💥1 概述
1. 定义车辆模型:首先建立铰接式车辆的几何模型,并定义车辆的基本参数,如质量、惯性特性、轮胎参数等。可以使用计算机辅助设计软件(如AutoCAD)或专业的车辆仿真软件(如CarSim、ADAMS等)创建车辆的3D几何模型。
2. 车辆动力学模型:根据车辆几何模型和运动学原理,建立车辆的动力学模型。通常使用多体动力学原理描述车辆的运动,包括刚体运动学和运动学方程。可以使用拉格朗日方程或牛顿-欧拉方程等动力学方法建立车辆的运动学和动力学方程。
3. 轮胎模型:根据车辆使用的轮胎类型,选择合适的轮胎力学模型。常见的轮胎模型包括线性模型、Magic Formula模型等。根据轮胎模型的参数,计算轮胎的侧向力和纵向力。
4. 驱动和操纵控制模型:定义车辆的驱动和操纵控制系统模型,包括驱动力和转向力的输入模型。根据驾驶策略和控制算法,生成对应的引擎扭矩和转向角信号,用于驱动和操纵车辆。
5. 数值求解:设定仿真的时间步长,并使用数值方法(如欧拉法、龙格-库塔法等)对车辆的动力学方程进行求解。在每个时间步长内,使用车辆的输入模型、轮胎模型和操纵控制模型,计算车辆的状态和响应。
6. 仿真结果评估:通过分析仿真结果,得到车辆的横向动力学响应,包括车辆的侧向运动、横向力、滑移角等。评估车辆的稳定性和控制性能,分析车辆参数和控制策略对横向动力学的影响。
7. 结果解释和报告:根据仿真结果,撰写研究报告或技术论文,包括车辆的模型建立、仿真方法、参数分析和结论等。
📚2 运行结果
%% Maneuver % The maneuver to be estimated by the Kalman Filter is defined here. % % Choosing simulation parameters: % T = 6; % Total simulation time [s] resol = 50; % Resolution TSPAN = 0:T/resol:T; % Time span [s] %% % Running simulation. % simulatorPlant = Simulator(VehiclePlant, TSPAN); simulatorPlant.dPSI0 = 0.35; simulatorPlant.Simulate %% % Printing simulation parameters. % disp(simulatorPlant) %% % Retrieving states % XTPlant = simulatorPlant.XT; YTPlant = simulatorPlant.YT; PSIPlant = simulatorPlant.PSI; vTPlant = simulatorPlant.VEL; ALPHATPlant = simulatorPlant.ALPHAT; dPSIPlant = simulatorPlant.dPSI; XOUTPlant = [XTPlant YTPlant PSIPlant vTPlant ALPHATPlant dPSIPlant]; %% % Generating graphics of the vehicle in the considered maneuver (plant) % gPlant = Graphics(simulatorPlant); gPlant.TractorColor = 'r'; gPlant.Frame(); %% % close all % Closing figures %% Modelo % O modelo utilizado no algoritmo de estima玢o � baseado no mesmo modelo % f韘ico considerado no modelo da planta. Al閙 disso, o modelo parte da % premissa de que o projetista do estimador n鉶 tem conhecimento adequado % da curva caracter韘tica do pneu. Logo, o modelo de ve韈ulo � igual ao % utilizado na planta, por閙, o modelo de pneu � dado pelo modelo linear % Tire linear, resultando num modelo do sistema de menor complexidade (em % rela玢o � planta) e com mais hip髏eses simplificadoras. % % Inicializando o pneu % TireModel = TireLinear; disp(TireModel) %% % Choosing model vehicle % VehicleModel = VehicleSimpleNonlinear; % Same as plant VehicleModel.tire = TireModel; disp(VehicleModel) %% % Simulador com o mesmo vetor TSPAN e simula玢o % simulatorModel = Simulator(VehicleModel, TSPAN); simulatorModel.dPSI0 = 0.35; simulatorModel.Simulate; disp(simulatorModel) %% % Retrieving states % XTModel = simulatorModel.XT; YTModel = simulatorModel.YT; PSIModel = simulatorModel.PSI; vTModel = simulatorModel.VEL; ALPHATModel = simulatorModel.ALPHAT; dPSIModel = simulatorModel.dPSI; %% % A manobra gerada pelo modelo escolhido pelo projetista a partir da mesma % condi玢o inicial � ilustrada na figura a seguir % gModel = Graphics(simulatorModel); gModel.TractorColor = 'g'; gModel.Frame(); %% % close all % Closing figures %% Plant and model comparison % Comparando o modelo de pneu % g = 9.81; FzF = VehiclePlant.mF0*g; FzR = VehiclePlant.mR0*g; muy = VehiclePlant.muy; nF = VehiclePlant.nF; nR = VehiclePlant.nR; alpha = 0:0.5:15; alpha = alpha*pi/180; FyLin = - TireModel.Characteristic(alpha); FyFPac = - TirePlant.Characteristic(alpha, FzF, muy); FyRPac = - TirePlant.Characteristic(alpha, FzR, muy); figure ax = gca; set(ax,'NextPlot','add','Box','on','XGrid','on','YGrid','on') plot(alpha(1:floor(end/2))*180/pi,FyLin(1:floor(end/2)),'r') plot(alpha*180/pi,FyFPac,'g') plot(alpha*180/pi,FyRPac,'g--') xlabel('alpha [deg]') ylabel('Fy [N]') l = legend('Linear','Pacejka F','Pacejka R'); set(l,'Location','SouthEast') %% % Comparando os estados figure ax = gca; set(ax,'NextPlot','add','Box','on','XGrid','on','YGrid','on') plot(TSPAN,XTPlant,'r') plot(TSPAN,XTModel,'r--') xlabel('Time [s]') ylabel('Distance X [m]') figure ax = gca; set(ax,'NextPlot','add','Box','on','XGrid','on','YGrid','on') plot(TSPAN,YTPlant,'g') plot(TSPAN,YTModel,'g--') xlabel('Time [s]') ylabel('Distance Y [m]') figure ax = gca; set(ax,'NextPlot','add','Box','on','XGrid','on','YGrid','on') plot(TSPAN,PSIPlant,'b') plot(TSPAN,PSIModel,'b--') xlabel('Time [s]') ylabel('PSI [rad]') figure ax = gca; set(ax,'NextPlot','add','Box','on','XGrid','on','YGrid','on') plot(TSPAN,vTPlant,'c') plot(TSPAN,vTModel,'c--') xlabel('Time [s]') ylabel('vT [m/s]') figure ax = gca; set(ax,'NextPlot','add','Box','on','XGrid','on','YGrid','on') plot(TSPAN,ALPHATPlant,'m'), plot(TSPAN,ALPHATModel,'m--'), xlabel('Time [s]') ylabel('ALPHAT [rad/s]') figure ax = gca; set(ax,'NextPlot','add','Box','on','XGrid','on','YGrid','on') plot(TSPAN,dPSIPlant,'k') plot(TSPAN,dPSIModel,'k--') xlabel('Time [s]') ylabel('dPSI [rad/s]') %% % Comparando a acelera玢o longitudinal e transversal saidasPlant = [XTPlant YTPlant PSIPlant vTPlant ALPHATPlant dPSIPlant]; matDerivEstadosPlant = zeros(size(saidasPlant)); for i = 1:size(saidasPlant,1) auxil = simulatorPlant.Vehicle.Model(1,saidasPlant(i,:),TSPAN); matDerivEstadosPlant(i,:) = auxil'; end dXTPlant = matDerivEstadosPlant(:,1); dYTPlant = matDerivEstadosPlant(:,2); dPSIPlant = matDerivEstadosPlant(:,3); dvTPlant = matDerivEstadosPlant(:,4); dALPHATPlant = matDerivEstadosPlant(:,5); ddPSIPlant = matDerivEstadosPlant(:,6); ddXPlant = dvTPlant.*cos(PSIPlant + ALPHATPlant) - vTPlant.*(dPSIPlant + dALPHATPlant).*sin(PSIPlant + ALPHATPlant); ddYPlant = dvTPlant.*sin(PSIPlant + ALPHATPlant) + vTPlant.*(dPSIPlant + dALPHATPlant).*cos(PSIPlant + ALPHATPlant); ACELNumPlant = [(ddXPlant.*cos(PSIPlant) - ddYPlant.*sin(PSIPlant)) (-ddXPlant.*sin(PSIPlant) + ddYPlant.*cos(PSIPlant))]; saidasModel = [XTModel YTModel PSIModel vTModel ALPHATModel dPSIModel]; matDerivEstadosModel = zeros(size(saidasModel)); for i = 1:size(saidasModel,1) auxil = simulatorModel.Vehicle.Model(1,saidasModel(i,:),TSPAN); matDerivEstadosModel(i,:) = auxil'; end dXTModel = matDerivEstadosModel(:,1); dYTModel = matDerivEstadosModel(:,2); dPSIModel = matDerivEstadosModel(:,3); dvTModel = matDerivEstadosModel(:,4); dALPHATModel = matDerivEstadosModel(:,5); ddPSIModel = matDerivEstadosModel(:,6); ddXModel = dvTModel.*cos(PSIModel + ALPHATModel) - vTModel.*(dPSIModel + dALPHATModel).*sin(PSIModel + ALPHATModel); ddYModel = dvTModel.*sin(PSIModel + ALPHATModel) + vTModel.*(dPSIModel + dALPHATModel).*cos(PSIModel + ALPHATModel); ACELNumModel = [(ddXModel.*cos(PSIModel) - ddYModel.*sin(PSIModel)) (-ddXModel.*sin(PSIModel) + ddYModel.*cos(PSIModel))]; figure ax = gca; set(ax,'NextPlot','add','Box','on','XGrid','on','YGrid','on') plot(TSPAN,ACELNumPlant(:,1),'r') plot(TSPAN,ACELNumPlant(:,2),'g') plot(TSPAN,ACELNumModel(:,1),'r--') plot(TSPAN,ACELNumModel(:,2),'g--') xlabel('time [s]') ylabel('acc. [m/s]') l = legend('AX Plant','AY Plant','AX Model','AY Model'); set(l,'Location','NorthEast') %%
🎉3 参考文献
[2]宋广昊. 铰接式车辆紧急变道避障控制策略研究[D].吉林大学,2021.DOI:10.27162/d.cnki.gjlin.2021.001808.