错误代码 | 描述 | HTTP 状态码 |
MissingParameter | The parameter ““ is needed but no provided. | 400 |
InvalidParameter | The specified parameter “Action or Version” is not valid. | 400 |
InvalidAccessKeyId.NotFound | The Access Key ID provided does not exist in our records. | 404 |
IncompleteSignature | The request signature does not conform to Aliyun standards. | 400 |
IllegalTimestamp | The input parameter “Timestamp” that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. | 400 |
InvalidOwnerId | The specified OwnerId is not valid. | 400 |
InvalidOwnerAccount | The specified OwnerAccount is not valid. | 400 |
InvalidOwner | OwnerId and OwnerAccount can’t be used at one API access. | 400 |
Throttling | Request was denied due to request throttling. | 400 |
InvalidAction | The specified action is not valid. | 403 |
ActionUnauthorized | The specified action is not available for you | 403 |
UnsupportedHTTPMethod | This http method not supported. | 403 |
UnsupportedParameter | The parameter ”” is not supported. | 400 |
Forbidden.InstanceNotFound | The specified Instance is not found. | 404 |
Forbidden.RAM | User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn’t support RAM. | 403 |
Forbedden.NotSupportRAM | This action does not support accessed by RAM mode. | 403 |
Forbidden.RiskControl | This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Risk Control system. | 403 |
InsufficientBalance | Your account does not have enough balance. | 400 |
Forbidden.Authentication | This operation is forbidden by Aliyun Realname Authentication system. | 403 |
Invalid.ValueNotSupported | The specified parameter “parameter name” is not valid. | 400 |
Invalid.Malformed | The specified parameter “parameter name n” is not valid. | 400 |
InvalidParameter | The specified parameter “ parameter name n “ is not valid. | 400 |