Paper:《A Few Useful Things to Know About Machine Learning》翻译与解读(一)

简介: Paper:《A Few Useful Things to Know About Machine Learning》翻译与解读(一)

A Few Useful  Things to  Know About  Machine  Learning》翻译与解读


Machine learning systems automatically learn  programs from data. This is often a very attractive  alternative to manually constructing them, and in the  last decade the use of machine learning has spread  rapidly throughout computer science and beyond.  Machine learning is used in Web search, spam filters,  recommender systems, ad placement, credit scoring,  fraud detection, stock trading, drug design, and many  other applications. A recent report from the McKinsey  Global Institute asserts that machine learning (a.k.a.  data mining or predictive analytics) will be the driver  of the next big wave of innovation.15 Several fine  textbooks are available to interested practitioners and  researchers (for example, Mitchell16 and Witten et  al.24). However, much of the “folk knowledge” that is needed to successfully develop  machine learning applications is not  readily available in them. As a result,  many machine learning projects take  much longer than necessary or wind  up producing less-than-ideal results.  Yet much of this folk knowledge is  fairly easy to communicate. This is  the purpose of this article. 机器学习系统会自动从数据中学习程序。这通常是手动构建它们的一种非常有吸引力的替代方法,并且在过去的十年中,机器学习的使用已迅速遍及整个计算机科学及其他领域。机器学习用于Web搜索,垃圾邮件过滤器,推荐系统,广告排名,信用评分,欺诈检测,股票交易,药物设计以及许多其他应用程序中。麦肯锡全球研究院最近的一份报告断言,机器学习(又名数据挖掘或预测分析)将成为下一波创新浪潮的驱动力.15有兴趣的从业者和研究人员可以使用几本精美的教科书(例如Mitchell16和Witten等24)。但是,成功开发机器学习应用程序所需的许多``民间知识''尚不容易获得。结果,许多机器学习项目花费的时间比必要的时间长得多,或者结束时产生的结果不理想。然而,许多民间知识非常容易交流。这就是本文的目的。

key insights 重要见解

Machine learning algorithms can figure  out how to perform important tasks  by generalizing from examples. This is  often feasible and cost-effective where  manual programming is not. As more  data becomes available, more ambitious  problems can be tackled.  

Machine learning is widely used in  computer science and other fields.  However, developing successful  machine learning applications requires a  substantial amount of “black art” that is  difficult to find in textbooks.  

This article summarizes 12 key lessons  that machine learning researchers and  practitioners have learned. These include  pitfalls to avoid, important issues to focus  on, and answers to common questions. 机器学习算法可以通过示例总结来弄清楚如何执行重要任务。在没有手动编程的情况下,这通常是可行且具有成本效益的。随着越来越多的数据可用,可以解决更多雄心勃勃的问题。机器学习广泛应用于计算机科学和其他领域。但是,开发成功的机器学习应用程序需要大量的``妖术'',这在教科书中很难找到。本文总结了机器学习研究人员和从业人员所学的12项关键课程。这些包括要避免的陷阱,需要重点关注的重要问题以及常见问题的答案。

Many different types of machine  learning exist, but for illustration  purposes I will focus on the most  mature and widely used one: classification.  Nevertheless, the issues I  will discuss apply across all of machine  learning. A classifier is a system  that inputs (typically) a vector  of discrete and/or continuous feature  values and outputs a single discrete  value, the class. For example,  a spam filter classifies email messages  into “spam” or “not spam,”  and its input may be a Boolean vector  x = (x1,…,xj,…,xd), where xj = 1 if  the j  th word in the dictionary appears  in the email and xj = 0 otherwise. A  learner inputs a training set of examples  (xi, yi), where xi = (xi,1 , . . . ,  xi,d) is an observed input and yi is the  corresponding output, and outputs  a classifier. The test of the learner is  whether this classifier produces the  correct output yt for future examples  xt (for example, whether the spam  filter correctly classifies previously  unseen email messages as spam or  not spam). 存在许多不同类型的机器学习,但出于说明目的,我将重点介绍最成熟且使用最广泛的一种:分类。尽管如此,我将讨论的问题适用于所有机器学习。分类器是一个系统,通常输入离散和/或连续特征值的向量并输出单个离散值的类。例如,垃圾邮件过滤器将电子邮件分类为“垃圾邮件”或“非垃圾邮件”,其输入可能是布尔向量x =(x1,...,xj,...,xd),如果第j个单词的话xj = 1字典中出现在电子邮件中,否则xj = 0。学习者输入一组训练示例(xi,yi),其中xi =(xi,1,。。。xi,d)是观察到的输入,yi是相应的输出,并输出分类器。学习者的考验是此分类器是否为将来的示例xt生成正确的输出yt(例如,垃圾邮件过滤器是否将先前未见过的电子邮件正确分类为垃圾邮件或非垃圾邮件)。

Learning = Representation +  Evaluation + Optimization 学习=表示+评估+优化

Suppose you have an application that  you think machine learning might be  good for. The first problem facing you  is the bewildering variety of learning algorithms  available. Which one to use?  There are literally thousands available,  and hundreds more are published each  year. The key to not getting lost in this  huge space is to realize that it consists  of combinations of just three components.  The components are:  

Representation. A classifier must  be represented in some formal language  that the computer can handle.  Conversely, choosing a representation  for a learner is tantamount to  choosing the set of classifiers that it  can possibly learn. This set is called  the hypothesis space of the learner.  If a classifier is not in the hypothesis  space, it cannot be learned. A related  question, that I address later, is how  to represent the input, in other words,  what features to use.

Evaluation. An evaluation function  (also called objective function or scoring function) is needed to distinguish  good classifiers from bad  ones. The evaluation function used  internally by the algorithm may differ  from the external one that we want  the classifier to optimize, for ease of  optimization and due to the issues I  will discuss.

Optimization. Finally, we need  a method to search among the classifiers  in the language for the highest-scoring  one. The choice of optimization  technique is key to the  efficiency of the learner, and also  helps determine the classifier produced  if the evaluation function has  more than one optimum. It is common  for new learners to start out using  off-the-shelf optimizers, which are later  replaced by custom-designed ones.





The accompanying table shows  common examples of each of these  three components. For example, knearest  neighbor classifies a test example  by finding the k most similar  training examples and predicting the  majority class among them. HyperI  plane-based methods form a linear combination of the features per class  and predict the class with the highest-valued  combination. Decision  trees test one feature at each internal  node, with one branch for each feature  value, and have class predictions  at the leaves. Algorithm 1 (above)  shows a bare-bones decision tree  learner for Boolean domains, using  information gain and greedy search.20  InfoGain(xj, y) is the mutual information  between feature xj and the class y.  MakeNode(x,c0,c1) returns a node that  tests feature x and has c0 as the child  for x = 0 and c1 as the child for x = 1.  

Of course, not all combinations of  one component from each column of  the table make equal sense. For example,  discrete representations naturally  go with combinatorial optimization,  and continuous ones with continuous  optimization. Nevertheless, many  learners have both discrete and continuous  components, and in fact the day may not be far when every single  possible combination has appeared in  some learner!  

Most textbooks are organized by  representation, and it is easy to overlook  the fact that the other components  are equally important. There is  no simple recipe for choosing each  component, but I will touch on some  of the key issues here. As we will see,  some choices in a machine learning  project may be even more important  than the choice of learner. 下表显示了这三个组件中每个组件的通用示例。例如,knearest邻居通过找到k个最相似的训练示例并预测其中的大多数类别来对测试示例进行分类。基于HyperI的基于平面的方法形成每个类别的特征的线性组合,并以最高价值的组合来预测类别。决策树在每个内部节点上测试一个功能,每个功能值具有一个分支,并在树叶上进行类预测。上面的算法1显示了使用信息增益和贪婪搜索的布尔域的基本决策树学习器.20 InfoGain(xj,y)是特征xj和类别y之间的互信息。 MakeNode(x,c0,c1)返回一个测试特征x的节点,对于x = 0,将c0作为子节点,对于x = 1,将c1作为其子节点。



It’s Generalization that Counts  重要的是概括

The fundamental goal of machine  learning is to generalize beyond the  examples in the training set. This is  because, no matter how much data  we have, it is very unlikely that we will  see those exact examples again at test  time. (Notice that, if there are 100,000  words in the dictionary, the spam filter  described above has 2100,000 possible different inputs.) Doing well on  the training set is easy (just memorize  the examples). The most common  mistake among machine learning beginners  is to test on the training data  and have the illusion of success. If the  chosen classifier is then tested on new  data, it is often no better than random  guessing. So, if you hire someone  to build a classifier, be sure to keep  some of the data to yourself and test  the classifier they give you on it. Conversely,  if you have been hired to build  a classifier, set some of the data aside  from the beginning, and only use it to  test your chosen classifier at the very  end, followed by learning your final  classifier on the whole data. 机器学习的基本目标是超越训练集中的示例进行概括。这是因为,无论我们拥有多少数据,我们都不太可能在测试时再次看到这些确切的例子。 (请注意,如果字典中有100,000个单词,则上述垃圾邮件过滤器可能有2100,000个不同的输入。)在训练集上做得很好很容易(请记住示例)。机器学习初学者中最常见的错误是对训练数据进行测试并产生成功的幻觉。如果选择的分类器随后在新数据上进行测试,则通常不会比随机猜测更好。因此,如果您雇用某人来构建分类器,请确保将一些数据保留给自己并测试他们在其中提供给您的分类器。相反,如果您被雇用来构建分类器,请从一开始就保留一些数据,并仅在最后使用它来测试所选的分类器,然后再对整个数据学习最终的分类器。

Contamination of your classifier by  test data can occur in insidious ways,  for example, if you use test data to  tune parameters and do a lot of tuning.  (Machine learning algorithms  have lots of knobs, and success often  comes from twiddling them a lot,  so this is a real concern.) Of course,  holding out data reduces the amount  available for training. This can be mitigated  by doing cross-validation: randomly  dividing your training data into  (say) 10 subsets, holding out each one  while training on the rest, testing each  learned classifier on the examples it  did not see, and averaging the results  to see how well the particular parameter  setting does.  

In the early days of machine learning,  the need to keep training and test  data separate was not widely appreciated.  This was partly because, if the  learner has a very limited representation  (for example, hyperplanes), the  difference between training and test  error may not be large. But with very  flexible classifiers (for example, decision  trees), or even with linear classifiers  with a lot of features, strict separation  is mandatory.

测试数据对分类器的污染可能以阴险的方式发生,例如,如果您使用测试数据来调整参数并进行大量调整。 (机器学习算法有很多旋钮,而成功往往来自于大量的纠缠,因此这是一个真正的问题。)当然,保留数据会减少可用于训练的数量。可以通过交叉验证来缓解这种情况:将您的训练数据随机分为10个子集(例如10个子集),在其余部分进行训练时坚持每个子集,在未看到的示例上测试每个学习的分类器,然后平均结果以查看特定参数设置的效果如何。


Notice that generalization being  the goal has an interesting consequence  for machine learning. Unlike  in most other optimization problems,  we do not have access to the function  we want to optimize! We have to use  training error as a surrogate for test  error, and this is fraught with danger.  (How to deal with it is addressed  later.) On the positive side, since the  objective function is only a proxy for  the true goal, we may not need to fully optimize it; in fact, a local optimum  returned by simple greedy search may  be better than the global optimum. 请注意,泛化是机器学习的目标产生了有趣的结果。 与大多数其他优化问题不同,我们无权访问我们要优化的功能! 我们必须使用训练错误作为测试错误的替代品,这充满了危险。 从积极的方面来看,由于目标函数只是真实目标的代理,因此我们可能不需要完全优化它; 实际上,通过简单的贪婪搜索返回的局部最优值可能要好于全局最优值。

Data Alone Is Not Enough  仅数据不足

Generalization being the goal has another  major consequence: Data alone  is not enough, no matter how much  of it you have. Consider learning a  Boolean function of (say) 100 variables  from a million examples. There  are 2100 − 106   examples whose classes  you do not know. How do you figure  out what those classes are? In the absence  of further information, there is  just no way to do this that beats flipping  a coin. This observation was first  made (in somewhat different form) by  the philosopher David Hume over 200  years ago, but even today many mistakes  in machine learning stem from  failing to appreciate it. Every learner  must embody some knowledge or assumptions  beyond the data it is given  in order to generalize beyond it. This  notion was formalized by Wolpert in  his famous “no free lunch” theorems,  according to which no learner can  beat random guessing over all possible  functions to be learned.25.

This seems like rather depressing  news. How then can we ever hope to  learn anything? Luckily, the functions  we want to learn in the real world are  not drawn uniformly from the set of all  mathematically possible functions! In  fact, very general assumptions—like  smoothness, similar examples having  similar classes, limited dependences,  or limited complexity—are  often enough to do very well, and this  is a large part of why machine learning  has been so successful. Like deduction,  induction (what learners do)  is a knowledge lever: it turns a small  amount of input knowledge into a  large amount of output knowledge.  Induction is a vastly more powerful  lever than deduction, requiring much  less input knowledge to produce useful  results, but it still needs more than  zero input knowledge to work. And, as  with any lever, the more we put in, the  more we can get out.

泛化是目标的另一个主要后果:数据量不够,无论您拥有多少数据。考虑从一百万个示例中学习一个(布尔)100个变量的布尔函数。有2100 − 106个您不知道其类的示例。您如何弄清楚这些类是什么?在没有更多信息的情况下,根本没有办法像抛硬币一样做到这一点。这种观察是200多年前哲学家戴维·休((David Hume)首次提出的(形式有所不同),但直到今天,机器学习中的许多错误仍然源于对它的欣赏。每个学习者都必须在给出的数据之外体现一些知识或假设,以便对其进行概括。 Wolpert在他著名的“免费午餐”定理中正式化了这个概念,根据该定理,任何学习者都无法对将要学习的所有可能功能进行随机猜测。25。


A corollary of this is that one of the  key criteria for choosing a representation  is which kinds of knowledge are  easily expressed in it. For example, if  we have a lot of knowledge about what  makes examples similar in our domain, instance-based methods may  be a good choice. If we have knowledge  about probabilistic dependencies,  graphical models are a good fit.  And if we have knowledge about what  kinds of preconditions are required by  each class, “IF . . . THEN . . .” rules may  be the best option. The most useful  learners in this regard are those that  do not just have assumptions hardwired  into them, but allow us to state  them explicitly, vary them widely, and  incorporate them automatically into  the learning (for example, using firstorder  logic21 or grammars6  ).

In retrospect, the need for knowledge  in learning should not be surprising.  Machine learning is not  magic; it cannot get something from  nothing. What it does is get more  from less. Programming, like all engineering,  is a lot of work: we have to  build everything from scratch. Learning  is more like farming, which lets  nature do most of the work. Farmers  combine seeds with nutrients to grow  crops. Learners combine knowledge  with data to grow programs. 一个必然的推论是选择一种表示形式的关键标准之一就是在其中容易表达哪种知识。例如,如果我们对使示例在我们的领域中变得相似有很多了解,那么基于实例的方法可能是一个不错的选择。如果我们了解有关概率依赖性的知识,则图形模型非常适合。如果我们了解每个类都需要哪些先决条件,则“ IF。 。 。然后 。 。 。”规则可能是最佳选择。在这方面最有用的学习者是那些不仅将假设硬性地扎入其中的假设,而且使我们能够明确地陈述它们,进行广泛的变化并将它们自动地纳入学习中(例如使用一阶logic21或grammars6)。


Overfitting Has Many Faces  What if the knowledge and data we  have are not sufficient to completely  determine the correct classifier? Then  we run the risk of just hallucinating  a classifier (or parts of it) that is not  grounded in reality, and is simply encoding  random quirks in the data.  This problem is called overfitting, and  is the bugbear of machine learning.  When your learner outputs a classifier  that is 100% accurate on the training  data but only 50% accurate on test  data, when in fact it could have output one that is 75% accurate on both, it  has overfit.  

Everyone in machine learning  knows about overfitting, but it comes  in many forms that are not immediately  obvious. One way to understand  overfitting is by decomposing generalization  error into bias and variance.  9  Bias is a learner’s tendency to consistently  learn the same wrong thing.  Variance is the tendency to learn random  things irrespective of the real signal.  Figure 1 illustrates this by an analogy  with throwing darts at a board. A  linear learner has high bias, because  when the frontier between two classes  is not a hyperplane the learner is unable  to induce it. Decision trees do not  have this problem because they can  represent any Boolean function, but  on the other hand they can suffer from  high variance: decision trees learned  on different training sets generated by  the same phenomenon are often very  different, when in fact they should be the same. Similar reasoning applies  to the choice of optimization method:  beam search has lower bias than  greedy search, but higher variance, because  it tries more hypotheses. Thus,  contrary to intuition, a more powerful  learner is not necessarily better than a  less powerful one.  

Figure 2 illustrates this.a   Even  though the true classifier is a set of  rules, with up to 1,000 examples naive  Bayes is more accurate than a  rule learner. This happens despite  naive Bayes’s false assumption that  the frontier is linear! Situations like  this are common in machine learning:  strong false assumptions can be  better than weak true ones, because  a learner with the latter needs more  data to avoid overfitting. 过度拟合有很多面孔如果我们所掌握的知识和数据不足以完全确定正确的分类器怎么办?然后,我们冒着使幻化一个分类器(或部分分类器)的风险,而这个分类器(或部分分类器)实际上并没有扎根,只是在数据中编码了随机的怪癖。这个问题称为过拟合,是机器学习的负担。当您的学习者输出的分类数据在训练数据上准确度为100%但在测试数据上仅准确度为50%时,实际上它可能在两个数据上都输出准确度为75%的分类器,这是过拟合的。

机器学习中的每个人都知道过拟合,但是它以许多形式出现,但并不是立即显而易见的。一种理解过度拟合的方法是将泛化误差分解为偏差和方差。 9偏见是学习者始终如一地学习同一错误事物的倾向。方差是学习随机事物的趋势,与真实信号无关。图1通过在板上扔飞镖的类比说明了这一点。线性学习者具有较高的偏见,因为当两类之间的边界不是超平面时,学习者无法诱导它。决策树没有这个问题,因为它们可以表示任何布尔函数,但是另一方面,它们可能遭受高方差:在相同现象产生的不同训练集上学习的决策树通常非常不同,而实际上它们应该是相同。类似的推理适用于优化方法的选择:光束搜索比贪婪搜索具有更低的偏差,但方差更高,因为它会尝试更多的假设。因此,与直觉相反,更强大的学习者不一定比不那么强大的学习者更好。


Cross-validation can help to combat  overfitting, for example by using it  to choose the best size of decision tree  to learn. But it is no panacea, since if  we use it to make too many parameter  choices it can itself start to overfit.17  

Besides cross-validation, there  are many methods to combat overfitting.  The most popular one is adding  a regularization term to the evaluation  function. This can, for example, penalize  classifiers with more structure,  thereby favoring smaller ones with  less room to overfit. Another option  is to perform a statistical significance  test like chi-square before adding new  structure, to decide whether the distribution  of the class really is different  with and without this structure.  These techniques are particularly useful  when data is very scarce. Nevertheless,  you should be skeptical of claims  that a particular technique “solves”  the overfitting problem. It is easy to  avoid overfitting (variance) by falling  into the opposite error of underfitting  (bias). Simultaneously avoiding both  requires learning a perfect classifier,  and short of knowing it in advance  there is no single technique that will  always do best (no free lunch).  

A common misconception about  overfitting is that it is caused by noise,like training examples labeled with  the wrong class. This can indeed aggravate  overfitting, by making the  learner draw a capricious frontier to  keep those examples on what it thinks  is the right side. But severe overfitting  can occur even in the absence of noise.  For instance, suppose we learn a Boolean  classifier that is just the disjunction  of the examples labeled “true”  in the training set. (In other words,  the classifier is a Boolean formula in  disjunctive normal form, where each  term is the conjunction of the feature  values of one specific training example.)  This classifier gets all the training  examples right and every positive test  example wrong, regardless of whether  the training data is noisy or not.  

The problem of multiple testing13 is  closely related to overfitting. Standard  statistical tests assume that only one  hypothesis is being tested, but modern  learners can easily test millions  before they are done. As a result what  looks significant may in fact not be.  For example, a mutual fund that beats  the market 10 years in a row looks very  impressive, until you realize that, if  there are 1,000 funds and each has a  50% chance of beating the market on  any given year, it is quite likely that  one will succeed all 10 times just by  luck. This problem can be combatted  by correcting the significance tests to  take the number of hypotheses into  account, but this can also lead to underfitting.  A better approach is to control  the fraction of falsely accepted  non-null hypotheses, known as the  false discovery rate.  3 交叉验证可以帮助克服过度拟合,例如通过使用交叉验证来选择要学习的最佳决策树大小。但这不是万能药,因为如果我们使用它进行过多的参数选择,它本身可能会开始过度适应.17


关于过度拟合的一个常见误解是它是由噪声引起的,例如带有错误课程的训练示例。通过使学习者画出一个反复无常的疆界以使那些例子保持正确的观点,确实可以加剧过度拟合。但是即使没有噪音也会发生严重的过拟合。例如,假设我们学习了一个布尔分类器,它只是训练集中标注为``true''的示例的分离。 (换句话说,分类器是布尔正则形式的布尔公式,其中每个术语是一个特定训练示例的特征值的合取)。该分类器获得正确的所有训练示例,每个阳性检验示例都正确,无论训练数据是否嘈杂。

多次测试的问题13与过度拟合密切相关。标准统计测试假设仅对一种假设进行了测试,但是现代学习者可以在完成之前轻松地测试数百万个假设。因此,看似重要的事实实际上可能并非如此。例如,一个连续十年击败市场的共同基金看起来非常令人印象深刻,直到您意识到,如果有1,000只基金,并且每种都有在任何给定年份击败市场的50%的机会,那么很可能仅靠运气,一个人就能成功十次。可以通过校正显着性检验以将假设的数量纳入考虑范围来解决此问题,但这也可能导致拟合不足。更好的方法是控制被错误接受的非零假设的比例,即错误发现率。 3


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