a) update DBTABLE1
set col1 = 'Yes'
where ID IN ( '100' ) and City = any(select City from DBTable2 where Country = 'USA');
b) update DBTABLE1
set col2 = 'No'
where ID NOT IN ( '100' ) and City = any(select City from DBTable2 where Country = 'USA');
How to write above 2 SQLs using Apache Spark Dataframes (Not Select subquery etc). A dataframe is already having these 2 columns - col1 and col2, I am changing their values using WITHCOLUMN and WHEN clause.
I tried below but giving compile errors:
c) This is for (a) above:
withcolumn(col("col1"),when(col("id") === lit("100")
and col("city").isin(CitiDF("city")), lit("yes")))
d) This is for (b) above:
withcolumn(col("col2"),when(col("id") === lit("100")
and ! (col("city").isin(CitiDF("city"))), lit("yes")))
为了使事情更具体,让我们考虑一些小型数据库。我们有一个名为DataFrame df,如下所示:
id | city | col1 | col2 |
100 | Frankfurt | filler | filler |
200 | Berlin | filler | filler |
100 | Vienna | filler | filler |
500 | Victoria | filler | filler |
600 | Shanghai | filler | filler |
100 | Cologne | filler | filler |
cityName |
Frankfurt |
Vienna |
val cityList = cities.collect.map(x => x(0))
val df1 = df.withColumn("col1", when($"id" === "100" and $"city".isin(cityList: _*), "yes"))
id | city | col1 | col2 |
100 | Frankfurt | yes | filler |
200 | Berlin | null | filler |
100 | Vienna | yes | filler |
500 | Victoria | null | filler |
600 | Shanghai | null | filler |
100 | Cologne | null | filler |
val df2 = df.withColumn("col2", when($"id" === "100" and !$"city".isin(cityList: _*), "yes"))
id | city | col1 | col2 |
100 | Frankfurt | filler | null |
200 | Berlin | filler | null |
100 | Vienna | filler | null |
500 | Victoria | filler | null |
600 | Shanghai | filler | null |
100 | Cologne | filler | yes |
df.join(cities, df("city") === cities("cityName"), "outer").
withColumn("col1", when($"cityName".isNotNull and $"id" === "100", "yes")).
withColumn("col2", when($"cityName".isNull and $"id" === "100", "yes")).
id | city | col1 | col2 |
100 | Frankfurt | yes | null |
500 | Victoria | null | null |
200 | Berlin | null | null |
100 | Vienna | yes | null |
100 | Cologne | null | yes |
600 | Shanghai | null | null |