[LeetCode] Group Anagrams

简介: The function signature has been updated to return a more intuitive vectorwhich treats a single string as a group of anagrams consisting of only itself.

The function signature has been updated to return a more intuitive vector<vector<string>>which treats a single string as a group of anagrams consisting of only itself.

The idea is to use an unordered_map to store those strings that are anagrams. We use the sorted string as the key and the string itself as the value. The strings are stored in a multisetsince there may be duplicates. Moreover, multiset will sort them by default as we desire.

The code is as follows.

 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     vector<vector<string>> groupAnagrams(vector<string>& strs) {
 4         unordered_map<string, multiset<string>> mp;
 5         for (string s : strs) {
 6             string t = s; 
 7             sort(t.begin(), t.end());
 8             mp[t].insert(s);
 9         }
10         vector<vector<string>> anagrams;
11         for (auto m : mp) { 
12             vector<string> anagram(m.second.begin(), m.second.end());
13             anagrams.push_back(anagram);
14         }
15         return anagrams;
16     }
17 };

Update: general sort takes O(nlogn) time. In this problem, since the string only contains lower-case alphabets, we can write a sorting function using counting sort (O(n) time) to speed up the sorting process. I write a string sorting functionstrSort below and using it to sort the string achieves the overall running time 72ms for this problem while the above code takes 76ms.

 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     vector<vector<string>> groupAnagrams(vector<string>& strs) {
 4         unordered_map<string, multiset<string>> mp;
 5         for (string s : strs) {
 6             string t = strSort(s);
 7             mp[t].insert(s);
 8         }
 9         vector<vector<string>> anagrams;
10         for (auto m : mp) { 
11             vector<string> anagram(m.second.begin(), m.second.end());
12             anagrams.push_back(anagram);
13         }
14         return anagrams;
15     }
16 private:
17     string strSort(string& s) {
18         int count[26] = {0}, n = s.length();
19         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
20             count[s[i] - 'a']++;
21         int p = 0;
22         string t(n, 'a');
23         for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++)
24             for (int i = 0; i < count[j]; i++)
25                 t[p++] += j;
26         return t;
27     } 
28 };


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