.69 341.3 8.3-8.7µm
Infrared - Cloud-top phase
Total water for stability, cloud phase, dust, sulfur dioxide, rainfall
DQF_C11 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C12 K 117.49 311.06 9.42-9.8µm
Infrared - Ozone
Total ozone, turbulence, winds
DQF_C12 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C13 K 89.62 341.27 10.1-10.6µm
Infrared - "Clean" longwave window
Surface and clouds
DQF_C13 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C14 K 96.19 341.28 10.8-11.6µm
Infrared - Longwave window
Imagery, sea surface temperature, clouds, rainfall
DQF_C14 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C15 K 97.38 341.28 11.8-12.8µm
Infrared "Dirty" longwave
Total water, volcanic ash, sea surface temperature
DQF_C15 0 4
Data quality flags
CMI_C16 K 92.7 318.26 13.0-13.6µm
Infrared - CO_2 longwave
Air temperature, cloud heights
DQF_C16 0 4
Data quality flags
DQF_C01 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C02 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C03 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C04 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C05 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C06 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C07 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C08 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C09 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C10 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C11 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C12 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C13 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C14 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C15 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
DQF_C16 Class Table
Value Color Description
0 #ffffff Good pixels
1 #ff00ff Conditionally usable pixels
2 #0000ff Out of range pixels
3 #00ffff No value pixels
4 #ffff00 Focal plane temperature threshold exceeded
Dataset Availability
Dataset Provider
Earth Engine Snippet
Image Properties
Name Type Description
CMI_C01_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C01 values
CMI_C01_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C01 values
CMI_C02_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C02 values
CMI_C02_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C02 values
CMI_C03_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C03 values
CMI_C03_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C03 values
CMI_C04_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C04 values
CMI_C04_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C04 values
CMI_C05_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C05 values
CMI_C05_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C05 values
CMI_C06_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C06 values
CMI_C06_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C06 values
CMI_C07_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C07 values
CMI_C07_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C07 values
CMI_C08_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C08 values
CMI_C08_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C08 values
CMI_C09_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C09 values
CMI_C09_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C09 values
CMI_C10_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C10 values
CMI_C10_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C10 values
CMI_C11_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C11 values
CMI_C11_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C11 values
CMI_C12_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C12 values
CMI_C12_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C12 values
CMI_C13_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C13 values
CMI_C13_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C13 values
CMI_C14_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C14 values
CMI_C14_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C14 values
CMI_C15_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C15 values
CMI_C15_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C15 values
CMI_C16_offset DOUBLE
Offset to add to scaled CMI_C16 values
CMI_C16_scale DOUBLE
Scale to multiply with raw CMI_C16 values
// Band aliases.
var BLUE = 'CMI_C01';
var RED = 'CMI_C02';
var VEGGIE = 'CMI_C03';
var GREEN = 'GREEN';
// 16 pairs of CMI and DQF followed by Bah 2018 synthetic green.
// Band numbers in the EE asset, 0-based.
var NUM_BANDS = 33;
// Skipping the interleaved DQF bands.
var BLUE_BAND_INDEX = (1 - 1) 2;
var RED_BAND_INDEX = (2 - 1) 2;
var VEGGIE_BAND_INDEX = (3 - 1) * 2;
// Visualization range for GOES RGB.
var GOES_MIN = 0.0;
var GOES_MAX = 0.7; // Alternatively 1.0 or 1.3.
var GAMMA = 1.3;
var goesRgbViz = {
bands: [RED, GREEN, BLUE],
min: GOES_MIN,
max: GOES_MAX,
gamma: GAMMA
var applyScaleAndOffset = function(image) {
image = ee.Image(image);
var bands = new Array(NUM_BANDS);
for (var i = 1; i < 17; i++) {
var bandName = 'CMI_C' + (100 + i + '').slice(-2);
var offset = ee.Number(image.get(bandName + '_offset'));
var scale = ee.Number(image.get(bandName + '_scale'));
bands[(i-1) * 2] = image.select(bandName).multiply(scale).add(offset);
var dqfName = 'DQF_C' + (100 + i + '').slice(-2);
bands[(i-1) * 2 + 1] = image.select(dqfName);
// Bah, Gunshor, Schmit, Generation of GOES-16 True Color Imagery without a
// Green Band, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018EA000379
// Green = 0.45 Red + 0.10 NIR + 0.45 * Blue
var green1 = bands[RED_BAND_INDEX].multiply(0.45);
var green2 = bands[VEGGIE_BAND_INDEX].multiply(0.10);
var green3 = bands[BLUE_BAND_INDEX].multiply(0.45);
var green = green1.add(green2).add(green3);
bands[GREEN_BAND_INDEX] = green.rename(GREEN);
return ee.Image(ee.Image(bands).copyProperties(image, image.propertyNames()));
var collection = 'NOAA/GOES/16/MCMIPC/';
var imageName = '2020211203115800000';
var assetId = collection + imageName;
var image = applyScaleAndOffset(assetId);
Map.setCenter(-75, 37, 5);
Map.addLayer(image, goesRgbViz);
海洋大气局的数据、信息和产品,无论以何种方式提供,均不受版权保护,公众在随后的使用中也不受任何限制。 一旦获得,可用于任何合法用途。
Bah, Gunshor, Schmit, Generation of GOES-16 True Color Imagery without a Green Band, 2018. doi:10.1029/2018EA000379
Product User Guide (PUG) Volume 5, L2+ Products.
Schmit, T., Griffith, P., et al, (2016), A closer look at the ABI on the GOES-R series, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98(4), 681-698. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00230.1
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