- 线性: f(x)=ax+b
- 二次:f(x)=ax^2+bx+c
- 高斯函数:
- 广义高斯函数:
- 对数正态函数:
- 使用了syms函数来定义变量
- 自定义函数表达式
- 定义自变量x的取值范围
- 使用subs函数把x的值代入自定义好的表达式中,求解出因变量的值
- 使用plot函数绘制自定义函数的曲线
函数表达式为:fx1 = x + 5 以及 fx2 = x^2 + 1
%% xiaochen wang 2020/07/11 % plot function curve % such as: % linear:f(x)=ax+b % quadratic:f(x)=ax^2+bx+c % gaussian function:f(x)=a*exp(-(x-μ)^2/2σ^2) % generalized gaussian function:f(x)=a*exp(-|x-μ|^α^2/2σ^2) % lognormal function:f(x)=a*exp(-(ln(x-s)-μ)^2/2σ^2) clc; clear all; syms x fx1 fx2 fx3 fx4_1 fx4_2 fx5; % creating symbolic variables or function a = 20; miu = 0; xigma = 1; % define the parameters of gaussian function, A,μ,σ alpha = sqrt(4); % define the value of parameter α (generalized gaussian function) s = 1; % define the value of parameter s (lognormal function) fx1 = x + 5; % linear fx2 = x^2 + 1; % quadratic fx3 = a*exp(-(x-miu)^2/(2*xigma^2)); % gaussian fx4_1 = a*exp(-abs(x-miu)^(alpha^2)/(2*xigma^2)); % generalized gaussian alpha = sqrt(1); % modify the value of alpha fx4_2 = a*exp(-abs(x-miu)^(alpha^2)/(2*xigma^2)); % generalized gaussian fx5 = a*(1/(x*xigma*sqrt(2*pi)))*exp(-(log(x)-miu)^2/(2*xigma^2)); %1/x*xigma*sqrt(2*pi) xx = -5:0.01:5; %variables x xx2 = 0.01:0.01:5; %variables x in lognormal function must greater than zero ans1 = subs(fx1, x, xx); ans2 = subs(fx2, x, xx); ans3 = subs(fx3, x, xx); ans4_1 = subs(fx4_1, x, xx); ans4_2 = subs(fx4_2, x, xx); ans5 = subs(fx5, x, xx2); figure('Name', 'Linear_and_Quadratic'); plot(xx, ans1, 'r'); % plot linear function hold on; plot(xx, ans2, 'b'); % plot quadratic function legend('Linear', 'Quadratic'); figure('Name', 'Gaussian_and_Generalized gaussian'); plot(xx, ans4_2, 'r'); % alpha = 1 hold on; plot(xx, ans3, 'g'); % alpha = sqrt(2) hold on; plot(xx, ans4_1, 'b'); % alpha = 2 legend('alpha=1', 'alpha=suqt(2)', 'alpha=2') figure('Name', 'Lognormal'); plot(xx2, ans5); legend('Lognormal');