Hadoop on Windows with Eclipse -01- Introduction

简介: IntroductionHadoop is a powerful framework for automatic parallelization of computing tasks. Unfortunately programming for it poses certain challenges.


Hadoop is a powerful framework for automatic parallelization of computing tasks. Unfortunately programming for it poses certain challenges. It is really hard to understand and debug Hadoop programs. One way to make it a little easier is to have a simplified version of the Hadoop cluster that runs locally on the developer's machine. This tutorial describes how to set up such a cluster on a computer running Microsoft Windows. It also describes how to integrate this cluster with Eclipse, a prime Java development environment.

Organization of the tutorial.

Since Hadoop is a very complex environment, this tutorial has been broken down into several small steps. Each step involves setting up some aspect of the system and verifying that it has been set up correctly. For better understanding, each tutorial is accompanied by screenshots and a recorded video of the steps.


Questions, Suggestions Comments

Please leave questions, suggestions and comments about this tutorial here.

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