manim是一个Python第三方库,全称是mathematical animation engine(数学动画引擎)。它是由斯坦福大学数学系学生Grant Sanderson在其YouTube频道3Blue1Brown上创建的。manim用于解说线性代数、微积分、神经网络、黎曼猜想、傅里叶变换以及四元数等数学概念。
manim因其精美的动画制作和独特的解释角度而广受关注,并吸引了越来越多的读者参与其中,共同贡献内容。manim经历了两个版本的迭代。第一代是ManimCairo,这是较早的版本,Grant Sanderson早期的项目都是在此版本中编译的。它使用cairo库作为渲染引擎。第二代是ManimGL,由Grant Sanderson等人开发的最新版本。该版本的最大改进是采用更强大的OpenGL库进行渲染。
版本 | 渲染引擎 | 库 |
ManimCairo | Cairo | manimlib |
ManimGL | OpenGL | manimgl |
ManimCE | OpenGL | manim |
- 安装 Manim:
首先,您需要安装 Python 和一些依赖项。然后,您可以通过以下命令使用 pip 安装 Manim:
pip install manim
- 创建动画:
创建一个 Python 脚本,并使用 Manim 中的类来定义您的动画场景和对象。 - 运行 Manim:
在命令行中,转到包含您的 Python 脚本的目录,并使用以下命令来运行 Manim:
manim your_script.py YourSceneName -p -ql
- 其中,
是您的 Python 脚本的文件名,YourSceneName
这样,Manim 就会开始渲染动画。请注意,Manim 的运行可能需要一定的时间,具体取决于动画内容和计算机性能。
用 Manim 绘制图形
首先需要引入 Manim 库,然后将需要绘制的内容封装到一个类(class)里面。
from manim import *
manim -pql christmas-intro.py DemoSquare
表示低质量(quality low), 其他的选项有-ql
, 分别表示 低质量、正常质量、高质量、4K质量;christmas-intro.py
是 py代码文件中的一个类;
from manim import * class QuadraticSurface(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): resolution_fa = 24 #曲面样本数 axes = ThreeDAxes() #3维度笛卡尔直角坐标系 self.set_camera_orientation(phi = 75*DEGREES, theta = 45*DEGREES) #phi是竖直方向岔开的角度,theta是水平面岔开的角度 def paramsFunc(u, v): #参数方程 x = u y = 1/2*u**2 z = v return np.array([x, y, z]) quadratic_surface = Surface( paramsFunc, resolution = (resolution_fa, resolution_fa), #分辨率 u_range=[-2.5, +2.5], #参数u的范围 v_range=[-1, +1], #参数v的范围 fill_opacity = 0.5 #透明度 ) #二次曲面 self.add(axes) #添加坐标轴 self.wait() #停留一秒 self.play(Write(quadratic_surface), run_time = 10) #绘制二次曲面 self.begin_3dillusion_camera_rotation(rate = 2) #摇晃rotation illusion self.wait(PI) #摇晃时长 self.stop_3dillusion_camera_rotation() #停止摇晃 with tempconfig({'quality':'medium_quality', 'preview':True}): scene = QuadraticSurface() scene.render()
from manim import * class QuadraticSurface(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): resolution_fa = 24 #曲面样本数 axes = ThreeDAxes() #3维度笛卡尔直角坐标系 self.set_camera_orientation(phi = 75*DEGREES, theta = 45*DEGREES) #phi是竖直方向岔开的角度,theta是水平面岔开的角度 def paramsFunc(u, v): #参数方程 x = np.sqrt(2)* np.cos(TAU*u)*v y = np.sqrt(2)* np.sin(TAU*u)*v z = v return np.array([x, y, z]) quadratic_surface = Surface( paramsFunc, resolution = (resolution_fa, resolution_fa), #分辨率 u_range=[-2, +2], #参数u的范围 v_range=[-2, +2], #参数v的范围 fill_opacity = 0.5 #透明度 ) #二次曲面 self.add(axes) #添加坐标轴 self.wait() #停留一秒 self.play(Write(quadratic_surface), run_time = 10) #绘制二次曲面 self.begin_3dillusion_camera_rotation(rate = 2) #摇晃rotation illusion self.wait(PI) #摇晃时长 self.stop_3dillusion_camera_rotation() #停止摇晃 with tempconfig({'quality':'medium_quality', 'preview':True}): scene = QuadraticSurface() scene.render()
from manim import * class QuadraticSurface(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): resolution_fa = 24 #曲面样本数 axes = ThreeDAxes() #3维度笛卡尔直角坐标系 self.set_camera_orientation(phi = 75*DEGREES, theta = 45*DEGREES) #phi是竖直方向岔开的角度,theta是水平面岔开的角度 def paramsFunc(u, v): #参数方程 x = np.sinh(u)*np.cos(v) y = np.sinh(u)*np.sin(v) z = np.cosh(u) return np.array([x, y, z]) quadratic_surface = Surface( paramsFunc, resolution = (resolution_fa, resolution_fa), #分辨率 u_range=[-1.5, +1.5], #参数u的范围 v_range=[-PI, +PI], #参数v的范围 fill_opacity = 0.5 #透明度 ) #二次曲面 def paramsFunc1(u, v): #参数方程 x = np.sinh(u)*np.cos(v) y = np.sinh(u)*np.sin(v) z = np.cosh(u) return np.array([x, y, -z]) quadratic_surface1 = Surface( paramsFunc1, resolution = (resolution_fa, resolution_fa), #分辨率 u_range=[-1.5, +1.5], #参数u的范围 v_range=[-PI, +PI], #参数v的范围 fill_opacity = 0.5 #透明度 ) #二次曲面 self.add(axes) #添加坐标轴 self.wait() #停留一秒 self.play(Write(quadratic_surface), run_time = 10) #绘制二次曲面 self.play(Write(quadratic_surface1), run_time = 10) #绘制二次曲面 self.begin_3dillusion_camera_rotation(rate = 2) #摇晃rotation illusion self.wait(PI) #摇晃时长 self.stop_3dillusion_camera_rotation() #停止摇晃 with tempconfig({'quality':'medium_quality', 'preview':True}): scene = QuadraticSurface() scene.render()
对于 Manim 的初学者,使用 Manim 时,对于其版本的选择还是有些需要注意的地方。
目前 Manim 主要有三个版本:
3b1b 旧版:3blue1brown 自己维护的版本,使用 Cairo 作为后端;
3b1b 新版:3blue1brown 自己维护的版本,使用 OpenGL 和 moderngl 来进行 GPU 渲染,优点是速度快;
Manim 社区版:社区版是2020年下半年才出来的版本,目前主要是 Manim 旧版的衍生,更新更活跃,有很好的文档和社区支持。当然,随着社区版的迭代更新,目前 3b1b 新版 的某些特性也在逐步容纳进来。
如果你是 Python 或者其他编程领域的资深人士,想体自己动手深入理解并优化这个工具,可以使用 3b1b 新版
Manim 的安装
在 Manim 3b1b 版本 和 社区版均提供了如何安装的文档:
3b1b 新版的安装文档:https://github.com/3b1b/manim
- 音视频编解码:可以对音频和视频进行编码(压缩)和解码(解压),支持众多编解码器。
- 格式转换:可以将音视频文件从一个格式转换为另一个格式,例如从MP4转换为AVI。
- 剪辑和编辑:可以对音视频文件进行剪辑、合并、分离等操作。
- 流媒体处理:支持流式传输音视频内容,适用于网络直播、视频会议等场景。
- 屏幕录制:可以用来录制屏幕内容并保存为视频文件。
- 下载FFmpeg:
- 访问FFmpeg官方网站或Windows Builds by BtbN下载最新版本的静态链接的可执行文件。
- 解压文件:
- 将下载的压缩包解压到你想要安装的位置。
- 设置环境变量(可选):
- 将FFmpeg的bin目录添加到系统的PATH环境变量中,这样就可以在命令行中直接访问FFmpeg。
- 测试安装:
- 打开命令提示符(Win + R,输入cmd,回车),输入以下命令来检查FFmpeg是否成功安装:
ffmpeg -version
- 使用Homebrew安装(推荐):
- 打开终端,运行以下命令安装Homebrew:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
- 然后运行以下命令来安装FFmpeg:
brew install ffmpeg
- 测试安装:
- 在终端中输入以下命令来检查FFmpeg是否成功安装:
ffmpeg -version
- 使用包管理器安装:
- 对于大多数Linux发行版,可以使用其包管理器来安装FFmpeg。例如,在Ubuntu上可以使用以下命令:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
- 测试安装:
- 在终端中输入以下命令来检查FFmpeg是否成功安装:
ffmpeg -version
ffmpeg -version
LaTeX是一种专业的排版系统,常用于撰写学术论文、书籍、报告和演示文稿。与常见的文字处理软件(如Microsoft Word)不同,LaTeX使用的是一种“标记语言”,用户需要通过输入特定的命令和标记来控制文档的格式、结构和样式。
LaTeX最初是由著名计算机科学家Leslie Lamport开发的,它建立在TeX排版系统之上,并提供了一系列功能强大的工具和环境,使用户能够轻松地创建高质量的文档。
- 专业的排版效果:LaTeX能够生成高质量、专业水准的文档排版,特别适合于学术论文、书籍等内容丰富的文档。
- 具有强大的数学公式排版能力:LaTeX在排版数学公式和符号方面非常出色,被广泛应用于数学、物理等领域的文档撰写。
- 跨平台性:LaTeX在不同操作系统上都可以运行,并且生成的文档格式稳定、可靠。
- 下载安装包:
- 访问TeX Users Group或MiKTeX网站,下载LaTeX发行版的安装程序。
- 运行安装程序:
- 双击下载的安装程序,按照提示进行安装。
- 配置编辑器(可选):
- 如果你希望使用图形化的编辑器来编写LaTeX文档,可以安装一些流行的LaTeX编辑器,如TeXstudio、TeXworks等,这些编辑器通常会自动检测已安装的LaTeX发行版。
- 测试安装:
- 打开命令提示符或者你喜欢的LaTeX编辑器,新建一个简单的.tex文件,输入以下内容并保存:
\documentclass{article} \begin{document} Hello, LaTeX! \end{document}
- 编译这个文件,如果能够生成对应的.pdf文件并且内容显示正常,那么LaTeX安装成功了。
- 使用MacTeX安装:
- 下载并安装MacTeX,这是专为MacOS准备的LaTeX发行版。你可以在MacTeX官方网站下载最新版本的安装程序。
- 配置编辑器(可选):
- 安装一些流行的LaTeX编辑器,如TeXShop、TeXstudio等,这些编辑器通常会自动检测已安装的LaTeX发行版。
- 测试安装:
- 使用编辑器创建一个简单的.tex文件,输入上述示例中的内容,并进行编译。
- 使用包管理器安装:
- 对于大多数Linux发行版,可以使用其包管理器来安装LaTeX。例如,在Ubuntu上可以使用以下命令:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install texlive-full
- 测试安装:
- 使用编辑器创建一个简单的.tex文件,输入上述示例中的内容,并进行编译。
安装 dvisvgm 可以通过以下步骤进行:
Windows 用户
- 使用 Chocolatey 进行安装:
打开命令提示符(CMD)或 PowerShell,并执行以下命令:
choco install dvisvgm
macOS 用户
- 使用 Homebrew 进行安装:
brew install dvisvgm
Linux 用户
- 对于基于 Debian 的系统(如 Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get install dvisvgm
- 对于基于 Red Hat 的系统(如 Fedora):
sudo dnf install dvisvgm
一旦安装完成,您可以在命令行中运行 dvisvgm --version
来验证 dvisvgm 是否成功安装。
from manimlib.imports import * from my_projects.my_utils.boolean_operation import VGroup_ get_angle = lambda c: np.angle(-c) + PI if not c/abs(c) == 1 else 0 convert_angle = lambda a: a if a>=0 else a + TAU class Apple_logo(VGroup): CONFIG = { 'scale': 0.25, 'logo_color': RED_D, 'logo_stroke': 8, 'coord_center': DOWN * 1.25, 'assistent_lines_config': { 'stroke_width': 2, 'stroke_color': GREY, }, 'key_lines_config': { 'stroke_width': 2.5, 'stroke_color': GREY_E, }, 'step_size': 0.02, 'create_shape': True, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): VGroup.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.set_key_lines() self.set_outline() if self.create_shape: self.set_logo_shape() def set_key_lines(self): s = self.scale center = self.coord_center self.c1 = Circle(arc_center=center+ORIGIN, radius=1/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c5_r = Circle(arc_center=center+3*s*RIGHT, radius=5/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c5_l = Circle(arc_center=center+3*s*LEFT, radius=5/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) # self.c5_l = self.c5_r.copy().flip() self.c8_d = Circle(arc_center=center + s * 5.77 * DOWN, radius=8/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c13 = Circle(arc_center=center + s * 4.73 * UP, radius=13/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c8_r = Circle(arc_center=center + s * ( 3.48 * RIGHT + 7.69 * UP), radius=8/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c8_l = Circle(arc_center=center + s * (-3.48 * RIGHT + 7.69 * UP), radius=8/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c3_r = Circle(arc_center=center + s * ( 5.9 * RIGHT + 2.75 * UP), radius=3/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c3_l = Circle(arc_center=center + s * (-5.9 * RIGHT + 2.75 * UP), radius=3/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c24_r = Circle(arc_center=center + s * ( 3.89 * RIGHT + 6.54 * UP), radius=24/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c24_l = Circle(arc_center=center + s * (-3.89 * RIGHT + 6.54 * UP), radius=24/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c12_r = Circle(arc_center=center + s * ( 2.11 * RIGHT + 6.23 * UP), radius=12/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c12_l = Circle(arc_center=center + s * (-2.11 * RIGHT + 6.23 * UP), radius=12/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c8_u = Circle(arc_center=center + s * 14.89 * UP, radius=8/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c8_01 = Circle(arc_center=center + s * (8.82 * RIGHT + 6.23 * UP), radius=8/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c8_02 = Circle(arc_center=center + s * (3.61 * RIGHT + 12.23 * UP), radius=8/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.c8_03 = Circle(arc_center=center + s * (-0.46 * RIGHT + 15.69 * UP), radius=8/2*s, **self.key_lines_config) self.key_lines = VGroup(self.c1, self.c5_r, self.c5_l, self.c8_d, self.c13, self.c8_r, self.c8_l, self.c3_r, self.c3_l, self.c24_r, self.c24_l, self.c12_r, self.c12_l, self.c8_u, self.c8_01, self.c8_02, self.c8_03, ) self.key_lines_center = VGroup(* [Dot(c.get_center(), stroke_color=self.key_lines_config['stroke_color'], radius=self.key_lines_config['stroke_width']/100) for c in self.key_lines]) return self def set_outline(self): s = self.scale center = self.coord_center # kp_list = [[7.41, 2.49, 0], [4.81, -1.72, 0], [1.85, -2.22, 0], [-1.85, -2.22, 0], [-4.81, 1.72, 0], [-8.1, 5.91, 0], # [-6.22, 10.6, 0], [-1.74, 11.29, 0], [1.74, 11.29, 0], [6.22, 10.6, 0], [6.95, 9.77, 0], [-0.37, 11.87, 0], [3.42, 16.22, 0]] kp_list = [[6.95, 9.77, 0], [6.22, 10.6, 0], [1.74, 11.29, 0], [-1.74, 11.29, 0], [-6.22, 10.6, 0], [-8.1, 5.91, 0], [-4.81, -1.72, 0], [-1.85, -2.22, 0], [1.85, -2.22, 0], [4.81, -1.72, 0], [7.41, 2.49, 0], [-0.35, 11.69, 0], [3.5, 16.23, 0]] self.key_angles = np.array([10.62, 69, -51.5, 69, 49.77, 40.52, 73.94, -54.97, 73.94, 23.77, -131.51, 96.09, -96.09]) * DEGREES self.key_radius = np.array([12/2, 8/2, 8/2, 8/2, 12/2, 24/2, 5/2, 8/2, 5/2, 24/2, 8/2]) * s self.key_points = np.array(kp_list) * s + center n = len(kp_list) self.outline_by_arcs = VGroup_(step_size=self.step_size) for i in range(n-2): p1, p2 = self.key_points[i], self.key_points[(i+1) % (n-2)] arc_i = ArcBetweenPoints(p1, p2, angle=self.key_angles[i], radius=self.key_radius[i], stroke_color=self.logo_color, stroke_width=self.logo_stroke) self.outline_by_arcs.add(arc_i) arc_1 = ArcBetweenPoints(self.key_points[-2], self.key_points[-1], angle=self.key_angles[-2], radius=self.key_radius[-2], stroke_color=self.logo_color, stroke_width=self.logo_stroke) arc_2 = ArcBetweenPoints(self.key_points[-2], self.key_points[-1], angle=self.key_angles[-1], radius=self.key_radius[-1], stroke_color=self.logo_color, stroke_width=self.logo_stroke) self.outline_by_arcs.add(arc_1, arc_2) return self def set_logo_shape(self): s = self.scale center = self.coord_center self.outline_by_arcs.get_all_outline_points() self.shape_1 = self.outline_by_arcs.get_shape(center=center + s * (-3.89 * RIGHT + 6.54 * UP), fill_color=self.logo_color, fill_opacity=1, stroke_color=self.logo_color, stroke_width=self.logo_stroke) self.shape_2 = self.outline_by_arcs.get_shape(center=center + s * (1.52 * RIGHT + 14.05 * UP), fill_color=self.logo_color, fill_opacity=1, stroke_color=self.logo_color, stroke_width=self.logo_stroke) # shape_1.set_fill(self.logo_color, 1).set_stroke(self.logo_color, self.logo_stroke, 1) # shape_2.set_fill(self.logo_color, 1).set_stroke(self.logo_color, self.logo_stroke, 1) self.add(self.shape_1, self.shape_2) return self # from my_projects.others.BooleanOperationsOnPolygons import PolygonIntersection, PolygonUnion, PolygonSubtraction # # class PolygonBooleanTest(Scene): # def construct(self): # pol1 = RegularPolygon(9).scale(2).shift(LEFT) # pol2 = RegularPolygon(9).scale(2).shift(RIGHT) # start = time.perf_counter() # boolpol = PolygonSubtraction( # PolygonUnion(pol1, pol2), PolygonIntersection(pol1, pol2) # ).set_stroke(color=YELLOW, width=0).set_fill(color=YELLOW, opacity=0.5) # end = time.perf_counter() # print(end - start) # self.add(pol1, pol2, boolpol) # # ''' # pol1 = RegularPolygon(16).scale(2) # pol2 = Circle().stretch(1.2, 1).stretch(0.8, 0) # pol3 = RegularPolygon(5).scale(2).shift(LEFT*0.9) # pol4 = RegularPolygon(3).stretch(3, 1).shift(LEFT) # pol5 = Ellipse().scale(0.6).shift(LEFT).stretch(2, 0) # #start = time.perf_counter() # boolpol = PolygonSubtraction( # PolygonUnion( # PolygonIntersection( # PolygonSubtraction( # pol1, pol2), pol3), pol4), pol5) \ # .set_stroke(color=YELLOW, width=0).set_fill(color=YELLOW, opacity=0.5) # #end = time.perf_counter() # #print(end - start)#0.49910769999999993 # self.add(pol1, pol2, pol3, pol4, pol5, boolpol) # ''' # class Compass(VGroup): CONFIG = { 'stroke_color': GREY_E, 'fill_color': WHITE, 'stroke_width': 2, 'leg_length': 3, 'leg_width': 0.12, 'r': 0.2, 'depth_test': True, } def __init__(self, span=2.5, **kwargs): VGroup.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.span = span self.create_compass() # def create_compass_old(self): # # s, l, r = self.span, self.leg_length, self.r # theta = np.arcsin(s/2/l) # arc = Arc(start_angle=-PI/2 + theta, angle=TAU-theta*2, radius=r, stroke_color=self.stroke_color, stroke_width=self.stroke_width*4) # dot = Dot(color=self.stroke_color).set_height(self.stroke_width*8/100) # leg_01 = Line(arc.get_center(), arc.get_center() + complex_to_R3(l * np.exp(1j * (-PI/2-theta))), stroke_color=self.stroke_color, stroke_width=self.stroke_width) # leg_02 = Line(arc.get_center(), arc.get_center() + complex_to_R3(l * np.exp(1j * (-PI/2+theta))), stroke_color=self.stroke_color, stroke_width=self.stroke_width * 1) # leg_11 = Line(arc.get_center(), arc.get_center() + complex_to_R3((l - r * 0.8) * np.exp(1j * (-PI/2-theta))), stroke_color=self.stroke_color, stroke_width=self.stroke_width * 4) # leg_12 = Line(arc.get_center(), arc.get_center() + complex_to_R3((l - r * 0.8) * np.exp(1j * (-PI/2+theta))), stroke_color=self.stroke_color, stroke_width=self.stroke_width * 4) # pen_point = Dot(color=self.stroke_color).set_height(self.stroke_width * 1/125).move_to(leg_02.get_end()) # leg_1, leg_2 = VGroup(leg_01, leg_11), VGroup(leg_02, leg_12, pen_point) # head = Line(UP * r, UP * (r + r * 1), stroke_color=self.stroke_color, stroke_width=self.stroke_width * 4) # # self.add(arc, dot, head, leg_1, leg_2) # self.move_to(ORIGIN) # # return self def create_compass(self): s, l, r, w = self.span, self.leg_length, self.r, self.leg_width self.theta = np.arcsin(s/2/l) self.c = Circle(radius=r, fill_color=self.fill_color, fill_opacity=1, stroke_color=self.stroke_color, stroke_width=self.stroke_width*5) c2 = Circle(radius=r+self.stroke_width*5/100/2, fill_opacity=0, stroke_color=self.fill_color, stroke_width=self.stroke_width) self.leg_1 = Polygon(ORIGIN, l * RIGHT, (l-w*np.sqrt(3)) * RIGHT + w * DOWN, w * DOWN, stroke_width=0, stroke_color=self.fill_color, fill_color=self.stroke_color, fill_opacity=1).rotate(-PI/2-self.theta, about_point=self.c.get_center()) self.leg_2 = Polygon(ORIGIN, l * RIGHT, (l-w*np.sqrt(3)) * RIGHT + w * UP, w * UP, stroke_width=0, stroke_color=self.fill_color, fill_color=self.stroke_color, fill_opacity=1).rotate(-PI/2+self.theta, about_point=self.c.get_center()) # self.leg_1, self.leg_2 = VGroup(leg_01, leg_11), VGroup(leg_02, leg_12, pen_point) h = Line(UP * r, UP * (r + r * 1.8), stroke_color=self.stroke_color, stroke_width=self.stroke_width*6) self.head = VGroup(h, self.c, c2) self.add(self.leg_1, self.leg_2, self.head) self.move_to(ORIGIN) return self def get_niddle_tip(self): return self.leg_1.get_vertices()[1] def get_pen_tip(self): return self.leg_2.get_vertices()[1] def move_niddle_tip_to(self, pos): self.shift(pos-self.get_niddle_tip()) return self def rotate_about_niddle_tip(self, angle=PI/2): self.rotate(angle=angle, about_point=self.get_niddle_tip()) def get_span(self): # return self.span 如果进行了缩放而self.span没变会有问题 return get_norm(self.get_pen_tip() - self.get_niddle_tip()) def set_span(self, s): self.span = s l, r, w = self.leg_length, self.r, self.leg_width theta_new, theta_old = np.arcsin(s/2/l), self.theta sign = np.sign(get_angle(R3_to_complex(self.leg_2.get_vertices()[1] - self.leg_2.get_vertices()[0])) - get_angle(R3_to_complex(self.leg_1.get_vertices()[1] - self.leg_1.get_vertices()[0]))) rotate_angle = 2 * (theta_new - theta_old) * sign self.leg_2.rotate(rotate_angle, about_point=self.c.get_center()) self.theta=theta_new self.head.rotate(rotate_angle/2, about_point=self.c.get_center()) self.rotate_about_niddle_tip(-rotate_angle/2) return self def set_compass(self, center, pen_tip): self.move_niddle_tip_to(center) self.set_span(get_norm(pen_tip - center)) self.rotate_about_niddle_tip(np.angle(R3_to_complex(pen_tip - center)) - np.angle(R3_to_complex(self.get_pen_tip() - center))) return self def set_compass_to_draw_arc(self, arc): return self.set_compass(arc.arc_center, arc.get_start()) def reverse_tip(self): return self.flip(axis=self.head[0].get_end() - self.head[0].get_start(), about_point=self.c.get_center()) class DrawingScene(Scene): CONFIG = { 'compass_config':{ 'stroke_color': GREY_E, 'fill_color': WHITE, 'stroke_width': 2, 'leg_length': 3, 'leg_width': 0.12, 'r': 0.2, 'depth_test': True, }, 'ruler_config':{ 'width': 10, 'height': 0.8, 'stroke_width': 8, 'stroke_color': GREY_E, 'stroke_opacity': 0.4, 'fill_color': WHITE, 'fill_opacity': 0.5, }, 'dot_config':{ 'radius': 0.06, 'color': GREY_E, }, 'line_config':{ 'stroke_color': GREY_E, 'stroke_width': 2.5, }, 'brace_config':{ 'fill_color': GREY_E, 'buff':0.025, }, 'text_config':{ 'size': 0.6 * 5, # 5 times than the actual size and the sacle down 'font': 'Cambria Math', 'color': GREY_E, }, 'add_ruler': False, } def setup(self): self.cp = Compass(**self.compass_config) self.ruler = VGroup(Rectangle(**self.ruler_config).set_height(self.ruler_config['height'] - self.ruler_config['stroke_width']/2/100, stretch=True)\ .round_corners(self.ruler_config['height']/8), Rectangle(**self.ruler_config).set_opacity(0)) self.dot = Dot(**self.dot_config) self.cp.move_to(UP * 10) if self.add_ruler: self.ruler.move_to(DOWN * 10) self.add(self.ruler) self.add(self.cp) self.temp_points = [] def construct(self): self.add(self.cp) self.play(self.cp.move_niddle_tip_to, ORIGIN, run_time=1) self.wait(0.3) self.set_span(3.6, run_time=1, rate_func=smooth) self.wait(0.5) self.set_compass(DL * 0.5, UR * 0.5, run_time=1, rate_func=there_and_back) arc = Arc(color=GREY_E) self.set_compass_to_draw_arc(arc) self.draw_arc_by_compass(arc) self.wait() def set_span(self, s, run_time=1, rate_func=smooth): s_old = self.cp.get_span() n = int(run_time * self.camera.frame_rate) dt = 1/self.camera.frame_rate t_series = np.linspace(1, n, n)/n # s_series = s_old + rate_func(t_series) * (s - s_old) s_series = [s_old + rate_func(t_series[i]) * (s - s_old) for i in range(n)] for i in range(n): self.cp.set_span(s_series[i]) self.wait(dt) def set_compass_direction(self, start, end, run_time=1, rate_func=smooth): vect = end - start a = np.angle(R3_to_complex(vect)) c_old, p_old = self.cp.get_niddle_tip(), self.cp.get_pen_tip() a_old = np.angle(R3_to_complex(p_old - c_old)) n = int(run_time * self.camera.frame_rate) dt = 1/self.camera.frame_rate t_series = np.linspace(1, n, n)/n c_series = [c_old + rate_func(t_series[i]) * (start - c_old) for i in range(n)] delta_a = (a - a_old)/n for i in range(n): self.bring_to_front(self.cp) self.cp.move_niddle_tip_to(c_series[i]) self.cp.rotate_about_niddle_tip(delta_a) self.wait(dt) def set_compass(self, center, pen_tip, run_time=1, rate_func=smooth, emphasize_dot=False): if emphasize_dot: run_time -= 0.15 c_old, p_old = self.cp.get_niddle_tip(), self.cp.get_pen_tip() n = int(run_time * self.camera.frame_rate) dt = 1/self.camera.frame_rate t_series = np.linspace(1, n, n)/n # s_series = s_old + rate_func(t_series) * (s - s_old) c_series = [c_old + rate_func(t_series[i]) * (center - c_old) for i in range(n)] p_series = [p_old + rate_func(t_series[i]) * (pen_tip - p_old) for i in range(n)] for i in range(n): self.bring_to_front(self.cp) self.cp.set_compass(c_series[i], p_series[i]) self.wait(dt) if emphasize_dot: self.emphasize_dot([center, pen_tip], run_time=0.15) def set_compass_(self, center, pen_tip, adjust_angle=0, run_time=1, rate_func=smooth, emphasize_dot=False): vect = center - pen_tip a = np.angle(R3_to_complex(vect)) + adjust_angle s = get_norm(vect) c_old, p_old, s_old = self.cp.get_niddle_tip(), self.cp.get_pen_tip(), self.cp.get_span() a_old = np.angle(R3_to_complex(p_old - c_old)) if emphasize_dot: run_time -= 0.15 n = int(run_time * self.camera.frame_rate) dt = 1/self.camera.frame_rate t_series = np.linspace(1, n, n)/n c_series = [c_old + rate_func(t_series[i]) * (center - c_old) for i in range(n)] delta_a = (a - a_old)/n s_series = [s_old + rate_func(t_series[i]) * (s - s_old) for i in range(n)] for i in range(n): self.bring_to_front(self.cp) self.cp.move_niddle_tip_to(c_series[i]) self.cp.rotate_about_niddle_tip(delta_a) self.cp.set_span(s_series[i]) self.wait(dt) if emphasize_dot: self.emphasize_dot([center, pen_tip], run_time=0.15) def set_compass_to_draw_arc(self, arc, **kwargs): self.set_compass(arc.arc_center, arc.get_start(), **kwargs) def set_compass_to_draw_arc_(self, arc, **kwargs): self.set_compass_(arc.arc_center, arc.get_start(), **kwargs) def draw_arc_by_compass(self, arc, is_prepared=True, run_time=1, rate_func=smooth, reverse=False, add_center=False, **kwargs): self.bring_to_front(self.cp) if not is_prepared: self.set_compass_to_draw_arc(arc, run_time=0.5) theta = arc.angle if not reverse else -1 * arc.angle self.play(Rotating(self.cp, angle=theta, about_point=self.cp.get_niddle_tip()), ShowCreation(arc), rate_func=rate_func, run_time=run_time) if add_center: d = Dot(self.cp.get_niddle_tip(), **self.dot_config).scale(0.5) self.temp_points.append(d) self.add(d) def emphasize_dot(self, pos, add_dot=False, size=1.2, run_time=0.2, **kwargs): if type(pos) == list: d = VGroup(*[Dot(pos[i], radius=size/2, color=GREY_C, fill_opacity=0.25).scale(0.25) for i in range(len(pos))]) else: d = Dot(pos, radius=size/2, color=GREY_C, fill_opacity=0.25).scale(0.25) self.add(d) if type(pos) == list: self.play(d[0].scale, 4, d[1].scale, 4, rate_func=linear, run_time=run_time) else: self.play(d.scale, 4, rate_func=linear, run_time=run_time) self.remove(d) if add_dot: if type(pos) == list: dot = VGroup(*[Dot(pos[i],**kwargs) for i in range(len(pos))]) else: dot = Dot(pos, **kwargs) self.add(dot) return dot def set_ruler(self, pos1, pos2, run_time=1, rate_func=smooth): p1, p2 = self.ruler[-1].get_vertices()[1], self.ruler[-1].get_vertices()[0] c12 = (p1 + p2) / 2 center = (pos1 + pos2)/2 self.bring_to_front(self.ruler) self.play(self.ruler.shift, center - c12, run_time=run_time/2, rate_func=rate_func) self.play(Rotating(self.ruler, angle=np.angle(R3_to_complex(pos2 - pos1)) - np.angle(R3_to_complex(p2 - p1)), about_point=center), run_time=run_time/2, rate_func=rate_func) def draw_line(self, pos1, pos2, is_prepared=True, run_time=1.2, rate_func=smooth, pre_time=0.8): if not is_prepared: self.set_ruler(pos1, pos2, run_time=pre_time) self.dot.move_to(pos1) self.emphasize_dot(pos1, run_time=0.15) self.add(self.dot) l = Line(pos1, pos2, **self.line_config) self.play(ShowCreation(l), self.dot.move_to, pos2, run_time=run_time-0.3, rate_func=rate_func) self.emphasize_dot(pos2, run_time=0.15) self.remove(self.dot) return l def draw_line_(self, l, is_prepared=True, run_time=1.2, rate_func=smooth): pos1, pos2 = l.get_start(), l.get_end() if not is_prepared: self.set_ruler(pos1, pos2, run_time=0.5) self.dot.move_to(pos1) self.emphasize_dot(pos1, run_time=0.15) self.add(self.dot) # l = Line(pos1, pos2, **self.line_config) self.play(ShowCreation(l), self.dot.move_to, pos2, run_time=run_time-0.3, rate_func=rate_func) self.emphasize_dot(pos2, run_time=0.15) self.remove(self.dot) return l def put_aside_ruler(self, direction=DOWN, run_time=0.5): self.bring_to_front(self.ruler) self.play(self.ruler.move_to, direction * 15, run_time=run_time) def put_aside_compass(self, direction=DOWN, run_time=0.5): self.bring_to_front(self.cp) self.play(self.cp.move_to, direction * 15, run_time=run_time) def get_length_label(self, p1, p2, text='', reverse_label=False, add_bg=False, bg_color=WHITE): l = Line(p1, p2) b = Brace(l, direction=complex_to_R3(np.exp(1j * (l.get_angle()+PI/2 * (1 -2 * float(reverse_label))))), **self.brace_config) t = Text(text, **self.text_config).scale(0.2) if add_bg: bg = SurroundingRectangle(t, fill_color=bg_color, fill_opacity=0.6, stroke_opacity=0).set_height(t.get_height() + 0.05, stretch=True).set_width(t.get_width() + 0.05, stretch=True) b.put_at_tip(bg, buff=0.0) b.put_at_tip(t, buff=0.05) return b, bg, t else: b.put_at_tip(t, buff=0.05) return b, t def set_compass_and_show_span(self, p1, p2, run_time=1, show_span_time=[0.4, 0.3, 0.9, 0.4], text='', reverse_label=False, add_bg=True, **kwargs): self.set_compass(p1, p2, run_time=run_time, **kwargs) bt = self.get_length_label(p1, p2, text=text, reverse_label=reverse_label, add_bg=add_bg) b, t = bt[0], bt[-1] st = show_span_time self.play(ShowCreation(b), run_time=st[0]) if add_bg: self.add(bt[1]) self.play(FadeIn(t), run_time=st[1]) else: self.play(FadeIn(t), run_time=st[1]) self.wait(st[2]) self.play(FadeOut(VGroup(*bt)), run_time=st[3]) return bt def set_compass_and_show_span_(self, p1, p2, run_time=1, show_span_time=[0.4, 0.3, 0.9, 0.4], text='', reverse_label=False, add_bg=True, **kwargs): self.set_compass_(p1, p2, run_time=run_time, **kwargs) bt = self.get_length_label(p1, p2, text=text, reverse_label=reverse_label) b, t = bt[0], bt[-1] st = show_span_time self.play(ShowCreation(b), run_time=st[0]) if add_bg: self.add(bt[1]) self.play(FadeIn(t), run_time=st[1]) else: self.play(FadeIn(t), run_time=st[1]) self.wait(st[2]) self.play(FadeOut(VGroup(*bt)), run_time=st[3]) return bt def highlight_on(self, *mobjects, to_front=True, stroke_config={'color': '#66CCFF', 'width': 4}, run_time=1, **kwargs): self.highlight = VGroup(*mobjects) self.play(self.highlight.set_stroke, stroke_config, run_time=run_time, **kwargs) if to_front: self.bring_to_front(self.highlight) self.bring_to_front(self.cp, self.ruler) def highlight_off(self, *mobjects): pass def show_arc_info(self, arc, time_list=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3]): c, r, s, a, ps, pe = arc.arc_center, arc.radius, arc.start_angle, arc.angle, arc.get_start(), arc.get_end() d_center = Dot(c, radius=0.08, color=PINK) r1, r2 = DashedLine(c, ps, stroke_width=3.5, stroke_color=PINK), DashedLine(c, pe , stroke_width=3.5, stroke_color=PINK) arc_new = Arc(arc_center=c, radius=r, start_angle=s, angle=a, stroke_width=8, stroke_color=RED) self.play(ShowCreation(arc_new), run_time=time_list[0]) self.play(FadeIn(arc_new), run_time=time_list[1]) self.play(ShowCreation(r1), ShowCreation(r2), run_time=time_list[2]) class Test_01(Scene): def construct(self): logo = Apple_logo() kl = logo.key_lines ol = logo.outline_by_arcs self.play(ShowCreation(kl), run_time=6) self.wait(0.25) # self.play(ShowCreation(ol), run_time=4) # self.wait(0.8) self.play(DrawBorderThenFill(logo.shape_1, stroke_width=logo.logo_stroke), run_time=3) self.play(DrawBorderThenFill(logo.shape_2, stroke_width=logo.logo_stroke), run_time=1.6) self.wait(0.2) self.play(Uncreate(kl), run_time=1.5) self.wait(2) class Test_compass(Scene): def construct(self): coord = NumberPlane(axis_config={"stroke_color": GREY_D}, background_line_style={"stroke_color": BLUE_C},) self.add(coord) cp = Compass(stroke_color=PINK) c = Circle(radius=cp.get_span()) self.add(cp) self.wait() self.play(cp.move_niddle_tip_to, ORIGIN, run_time=1) self.wait() self.bring_to_front(cp) self.play(Rotating(cp, about_point=cp.get_niddle_tip()), ShowCreation(c), rate_func=smooth, run_time=1.5) self.bring_to_front(cp) c1 = Circle(stroke_color=GREY_E) # self.play(cp.set_span, 1, run_time=1) # cp.set_span(1) # self.wait() # self.play(Rotating(cp, about_point=cp.get_niddle_tip()), ShowCreation(c1), rate_func=smooth, run_time=1.5) self.bring_to_front(cp) # self.play(cp.set_compass, DL * 2, UR * 2, run_time=1.5) cp.set_compass(DL * 2, UR * 2) self.wait(2) class Test_1(DrawingScene): def construct(self): s = 0.5 # axis = Axes(x_range=[-30, 30, 1], y_range=[-20, 20, 1], axis_config={"stroke_color": GREY_D, "stroke_width": 2.5, "stroke_opacity": 1},).scale(s) # logo = Apple_logo(create_shape=False, coord_center=ORIGIN, scale=s*2) # self.add(axis, logo.c1) c = Circle(color=BLACK) c1 = Circle(color=BLACK) c2 = Circle(color=BLACK) self.add(c, c1, c2) self.wait() self.play(ApplyMethod(c.shift, RIGHT * 4, run_time=1), ApplyMethod(c1.shift, RIGHT * 4, run_time=2), ApplyMethod(c2.shift, RIGHT * 4, run_time=4) ) class Step_0(DrawingScene): ''' 画出基本的直角坐标系作为辅助 ''' def construct(self): s = 0.5 # coord = NumberPlane(x_range=[-15, 15, 1], y_range=[-15, 15, 1], axis_config={"stroke_color": GREY_D}, background_line_style={"stroke_color": BLUE_C},).scale(s) # logo = Apple_logo(create_shape=False, coord_center=ORIGIN, scale=s) self.cp.move_to(UP * 10) # self.add(coord) self.wait() self.play(FadeIn(self.ruler)) l1 = self.draw_line(LEFT * 4.5, RIGHT * 4.5, is_prepared=False) self.put_aside_ruler() self.wait() arc_1 = Arc(arc_center=LEFT * 2, radius=3, start_angle=-PI/3, angle=2*PI/3, **self.line_config) arc_2 = Arc(arc_center=RIGHT * 2, radius=3, start_angle=2 * PI/3, angle=2*PI/3, **self.line_config) self.play(self.cp.move_to, ORIGIN) self.wait(0.2) self.set_compass_to_draw_arc(arc_1, emphasize_dot=True) self.draw_arc_by_compass(arc_1) self.wait(0.1) self.set_compass_to_draw_arc_(arc_2, adjust_angle=PI, emphasize_dot=True) self.draw_arc_by_compass(arc_2) self.wait(0.2) self.put_aside_compass() self.set_ruler(UP, DOWN) l2 = self.draw_line(UP * 3, DOWN * 3) self.put_aside_ruler(direction=LEFT) self.wait(0.6) self.play(FadeOut(arc_1), FadeOut(arc_2), l1.scale, 2, l2.scale, 2, run_time=1.2) self.wait(0.8) c1 = Circle(radius=1*s, **self.line_config) # c2_l = Circle(arc_center=6*s*LEFT, radius=5*s, **self.line_config) # c2_r = Arc(arc_center=6*s*RIGHT, radius=5*s, start_angle=PI, angle=-TAU, **self.line_config) self.set_compass_to_draw_arc(c1, run_time=1.2) self.wait(0.12) self.draw_arc_by_compass(c1) self.wait(0.2) arcs = VGroup(*[Arc(arc_center=i*s*RIGHT, radius=1*s, start_angle=-PI/6, angle=PI/3, **self.line_config) for i in range(1, 7)]) for i in range(6): self.set_compass_to_draw_arc(arcs[i], run_time=0.32, emphasize_dot=False) self.draw_arc_by_compass(arcs[i], run_time=0.5) self.wait(0.6) axis = Axes(x_range=[-15, 15, 1], y_range=[-10, 10, 1], axis_config={"stroke_color": GREY_D, "stroke_width": 2.5}, ).scale(s) dot = Dot(color=GREY_E, radius=0.06) self.play(FadeIn(axis), FadeIn(dot), FadeOut(l1), FadeOut(l2), FadeOut(self.cp), FadeOut(arcs)) self.wait(2) class Step_1(DrawingScene): ''' 画出... ''' def construct(self): s = 0.5 axis = Axes(x_range=[-30, 30, 1], y_range=[-20, 20, 1], axis_config={"stroke_color": GREY_D, "stroke_width": 2.5, "stroke_opacity": 1},).scale(s) logo = Apple_logo(create_shape=False, coord_center=ORIGIN, scale=s*2) dot_config = {'color': GREY_E, 'radius': 0.06} d1 = Dot(**dot_config) self.add(axis, logo.c1, d1) self.wait() d5_l, d5_r = Dot(logo.c5_l.get_center(), **dot_config), Dot(logo.c5_r.get_center(), **dot_config) # self.set_compass_to_draw_arc(logo.c5_l, emphasize_dot=True) self.set_compass_and_show_span(logo.c5_l.get_center(), logo.c5_l.get_start(), reverse_label=True, text='r=5') self.wait(0.1) self.draw_arc_by_compass(logo.c5_l) self.cp.reverse_tip() logo.c5_r.flip() self.wait(0.15) self.add(d5_l) self.set_compass_to_draw_arc(logo.c5_r, emphasize_dot=True) # self.set_compass_to_draw_arc_(logo.c5_r, emphasize_dot=True) self.draw_arc_by_compass(logo.c5_r, reverse=True) self.wait(0.1) self.add(d5_r) self.put_aside_compass(direction=UP) self.wait(0.4) self.play(VGroup(*self.mobjects).scale, 0.6, {'about_point': ORIGIN}, run_time=1.2) self.play(VGroup(*self.mobjects).shift, UP * 2, run_time=1.2) # s_vg = VGroup(axis, logo.c5_l, logo.c5_r, logo.c1) # s_vg2 = logo.key_lines.remove(logo.c5_l, logo.c5_r, logo.c1) # self.play(s_vg.scale, 0.5, {'about_point': ORIGIN}, run_time=1.2) # s_vg2.scale(0.5, about_point=ORIGIN) # self.wait(0.4) # self.set_compass_(logo.c8_d.get_center(), logo.c8_d.get_start(), emphasize_dot=True) # # self.set_compass_to_draw_arc(logo.c8_d, emphasize_dot=True) # self.draw_arc_by_compass(logo.c8_d) self.wait(2) class Step_11(DrawingScene): CONFIG = { 'compass_config':{ 'stroke_color': GREY_E, 'fill_color': WHITE, 'stroke_width': 2, 'leg_length': 4, 'leg_width': 0.12, 'r': 0.2, 'depth_test': True, }, 'add_ruler': True, } def construct(self): s = 0.5 * 0.6 axis = Axes(x_range=[-30, 30, 1], y_range=[-25, 25, 1], axis_config={"stroke_color": GREY_D, "stroke_width": 2.5, "stroke_opacity": 1},).scale(s).shift(UP * 2) logo = Apple_logo(create_shape=False, coord_center=UP * 2, scale=s*2) dot_config = {'color': GREY_E, 'radius': 0.03} d1 = Dot(logo.c1.get_center(), **dot_config) d5_l, d5_r = Dot(logo.c5_l.get_center(), **dot_config), Dot(logo.c5_r.get_center(), **dot_config) self.add(axis, logo.c1, logo.c5_l, logo.c5_r, d1, d5_l, d5_r) self.wait() self.cp.move_to(DOWN * 10) self.cp.rotate_about_niddle_tip(PI) arc_13_l = Arc(arc_center=logo.c5_l.get_center(), radius=13 * s, start_angle=3*PI/2, angle=PI/4, **self.line_config) arc_13_r = Arc(arc_center=logo.c5_r.get_center(), radius=13 * s, start_angle=3*PI/2-PI/4, angle=PI/4 + PI/2, **self.line_config) self.highlight_on(logo.c5_l, logo.c5_r) self.wait(0.15) self.set_compass_and_show_span(logo.c5_l.get_center(), logo.c5_l.get_center() + (5 + 8) * s * LEFT, reverse_label=True, text='r=5+8=13', run_time=1.4) self.wait(0.4) self.set_compass_to_draw_arc_(arc_13_l, adjust_angle=PI, rate_func=linear, run_time=0.6) self.draw_arc_by_compass(arc_13_l, rate_func=linear, run_time=0.3) self.wait(0.12) self.set_compass_(logo.c5_r.get_center(), logo.c5_r.get_center() + (5 + 8) * s * LEFT, adjust_angle=PI, emphasize_dot=True, run_time=1.4) self.wait(0.2) self.set_compass_to_draw_arc_(arc_13_r, adjust_angle=-PI, rate_func=linear, run_time=0.6) self.draw_arc_by_compass(arc_13_r, rate_func=linear, run_time=0.9) self.wait(0.6) self.set_compass_and_show_span(axis.c2p(11, 0), axis.c2p(19, 0), reverse_label=True, text='r=8', run_time=1.2) self.wait(0.15) self.set_compass_to_draw_arc_(logo.c8_d.scale(0.995), adjust_angle=-PI, run_time=1.) self.draw_arc_by_compass(logo.c8_d, run_time=1.2) d8_d = Dot(logo.c8_d.get_center(), **dot_config) self.add(d8_d) self.wait(0.2) self.put_aside_compass(UP * 0.5, run_time=1.) self.play(FadeOut(arc_13_l), FadeOut(arc_13_r)) self.remove(self.cp) self.wait(0.4) self.play(logo.c5_r.set_stroke, {'color': GREY_E, 'width': 2.5}, logo.c5_l.set_stroke, {'color': GREY_E, 'width': 2.5}, run_time=0.6) self.wait(0.2) self.play(VGroup(*self.mobjects).shift, DOWN * 4, run_time=1.25) self.wait(2) class Step_12(DrawingScene): def construct(self): s = 0.5 * 0.6 axis = Axes(x_range=[-30, 30, 1], y_range=[-30, 30, 1], axis_config={"stroke_color": GREY_D, "stroke_width": 2.5, "stroke_opacity": 1},).scale(s).shift(DOWN * 2) logo = Apple_logo(create_shape=False, coord_center=DOWN * 2, scale=s*2) dot_config = {'color': GREY_E, 'radius': 0.03} d1 = Dot(logo.c1.get_center(), **dot_config) d5_l, d5_r = Dot(logo.c5_l.get_center(), **dot_config), Dot(logo.c5_r.get_center(), **dot_config) self.add(axis, logo.c1, logo.c5_l, logo.c5_r, logo.c8_d.scale(0.995), d1, d5_l, d5_r) self.set_compass_and_show_span(axis.c2p(0, 13), axis.c2p(0,0), emphasize_dot=True, reverse_label=True, text='r=13', run_time=2) self.wait(0.6) logo.c13.rotate(-PI/2) self.set_compass_to_draw_arc(logo.c13, emphasize_dot=True) self.wait(0.2) d13 = Dot(logo.c13.get_center(), **dot_config) a_13 = Arc(arc_center=logo.c8_d.get_center() + UP * 8 * s, start_angle=PI/2 + PI/20, radius=13 * s, angle=-PI/10, **self.line_config) self.cp.reverse_tip() self.set_compass_to_draw_arc(a_13, run_time=0.25) self.draw_arc_by_compass(a_13, run_time=0.5) self.add(d13) self.wait(0.25) self.put_aside_compass(RIGHT * 0.8, run_time=1.2) self.wait(0.6) self.play(VGroup(*self.mobjects).scale, 0.8, {'about_point': axis.c2p(0,0)}, run_time=1.2) self.wait(2) class Step_2(DrawingScene): """ 画出辅助正方形 """ CONFIG = { 'compass_config':{ 'stroke_color': GREY_E, 'fill_color': WHITE, 'stroke_width': 2, 'leg_length': 4, 'leg_width': 0.12, 'r': 0.2, 'depth_test': True, }, } def construct(self): s = 0.5 * 0.6 * 0.8 axis = Axes(x_range=[-40, 40, 1], y_range=[-36, 36, 1], axis_config={"stroke_color": GREY_D, "stroke_width": 2.5, "stroke_opacity": 1},).scale(s).shift(DOWN * 2) logo = Apple_logo(create_shape=False, coord_center=DOWN * 2, scale=s*2) dot_config = {'color': GREY_E, 'radius': 0.03} d1 = Dot(logo.c1.get_center(), **dot_config) d5_l, d5_r = Dot(logo.c5_l.get_center(), **dot_config), Dot(logo.c5_r.get_center(), **dot_config) a_13 = Arc(arc_center=logo.c8_d.get_center() + UP * 8 * s, start_angle=PI/2 + PI/30, radius=13 * s, angle=-PI/15, **self.line_config) d13 = Dot(logo.c13.get_center(), **dot_config) self.add(axis, logo.c1, logo.c5_l, logo.c5_r, logo.c8_d.scale(0.995), a_13, d1, d5_l, d5_r, d13) self.wait() self.play(FadeIn(self.ruler)) self.wait(0.2) dl, dr = logo.c5_l.get_center() * 8/13 + logo.c8_d.get_center() * 5/13, logo.c5_r.get_center() * 8/13 + logo.c8_d.get_center() * 5/13 self.set_ruler(dl, dr) self.emphasize_dot([dl, dr], run_time=0.2) # l = Line(dl + LEFT * 4.5, dr + RIGHT *4.5, **self.line_config) self.wait(0.5) l = self.draw_line(dl + LEFT * 3.6, dr + RIGHT * 3.6, run_time=1.25) self.put_aside_ruler(DOWN * 0.4) self.wait(0.1) dm = (dl+dr)/2 self.set_compass(d13.get_center(), dm, emphasize_dot=True, run_time=1.5) self.wait(0.2) a_13_r = Arc(arc_center=dm, radius=self.cp.get_span(), start_angle=10 * DEGREES, angle=-20 * DEGREES, **self.line_config) a_13_l = Arc(arc_center=dm, radius=self.cp.get_span(), start_angle=190 * DEGREES, angle=-20 * DEGREES, **self.line_config) # a_13_u = Arc(arc_center=d13.get_center(), radius=self.cp.get_span(), start_angle=100 * DEGREES, angle=20 * DEGREES, **self.line_config) l_square = get_norm(d13.get_center()-dm) circle = Circle(arc_center=d13.get_center(), radius=l_square * np.sqrt(2), **self.line_config).rotate(-PI/4) self.cp.reverse_tip() self.set_compass_to_draw_arc_(a_13_l, adjust_angle=PI, run_time=0.64) self.draw_arc_by_compass(a_13_l, run_time=0.12, rate_func=linear) self.set_compass_to_draw_arc_(a_13_r, adjust_angle=PI, run_time=0.96, rate_func=linear) self.draw_arc_by_compass(a_13_r, run_time=0.12, rate_func=linear) self.wait(0.25) self.cp.reverse_tip() self.set_compass_to_draw_arc(circle, run_time=1.2, emphasize_dot=True) self.wait(0.15) self.draw_arc_by_compass(circle, run_time=1.6) self.wait(0.5) self.set_compass(dm + l_square * LEFT, dm + l_square * RIGHT, emphasize_dot=True) self.wait(0.2) self.cp.reverse_tip() arc_r = Arc(arc_center=dm + l_square * RIGHT, radius=l_square * 2, start_angle=100 * DEGREES, angle=-20 * DEGREES, **self.line_config) arc_l = Arc(arc_center=dm + l_square * LEFT, radius=l_square * 2, start_angle=80 * DEGREES, angle=20 * DEGREES, **self.line_config) # self.set_compass_to_draw_arc_(arc_r, adjust_angle=PI, run_time=0.6, rate_func=linear) self.play(Rotating(self.cp, angle=-80 * DEGREES, about_point=self.cp.get_niddle_tip(), rate_func=linear), run_time=0.6) self.draw_arc_by_compass(arc_r, run_time=0.15, rate_func=linear) self.wait(0.2) # self.set_compass_(dm + l_square * RIGHT, dm + l_square * LEFT, emphasize_dot=True) self.play(Rotating(self.cp, angle=100 * DEGREES, about_point=self.cp.get_niddle_tip()), run_time=0.8) self.emphasize_dot([self.cp.get_niddle_tip(), self.cp.get_pen_tip()], run_time=0.15) self.wait(0.2) self.cp.reverse_tip() self.set_compass_to_draw_arc_(arc_l, adjust_angle=PI, run_time=0.6, rate_func=linear) self.draw_arc_by_compass(arc_l, run_time=0.15, rate_func=linear) self.wait(0.2) self.put_aside_compass(LEFT) self.wait(0.6) dots = [dm + l_square * RIGHT, dm + l_square * (RIGHT + 2 * UP), dm + l_square * (LEFT + 2 * UP), dm + l_square * LEFT] # self.set_ruler(dots[0], dots[1]) l_r = self.draw_line(dots[0], dots[1], is_prepared=False, pre_time=0.75) self.wait(0.2) l_u = self.draw_line(dots[1], dots[2], is_prepared=False, pre_time=0.75) self.wait(0.2) l_l = self.draw_line(dots[3], dots[2], is_prepared=False, pre_time=0.75) l_d = Line(dots[3], dots[0],**self.line_config) self.wait(0.18) self.put_aside_ruler(LEFT * 0.7) self.wait(0.9) self.play(Transform(l, l_d, run_time=0.9), FadeOut(a_13_r, run_time=0.6), # FadeOut(a_13, run_time=0.8), FadeOut(a_13_l, run_time=0.8), FadeOut(arc_r, run_time=1.), FadeOut(arc_l, run_time=1.2), FadeOut(circle, run_time=1.4) ) self.wait(0.75) self.play(VGroup(*self.mobjects).scale, 0.8, {'about_point': axis.c2p(0,0)}) self.wait(2) class Step_3(DrawingScene): CONFIG = { 'add_ruler': True, } def construct(self): s = 0.5 * 0.6 * 0.8 * 0.8 axis = Axes(x_range=[-40, 40, 1], y_range=[-36, 36, 1], axis_config={"stroke_color": GREY_D, "stroke_width": 2.5, "stroke_opacity": 1},).scale(s).shift(DOWN * 2) logo = Apple_logo(create_shape=False, coord_center=DOWN * 2, scale=s*2) dot_config = {'color': GREY_E, 'radius': 0.03} d1 = Dot(logo.c1.get_center(), **dot_config) d5_l, d5_r = Dot(logo.c5_l.get_center(), **dot_config), Dot(logo.c5_r.get_center(), **dot_config) a_13 = Arc(arc_center=logo.c8_d.get_center() + UP * 8 * s, start_angle=PI/2 + PI/30, radius=13 * s, angle=-PI/15, **self.line_config) d13 = Dot(logo.c13.get_center(), **dot_config) dl, dr = logo.c5_l.get_center() * 8/13 + logo.c8_d.get_center() * 5/13, logo.c5_r.get_center() * 8/13 + logo.c8_d.get_center() * 5/13 dm = (dl+dr)/2 l_square = get_norm(d13.get_center()-dm) dots = [dm + l_square * RIGHT, dm + l_square * (RIGHT + 2 * UP), dm + l_square * (LEFT + 2 * UP), dm + l_square * LEFT] square = Polygon(*dots, **self.line_config) before = VGroup(axis, logo.c1, logo.c5_l, logo.c5_r, logo.c8_d.scale(0.995), a_13, d1, d5_l, d5_r, d13, square) self.add(before) self.wait() dots = square.get_vertices() r1 = l_square * 0.7 ### left part ### a_1 = Arc(arc_center=dots[2], radius=r1, start_angle=PI/3, angle=-2 * PI/3, **self.line_config) a_2 = Arc(arc_center=(dots[1] +dots[2])/2, radius=r1, start_angle=2 * PI/3, angle=2 * PI/3, **self.line_config) self.cp.flip(axis=RIGHT) self.set_compass_to_draw_arc(a_1) self.draw_arc_by_compass(a_1) self.wait(0.15) self.cp.reverse_tip() self.set_compass_to_draw_arc_(a_2, adjust_angle=PI) self.draw_arc_by_compass(a_2) self.put_aside_compass(RIGHT * 0.8, run_time=0.64) pm = (dots[2] + (dots[1] +dots[2])/2)/2 pu, pd = pm + 10 * s * UP, pm + 10 * s * DOWN l = self.draw_line(pu, pd, is_prepared=False, pre_time=0.72) self.wait(0.18) self.put_aside_ruler(LEFT * 0.65) logo.c8_l.rotate(PI/2) self.set_compass_and_show_span_(axis.c2p(0,0), axis.c2p(0,8), run_time=1.4, emphasize_dot=True, adjust_angle=PI, text='r=8', reverse_label=True, add_bg=True) self.wait(0.5) self.set_compass_to_draw_arc_(logo.c8_l, adjust_angle=PI, emphasize_dot=True) self.wait(0.2) self.draw_arc_by_compass(logo.c8_l, run_time=1.25, add_center=True) self.wait(0.2) self.put_aside_compass(LEFT * 0.64) self.wait(0.6) ### right part ### 同理直接copy吧 a_3 = Arc(arc_center=(dots[1] + dots[2])/2, radius=r1, start_angle=PI/3, angle=-2 * PI/3, **self.line_config) a_4 = Arc(arc_center=dots[1], radius=r1, start_angle=2 * PI/3, angle=2 * PI/3, **self.line_config) d8_r = Dot(logo.c8_r.get_center(), **dot_config) pm_r = (dots[1] + (dots[1] +dots[2])/2)/2 pu_r, pd_r = pm_r + 10 * s * UP, pm_r + 10 * s * DOWN logo.c8_r.rotate(PI/2) l02 = Line(pu_r, pd_r, **self.line_config) right_part = VGroup(a_3, a_4, l02, logo.c8_r) right_part_ = right_part.copy().set_stroke(opacity=0.32).shift(l_square * LEFT) self.add(right_part_) self.play(right_part_.shift, l_square * RIGHT) self.wait(0.2) self.play(ShowCreation(a_3), run_time=0.8) self.play(ShowCreation(a_4), run_time=0.8) self.play(ShowCreation(l02), run_time=0.8) self.play(ShowCreation(logo.c8_r), FadeIn(d8_r)) self.remove(right_part_) self.wait() self.play(FadeOut(a_4, run_time=0.6), FadeOut(l02, run_time=0.7), FadeOut(a_3, run_time=0.8), FadeOut(a_2, run_time=0.9), FadeOut(l, run_time=1.), FadeOut(a_1, run_time=1.1), ) self.wait(0.8) self.play(VGroup(*self.mobjects).scale, 1.25, {'about_point': axis.c2p(0,0)}) self.wait(2) class Step_4(DrawingScene): CONFIG = { 'add_ruler': True, } def construct(self): s = 0.5 * 0.6 * 0.8 axis = Axes(x_range=[-45, 45, 1], y_range=[-36, 36, 1], axis_config={"stroke_color": GREY_D, "stroke_width": 2.5, "stroke_opacity": 1},).scale(s).shift(DOWN * 2) logo = Apple_logo(create_shape=False, coord_center=DOWN * 2, scale=s*2) dot_config = {'color': GREY_E, 'radius': 0.03} d1 = Dot(logo.c1.get_center(), **dot_config) d5_l, d5_r = Dot(logo.c5_l.get_center(), **dot_config), Dot(logo.c5_r.get_center(), **dot_config)