基于Q-Learning强化学习的异构网络小区范围扩展(Cell Range Extension, CRE)技术是一种旨在优化异构无线网络性能的方法。异构网络是由不同类型的基站(如宏基站、微基站、皮基站等)组成的网络,这些基站具有不同的发射功率、覆盖范围和容量。小区范围扩展技术通过调整基站的发射功率或偏置参数,使得用户能够更均匀地分布在网络中,从而提高网络的整体性能和用户体验。
2.1 Q-Learning概要
2.2 基于Q-Learning的CRE算法
3.MATLAB核心程序if V_ < 0.1*diff %Step (4) Among those sets whose received powers are equal to the pilot signal powers, UEs usually choose one set that has %the lowest Q -value or rarely choose one set randomly to avoid local minima as ε-greedy policy [11]. user_q = [user_q,ju]; if Idiff<=length(diff1) RSRPp_max_quantized(ju)=Qtmp(I_); else RSRPm_max_quantized(ju)=Qtmp(I_-length(diff1)); end else %Step (3) If there are no equal received powers on each UE’s Q -table, they add new received powers to their own Q -tables. user_q = [user_q,0]; %没找到,更新q表 if Idiff<=length(diff1) Qtmp(I_)=RSRPp_max_quantized(ju); else Qtmp(I_)=RSRPm_max_quantized(ju); end end Qtable(:,ju)=Qtmp; end %Step (5) Each UE uses chosen set’s bias value as an action. for jm=1:Macro_cell for js=1:Small_cell for ju=1:Users for jsj = 1:Les [tes,Ies] = min([abs(bias1(jsj,ju)),abs(bias2(jsj,ju))]); if lp==1 %动作更新 action(jsj,jm,js,ju) = actions(Ies); else action(jsj,jm,js,ju) = action(jsj,jm,js,ju)+actions(Ies)/(1+CRE); %调整学习更新速率 end end end end end %Step (6) Each UE compares “macro received power”with “pico received power” added by bias value, %they try to connect to the larger one. %Step (7) BSs allocate each UE to each RB randomly.In this article, each UE can use only one RB. strongly interfered by the MBS’s signals. for ju=1:Users dats = [RSRPp_max(ju)+min(bias1(:,ju)),RSRPm_max(ju)+min(bias2(:,ju))]; [Vsel,Isel] = max(dats); RSRPsel(ju) = Vsel; end %Step (8) BSs calculate the number of outage UEs and pass it to UEs as a cost. Ns = 0; for jm=1:Macro_cell for js=1:Small_cell for ju=1:Users RSRPm_ = RSRPm(ju,jm); RSRPs_ = RSRPp(ju,js,jm); if RSRPm_<RSRPs_%the number of outage UEs Ns = Ns+1; end end end end cost = Ns/(Macro_cell*Small_cell*Users); %Step (9) Each UE reevaluates the chosen set’s Q -value at Step 4 as update based on Equation (6). alp = 0.5; gam = 0.9; for ju=1:Users idxx = randperm(Les); k = state(idxx(1)); v = max(Qtable(k,:)); D = cost*Rew(k)+gam*v-Qtable(:,ju)-0.2; Qtable(:,ju) = Qtable(:,ju) + alp*D; end %根据最后的动作action,调整CRE for jm=1:Macro_cell for js=1:Small_cell for ju=1:Users tmpss = (mean(action(:,jm,js,ju))); CRE2(jm,js,ju) = CRE + tmpss; end end end end