- 下载网址:
- http://downloads.mongodb.org/win32/mongodb-win32-x86_64-2.2.2.zip
- i:\mongodb\db\bin\mongod.exe --dbpath "i:\mongodb\data"
启动的过程中弹出防火墙提示框,允许。cmd窗口最后一行看到“waiting for connections”表示mongod.exe已正常工作。这个窗口中还可以看到操作系统是“64-bit”,看到mongodb的版本信息。
数据库启动后I:\mongodb\data下自动创建了journal目录,并创建了mogod.lock文件。journal目录下已经有了一个文件“j._0”了。在cmd窗口中能看到“journal dir=i:/mongodb/data/journal”。这个journal相当于redo,据说对系统性能影响大约5%。为了安全牺牲这5%是值得的,因此,2.0以后的MongoDB版本默认安装都是开启的。我认为这一细节可视为MongoDB奔向成熟的标志。
- i:\mongodb\db\bin\mongo.exe
At the mongo.exe prompt, issue the following two commands to insert a record in the test collection of the default test database and then retrieve that record:
- > db.test.save({a:1})
- > db.test.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("50c6b336ba95d7738d1042e3"), "a" : 1 }
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 Ctrl-C signal
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] got CTRL_C_EVENT, will terminate after cu
- rrent cmd ends
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] now exiting
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 dbexit:
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: going to close listening socket
- s...
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] closing listening socket: 540
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] closing listening socket: 548
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: going to close sockets...
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator...
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: lock for final commit...
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: final commit...
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: closing all files...
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] closeAllFiles() finished
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] journalCleanup...
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] removeJournalFiles
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 [consoleTerminate] shutdown: removing fs lock...
- Tue Dec 11 13:37:07 dbexit: really exiting now
MongoDB as a Windows Service
New in version 2.0.
将MongoDB配置为Windows Service, 实现开机自启动。mongod.exe从2.0开始支持,mongos.exe 2.1.1开开始支持。
创建log文件目录Create a specific directory for MongoDB log files:
md i:\mongodb\log
echo logpath=i:\mongodb\log\mongo.log > i:\mongodb\db\mongod.cfg
下列指令需要管理员权限(“Administrative Privileges”):
i:\mongodb\db\bin\mongod.exe --config i:\mongodb\db\mongod.cfg --install
all output going to: i:\mongodb\log\mongo.log. Modify the path to the mongod.cfg file as needed. For the--install option to succeed, you must specify a logpath setting or the --logpath run-time option. (配置logpath是必须的)
运行MongoDB service:
net start MongoDB
If you wish to use an alternate path for your dbpath specify it in the config file (e.g. i:\mongodb\db\mongod.cfg) on that you specified in the --install operation. You may also specify --dbpathon the command line; however, always prefer the configuration file.
If the dbpath directory does not exist, mongod.exe will not be able to start. The default value for dbpath is \data\db.
Stop or Remove the MongoDB Service
To stop the MongoDB service:
net stop MongoDB
To remove the MongoDB service:
i:\mongodb\db\bin\mongod.exe --remove