在古代中国社会中,私学是与官学相对而存在的,并且在中国教育上占有重要的地位。我国历史上_______私学规模最大、影响最深远。 a、孔子 b、孟子 c、老子 d、墨子 答案:A 组号:1
class Question: def __init__(self, id, text, options, answer): = id self.text = text self.options = options self.answer = answer def __str__(self): return f'{}. {self.text} 选项: {self.options} 答案: {self.answer}' def extract_question_option(text): questions = [] options = [] answers = [] lines = text.split('\n') # 预处理:去掉空行并将多行题目合并为一行 for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[i].strip() if not line: continue if i < len(lines) - 1 and lines[i + 1].startswith(('答案:', '组号:')): # 当前行不是题目的最后一行,将其添加到前一个题目中 if len(questions) > 0: questions[-1] += line else: # 当前行是题目的最后一行,将其添加为新的题目 questions.append(line) # 处理选项和答案 current_question_idx = -1 for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line.startswith('组号:'): # 处理组号 group_id = line.split(':')[1].strip() current_question_idx = 0 elif line.startswith('答案:'): # 处理答案 answer = line.split(':')[1].strip() if current_question_idx >= 0 and current_question_idx < len(questions): # 创建新的 Question 对象并添加到列表中 question = Question(current_question_idx + 1, questions[current_question_idx], options[current_question_idx], answer) questions[current_question_idx] = question current_question_idx += 1 else: # 处理选项 options_list = line.split('、') options = [opt.strip() for opt in options_list] if len(options) > 0: # 处理非空选项 if current_question_idx >= 0 and current_question_idx < len(questions): options.append(options) else: # 处理空选项(没有填写选项) if current_question_idx >= 0 and current_question_idx < len(questions): options.append([]) return questions if __name__ == '__main__': # 读取 Word 文档并解析题目 file_path = "D:\\系统默认\\桌面\\测试题目-三组.docx" text = read_word_document(file_path) questions = extract_question_option(text) # 遍历题目并打印结果 for question in questions: print(question)