All examples are designed to work on the live Watir demo form: http://bit.ly/watir-example.
Loading RubyGems
If you’re a first time Ruby user, you need to understand how to load Ruby gems such as Watir. You can require it via the -rubygems command line option or by using the RUBYOPT environment variable. You can also require it manually in your script:
require 'rubygems'
For more information see here.
Including Watir gem to drive Internet Explorer on Windows
require 'watir'
Including Watir-WebDriver gem to drive Firefox/Chrome on Windows/Mac/Linux
require 'watir-webdriver'
Starting a new browser & and going to our site
browser = Watir::Browser.new
browser.goto 'http://bit.ly/watir-example'
Setting a text field
browser.text_field(:name => 'entry.0.single').set 'Watir'
Setting a multi-line text box
browser.text_field(:name => 'entry.1.single').set "I come here from Australia. \n The weather is great here."
Setting and clearing a radio button
browser.radio(:value => 'Watir').set
browser.radio(:value => 'Watir').clear
Setting and clearing check boxes
browser.checkbox(:value => 'Ruby').set
browser.checkbox(:value => 'Python').set
browser.checkbox(:value => 'Python').clear
Clicking a button
browser.button(:name => 'logon').click
Clearing, getting and selecting selection list values
browser.select_list(:name => 'entry.6.single').clear
puts browser.select_list(:name => 'entry.6.single').options
browser.select_list(:name => 'entry.6.single').select 'Chrome'
Clicking a button
browser.button(:name => 'submit').click
Checking for text in a page
puts browser.text.include? 'Your response has been recorded.'
Checking the title of a page
puts browser.title == 'Thanks!'
more info: http://watir.com/examples/