struct TreeNode{ TreeNode *leftChild; TreeNode *rightChild; int data; }; int getHeight(const TreeNode* root){ if( root == nullptr){ return 0; } return max(getHeight(root->leftChild), getHeight(root->rightChild)) + 1; } bool isBalanced(const TreeNode* root){ if( root == nullptr){ return true; } int heightDiff = abs(getHeight(root->leftChild) - getHeight(root->rightChild)); if( heightDiff > 1){ return false; } else{ return isBalanced(root->leftChild) && isBalanced(root->rightChild); } }如果开始能给出这个解法那是可以接受的。但是,由于同一个node的高度会被重复计算,因此效率不高。算法复杂度是O(n*logn)。接下来,我们要改进这个算法,使得子树的高度不再重复计算:我们通过删减重复的getHeight(const TreeNode*)调用。其实getHeight不单可以计算子树的高度,其实还可以判断子树是否的平衡的,如果不平衡怎么办?直接返回-1。那该递归调用就可以结束了。
int checkHeight(const TreeNode* root){ if( root == nullptr){ return 0; } // check the left subtree is balanced or not. int leftHeight = checkHeight(root->leftChild); if( leftHeight == -1 ){ return -1; } // check the right subtree is balanced or not. int rightHeight = checkHeight(root->rightChild); if( rightHeight == -1){ return -1; } // check the current tree is balanced or not. int diff = leftHeight - rightHeight; if( abs(diff) > 1){ return -1; } else{ // return the tree height. return max(leftHeight, rightHeight) + 1; } } bool isBalanced(const TreeNode* root){ return ( checkHeight(root) == -1 )? false:true; }