在上一期的文章《Multi-Agent实践第2期: @智能体 你怎么看?》中,我们简要介绍了如何使用AgentScope快速构建一个多智能体聊天场景以及可以直接"@"提及某个智能体的群聊功能。本期,我们将带你体验如何实现用AgentScope如何快速实现一个游戏向应用:试试让两个智能体下五子棋~ 因为有些功能性代码比较琐碎,为了文章简洁可能被部分隐去;完整的代码可以参见(https://github.com/modelscope/agentscope/tree/main/examples/game_gomoku)
欢迎大家关注AgentScope,在github上(https://github.com/modelscope/agentscope) 为我们star 🌟。我们会在接下来几天,继续推出一系列教程,让大家每天花5~10分钟,搭建出不同的由简单到复杂的有趣的多智能体应用!
import agentscope agentscope.init(model_configs="./model_configs.json") # 替换成自己的model config name YOUR_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_NAME = "{YOUR_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_NAME}"
- Alice执黑(表示为“o”),Bob执白(表示为“x”)
import numpy as np from agentscope.message import Msg from typing import Tuple from agentscope.agents import AgentBase CURRENT_BOARD_PROMPT_TEMPLATE = """The current board is as follows: {board} {player}, it's your turn. )""" NAME_BLACK = "Alice" NAME_WHITE = "Bob" # The mapping from name to piece NAME_TO_PIECE = { NAME_BLACK: "o", NAME_WHITE: "x", } EMPTY_PIECE = "0" piece_black = NAME_TO_PIECE[NAME_BLACK] piece_white = NAME_TO_PIECE[NAME_WHITE]
class BoardAgent(AgentBase): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name=name, use_memory=False) # Init the board self.size = 15 self.board = np.full((self.size, self.size), 0) # Record the status of the game self.game_end = False def reply(self, x: dict = None) -> dict: if x is None: # 开始游戏 content = "Welcome to the Gomoku game! Black player goes first. Please make your move." else: # 在游戏过程中 # 1. 检查落子是否合法; # 2. 检查落子是否能带来胜利或平局 # 3. 若游戏继续,更新棋盘信息 # 4. 打印当前棋局 (依赖完整代码中的board2img函数) # 代码参见文章开头链接 # ... # 是否合法落子 def assert_valid_move(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool: return 0 <= x < self.size and 0 <= y < self.size and self.board[x, y] is None #检查胜利与否 def check_win(self, move: Tuple[int, int], piece: str) -> bool: # 代码参见代码参见文章开头链接 # ... #检查平局 def check_draw(self) -> bool: return np.all(self.board != None) #棋盘状态to文字 def board2text(self) -> str: return "\n".join([str(_)[1:-1].replace(", ", " ") for _ in self.board])
下五子棋,起码需要智能体返回一个明确的落子位置(x, y)。除此之外,根据CoT的思想,如果让大模型同时返回一段分析(智能体的想法thought),可能可以让回答更加合理。
import json from agentscope.models import ModelResponse from typing import Optional # 说明游戏规则和agent回答规则 (样例) SYS_PROMPT_TEMPLATE = """ You're a skillful Gomoku player. You should play against your opponent according to the following rules: Game Rules: 1. This Gomoku board is a 15*15 grid. Moves are made by specifying row and column indexes, with [0, 0] marking the top-left corner and [14, 14] indicating the bottom-right corner. 2. The goal is to be the first player to form an unbroken line of your pieces horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. 3. If the board is completely filled with pieces and no player has formed a row of five, the game is declared a draw. Note: 1. Your pieces are represented by '{}', your opponent's by '{}'. 0 represents an empty spot on the board. 2. You should think carefully about your strategy and moves, considering both your and your opponent's subsequent moves. 3. Make sure you don't place your piece on a spot that has already been occupied. 4. Only an unbroken line of five same pieces will win the game. For example, "xxxoxx" won't be considered a win. 5. Note the unbroken line can be formed in any direction: horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. """ # 提示词(样例) HINT_PROMPT = """You should respond in the following format, which can be loaded by json.loads in Python: {{ "thought": "what you thought", "move": [row, col] }} """ # 提取大模型回答中的格式化/有效信息 def parse_func(response: ModelResponse) -> ModelResponse: res_dict = json.loads(response.text) if "move" in res_dict and "thought" in res_dict: return ModelResponse(raw=res_dict) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid response format in parse_func with response: {response.text}") # 下五子棋的智能体 class GomokuAgent(AgentBase): """A Gomoku agent that can play the game with another agent.""" def __init__(self, name, sys_prompt, model_config_name): super().__init__(name=name, sys_prompt=sys_prompt, model_config_name=model_config_name) self.memory.add(Msg("system", sys_prompt, role="system")) def reply(self, x: Optional[dict] = None) -> dict: if self.memory: self.memory.add(x) msg_hint = Msg("system", HINT_PROMPT, role="system") # 组织prompt prompt = self.model.format( self.memory.get_memory(), msg_hint, ) response = self.model( prompt, parse_func=parse_func, max_retries=3, ).raw self.speak(Msg(self.name, json.dumps(response, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False), role="assistant")) if self.memory: self.memory.add(Msg(self.name, response, role="assistant")) # 隐去想法(thought) return Msg(self.name, response["move"], "assistant")
black = GomokuAgent( NAME_BLACK, model_config_name=YOUR_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_NAME, sys_prompt=SYS_PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(piece_black, piece_white), ) white = GomokuAgent( NAME_WHITE, model_config_name=YOUR_MODEL_CONFIGURATION_NAME, sys_prompt=SYS_PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(piece_white, piece_black), ) board = BoardAgent(name="Host")
from agentscope import msghub MAX_STEPS = 10 msg = None i = 0 # Use a msg hub to share conversation between two players, e.g. white player can hear what black player says to the board with msghub(participants=[black, white, board]): while not board.game_end and i < MAX_STEPS: for player in [black, white]: # receive the move from the player, judge if the game ends and remind the player to make a move msg = board(msg) # end the game if draw or win if board.game_end: break # make a move msg = player(msg) i += 1
大家可以尝试我们的完整版代码(https://github.com/modelscope/agentscope/tree/main/examples/game_gomoku),可以看到在jupyter notebook上打印出每一步以及智能体的想法。
这个五子棋小游戏可以作为一个抛砖引玉的例子,但是我们可以看到大模型的表现其实并没有很智能。我们也会和大家一起,持续探索如何能让大模型在下五子棋方面更加“聪明”。接下来几期,我们会介绍如何在AgentScope里用上让智能体更全能、更聪明的技术(比如ReAct, RAG),敬请期待!
欢迎大家关注AgentScope,在github上为我们star 🌟。
- 完整的中文文档和教程:https://modelscope.github.io/agentscope/zh_CN/index.html
- AgentScope的GitHub示例库:https://github.com/modelscope/agentscope/tree/main/examples
- 论文及研究资料:https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.14034
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