一、Transformer Model
Transformer 模型完全基于Attention
Original paper: Vaswani et al. Attention Is All You Need. In NIPS, 2017.
Transformer is a Seq2Seq model.(Transformer是一种Seq2Seq模型,它有一个encoder和一个decoder,很适合做机器翻译)
Transformer is not RNN.(Transformer不是循环神经网络,Transformer没有循环的结构)
Purely based attention and dense layers.(Transformer只有Attention和全连接层)
Higher accuracy than RNNs on large datasets. (Transformer有更高的准确度)
二、Attention for RNN
2.1 Attention for Seq2Seq Model
Seq2Seq模型:有一个encoder和一个decoder,encoder的输入是m个向量(X1 ,X2 ,···,Xm ),encoder把这些输入的信息压缩到状态向量h中,最后一个状态hm ,是对所有输入的概括。
三、Attention without RNN(去掉RNN,只保留Attention)
Question: How to remove RNN while keeping attention?(Attention原本是用在RNN上,怎么样才能剥离RNN,只保留Attention)
3.1 Attention Layer
We study Seq2Seq model (encoder + decoder).
Encoder’s inputs are vectorsX1 ,X2 ,···,Xm 。(encoder的输入)
Decoder’s inputs are vectors X‘1 ,X’2 ,···,X‘t 。(decoder的输入)
3.1.1 Compute weights和Compute context vector
3.1.2 Output of attention layer:
3.2 Attention Layer for Machine Translation
Translate English to German.
Use C:2 to generate the 3rd German word.(产生第三个德语单词)
不论用Attention或者RNN来搭建一个Seq2Seq 模型,输入与输出的大小一样,因此可以用Attention Layer代替RNN。
Attention Layer的好处是不会遗忘。
四、Self-Attention without RNN
4.1 Self-Attention Layer
Self-Attention层不是Seq2Seq,它只有一个输入序列 ,这就像普通的RNN一样。、
Ci 依赖于所有的m个Xi 向量。
4.1.1 Compute weights和Compute context vector
4.1.2 Output of self-attention layer
Attention was originally developed for Seq2Seq RNN models [1].
Self-attention: attention for all the RNN models (not necessarily Seq2Seq models [2].
Attention can be used without RNN [3].
We learned how to build attention layer and self-attention layer.
Bahdanau, Cho, & Bengio. Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate. In ICLR, 2015.
Cheng, Dong, & Lapata. Long Short-Term Memory-Networks for Machine Reading. In EMNLP, 2016.
Vaswani et al. Attention Is All You Need. In NIPS, 2017.
5.1 Attention Layer
5.2 Self-Attention Layer