Given a string s and a non-empty string p, find all the start indices of p's anagrams in s.
Strings consists of lowercase English letters only and the length of both strings s and p will not be larger than 20,100.
The order of output does not matter.
Example 1:
Input: s: "cbaebabacd" p: "abc" Output: [0, 6] Explanation: The substring with start index = 0 is "cba", which is an anagram of "abc". The substring with start index = 6 is "bac", which is an anagram of "abc".
Example 2:
Input: s: "abab" p: "ab" Output: [0, 1, 2] Explanation: The substring with start index = 0 is "ab", which is an anagram of "ab". The substring with start index = 1 is "ba", which is an anagram of "ab". The substring with start index = 2 is "ab", which is an anagram of "ab".
- 第一种思路比较简单直接,我们用 p 字符串中的字符构造一个字典,键为字符,值为每个字符在 p 中出现的次数,记这个字典为 p_dict;
- 我们用 s 字符串的前 len(p) 个字符构建一个字典,同样的,键为字符,值为每个字符在 s[0:len(p)] 中出现的次数,记这个字典为 tmp_dict;
- 我们比较这两个字典是否相等,若相等,说明 s[0:len(p)] 满足题意,在结果数组中记下 0 的位置;
- 我们更新 tmp_dict,通过减少 tmp_dict 中 s[i] 元素,增加 s[i+len(p)] 的方式更新 ;
- 继续比较 tmp_dict 和 p_dict 是否相等;
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author: 何睿 # @Create Date: 2020-05-05 15:29:17 # @Last Modified by: 何睿 # @Last Modified time: 2020-05-05 20:08:00 from typing import List from copy import deepcopy from collections import defaultdict class Solution: def findAnagrams(self, s: str, p: str) -> List[int]: if not s or not p: return [] p_dict = defaultdict(int) tmp_dict = defaultdict(int) for char in p: p_dict[char] += 1 for char in s[:len(p)]: tmp_dict[char] += 1 res = [] for i in range(0, len(s) - len(p)): if tmp_dict == p_dict: res.append(i) tmp_dict[s[i]] -= 1 if tmp_dict[s[i]] == 0: tmp_dict.pop(s[i]) tmp_dict[s[i + len(p)]] += 1 if tmp_dict == p_dict: res.append(len(s) - len(p)) return res
- 还有另外一种方式,记录 p 中所有字符的 cnt,遍历 s 中的字符,不断的减小 cnt 的值,当 cnt 的值为 0 时,说明找到了一个满足题意的解;
- 同样的,我们用字符串 p 中的字符构造一个字典,键为字符,值为每个字符在 p 中出现的次数,记这个字典为 p_dict,键为 key,值为 value;这个字典的含义为:要形成字符串 p 的 Anagram,还需要字符 key 各 value 个;
- 如 p = "aavc",则 p_dict = {"a":2,"v":1,"c":1},表示需要形成字符串 "aavc" 的 Anagram ,还需要 a 字符 2 个,v 字符 1 个,c 字符 1个;
- 我们用两个指针 left,right,从左向右遍历;
- 记字符 s[right] 为 t,让 p_dict[t] -1,表示「要形成字符 p,对字符 t 的需要减少 1」;此时检查 p_dict[t] 是否大于 0,若大于零,则 cnt -1;
- 检查 cnt 是否等于 0,若为零,表示 s 中 left 到 right 的字符,可以形成 p;
- 当 right - left 包含的字符个数等于 p 时,需要将 left 向右边移动;
- 此时 p_dict[s[left]] 自增 1,如果 p_dict[s[left]] 大于等于零,则 cnt + 1;
- 如果 p_dict[s[left]] 小于 0,说明在字符 p 中没有字符 s[left]
from typing import List from copy import deepcopy from collections import defaultdict class Solution: def findAnagrams(self, s: str, p: str) -> List[int]: if not s or not p: return [] p_dict = defaultdict(int) for char in p: p_dict[char] += 1 left, right, cnt = 0, 0, len(p) res = [] while right < len(s): p_dict[s[right]] -= 1 if p_dict[s[right]] >= 0: cnt -= 1 if cnt == 0: res.append(left) if right - left + 1 == len(p): if p_dict[s[left]] >= 0: # 大于零,说明 p 中有字符 s[left],否则 p 中没有 s[left] cnt += 1 p_dict[s[left]] += 1 left += 1 right += 1 return res
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