【5分钟 Paper】Prioritized Experience Replay

简介: 【5分钟 Paper】Prioritized Experience Replay
  • 论文题目:Prioritized Experience Replay


  Experience replay能够让强化学习去考虑过去的一些经验,在【1】这篇文章之前通常采用随机采样的方式在记忆库中采样。但是有一些记忆比较关键,因此随机采样的方式就不太好。作者提出了一种prioritizing experience的方式,来提高学习的效率。

  • 参考文献【1】:Lin, Long-Ji. Self-improving reactive agents based on reinforcement learning, planning and teaching. Machine learning, 8(3-4):293–321, 1992.


  之前的做法像DQN基本上都是从记忆库中sample一些experience data出来之后给model update一次之后就被丢弃了。但是这里会有些问题,就是如果采样方式比较好的话一来会切断数据之间的相关性,二来,对于一些相似度高的数据可以少采样一点,而很少见的数据可以多拿来更新几次。


  Experiences with high magnitude TD error also appear to be replayed more often(Singer & Frank, 2009; McNamara et al., 2014).

  • 参考文献1:Singer, Annabelle C and Frank, Loren M. Rewarded outcomes enhance reactivation of experience in the hippocampus (海马体). Neuron, 64(6):910–921, 2009
  • 参考文献2:McNamara, Colin G, Tejero-Cantero, ´Alvaro, Trouche, St´ephanie, Campo-Urriza, Natalia, and Dupret, David. Dopaminergic neurons promote hippocampal reactivation and spatial memory persistence. Nature neuroscience, 2014.

  The TD error provides one way to measure these priorities (van Seijen & Sutton, 2013). 作者将这种方法用于model-free的强化学习中,而非model-base的方法中。

  • van Seijen, Harm and Sutton, Richard. Planning by prioritized sweeping with small backups. In Proceedings of The 30th International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 361–369, 2013.

  做replay memory之前我们需要明确两个点。选择什么样的experiences去存储,选择什么样的experiencereplay,怎么实现?作者只解决后面这个问题。


   prioritized replay 中一个核心的问题就是如何来选择这个transition (s,a,r,s'),作者采用TD-error来衡量transition的重要性(how far the value is from its next-step bootstrap estimate (Andre et al., 1998))。

  • 参考文献1:Andre, David, Friedman, Nir, and Parr, Ronald. Generalized prioritized sweeping. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Citeseer, 1998.

  greedy TD-error prioritization会产生一些问题:1. TD-error的样本可能永远不会被采样到;2. 整个算法对噪声会非常敏感;3. TD-error大的样本很容易使得神经网络过拟合(因为一直采样TD-error大的样本)。

  • stochastic sampling method

  基于以上几点,作者提出stochastic sampling method,介于pure greedy prioritizationuniform random sampling之间的一种采样方法。the probability of sampling transition i ii as:


 其中p i > 0 p_{i} >0pi>0, is the priority of transition i ii,指数α \alphaα determines how much prioritization is used,当α = 0 \alpha =0α=0时,就是随机选(uniform case)。

  对于上述的P ( i ) P(i)P(i),作者提出了两个变种:



  • For the rank-based variant:我们可以用一个分段线性函数来近似累积密度函数,k kk段的概率是相等的。分段边界可以预先计算出来(因为只与N NNα \alphaα有关系)。在运行时,我们选择一个片段,然后在这个片段中的所有transition中均匀地采样。选k kkminibatch的大小,从每一个片段中选出一个transition-这是一种分层抽样,可以平衡minibatch。意思就是先划分片段,然后从里面随机抽。

  • Proportional prioritization

  • Annealing the bias(为减少bias)

  随机更新对期望值的估计依赖于与预期相同的分布相对应的更新。优先重放机制引入了bias,它以一种不受控制的方式改变了这个分布,因此改变收敛结果(即使策略和状态分布是固定的)。通过引入importance-sample (IS) weights来弥补:


其中1 N \frac{1}{N}N1表示样本最开始服从的分布,1 P ( i ) \frac{1}{P(i)}P(i)1表示的是样本引入优先级之后的分布。但是我们就是要做有偏估计,所以引入β \betaβ系数控制有偏和无偏的量,一旦有偏估计之后算法收敛性无法保证,因此可以随着迭代次数增加β \betaβ慢慢变成1。





  这篇文章是ICLR2016上面的一篇文章。第一作者Tom SchaulGoogle DeepMindSenior research ScientistPostDoc at New York University from 2011-2013, PhD Student at IDSIA from 2007-2011。



  1. Some transitions may not be immediately useful to the agent,but might become so when the agent competence increases (Schmidhuber,1991).
  • 参考文献:Schmidhuber, J¨urgen. Curious model-building control systems. In Neural Networks, 1991. 1991 IEEE International Joint Conference on, pp. 1458–1463. IEEE, 1991.
  1. TD-errors同时也有被用于 explore (White et al., 2014) or which features to select (Geramifard et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2011)
  • 参考文献 1:White, Adam, Modayil, Joseph, and Sutton, Richard S. Surprise and curiosity for big data robotics. In Workshops at the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2014.
  • 参考文献 2 Geramifard, Alborz, Doshi, Finale, Redding, Joshua, Roy, Nicholas, and How,Jonathan. Online discovery of feature dependencies . In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-11), pp. 881–888, 2011.
  • 参考文献 3:Sun, Yi, Ring, Mark, Schmidhuber, J¨urgen, and Gomez, Faustino J. Incremental basis construction from temporal difference error. In Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-11), pp. 481–488, 2011.




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