select sno,sname from student;
select * from sc;
select sname,2018-sage from student; //目标列是表达式
select sname,'Year of birth:',2018-sage,lower(sdept) from student; //目标表达式可以是字符串常量、函数等
select sname NAME,'Year of birth:' BIRTH, 2018-sage BIRTHDAY,lower(sdept) DEPARTMENT from student; //别名
select 子句的目标列表达式不仅可以是属性列,还可以是表达式
目标列 不仅可以是算术表达式,还可以是字符串常量、函数等。
select distinct sno from sc; //distinct 表示去重
select [all] sno from sc; //如果没有指定distinct,则默认是all
用于进行比较的运算符一般包括 =,>,<,>=,<=,!=,!>,!<。最后两个分别是不大于,不小于。
select sname from student where sdept='CS';
select sname,sage from student where sage<20;
select distinct sno from sc where grade<60;
谓词 between…and… 和 not between…and… 可以用来查找属性值在(或不在)指定范围内的无组,其中between后是范围的下限(即低值),and 后是范围的上限(即高值)。
select sname,sdept,sage from student where sage between 20 and 30;
select sname,sdept,sage from student where sage not between 20 and 30;
谓词 in 和 not in 可以用来查找属性值属于或不属于指定集合的元组
select sname,ssex from student where sdept in('CS','MA','IS');
select sname,ssex from student where sdept not in('CS','MA','IS');
谓词 like 可以用来进行字符串的匹配。%(百分号)代表任意长度(长度可以为0)的字符串。_(下划线)代表任意单个字符。
select * from student where sno like '201215121';
select * from student where sno='201215121';
如果 like 后面的匹配串不含通配符,则可以用 = (等于)运算符取代 like 谓词,用 != 或 <>(不等于)运算符取代not like 谓词。
select sname,sno,ssex from student where sname like '刘%'; //%代表任意长度
select sname,sno from student where sname like '欧阳_';
// _ 一般用于查询明确长度的字符匹配
select sname,sno from student where sname like '_阳%';
select sname,sno,ssex from student where sname not like '刘%';
select cno,ccredit from course where cname like 'DB\\_Design';
如果条件里面包含一些特殊的字符,那么就要进行转义了,在mysql里面是在特殊字符前面加 \(反斜杠)进行转义。
//查询以“DB_开头,且倒数第三个字符为 i 的课程的详细情况”
select * from course where cname like 'DB\_%i__';
select sno,cno from sc where grade is null;
//注意:这里的 “is” 不能用等号(=)来代替
select sno,cno
-> from sc
-> where grade is not null;
逻辑运算符 and 和 or 可用业连接多个查询条件。and 的优先级高于 or , 但是可以用括号改变优先级。
mysql> select sname, ssex from student
-> where sdept='CS' OR sdept='MA' or sdept='IS';
// in 谓词实际上是多个or运算符的缩写
mysql> select sname
-> from student
-> where sdept='CS' and sage<20;
10、order by子句
用order by 子句对查询结果一个或多个属性列的升序(asc)或降序(desc)排列,默认值为升序。
mysql> select sno,grade
-> from sc
-> where cno='3'
-> order by grade desc;
mysql> select *
-> from student
-> order by sdept,sage desc;
mysql> select count(*)
-> from student;
mysql> select count(distinct sno)
-> from sc;
mysql> select avg(grade)
-> from sc
-> where cno='1';
mysql> select max(grade)
-> from sc
-> where cno='1';
mysql> select sum(ccredit)
-> from sc,course
-> where sno='201215012' and sc.cno=course.cno;
当聚集函数遇到空值时,除 count( ) 外,都跳过空值而只处理非空值。count() 是对元组进行计数,某个元组的一个部分列取空值不影响count的统计结果
注意: where 子句中是不能用聚合函数作为条件表达式的。聚集函数只能用于select 子句和 group by 中的 having 子句。
12、group by 子句
group by 子句将查询结果按某一列或多列的值分组,值相等的为一组。分组后聚集函数将作用于每一个组,即每一组都有一个函数值。
mysql> select cno,count(sno)
-> from sc
-> group by cno;
mysql> select sno
-> from sc
-> group by sno
-> having count(*)>3;
where 子句与 having 短语的区别在于作用对象不同。where 子句作用于基本表或视图,从中选择满足条件的元组。having 短语作用于组,从中选择满足条件的组。
mysql> select sno,avg(grade)
-> from sc
-> group by sno
-> having avg(grade)>90;