2.vim scripts 不知道如何调试,我最后只能单步跟踪执行.
1.SumNumbers_Int 我没有修改,正常都支持浮点,不会调用这个模块.
4.修改了输出,原来在提示行输出,我修改为保存在register p,然后直接在下面输出结果.
set virtualedit=all
2.vim scripts 不知道如何调试,我最后只能单步跟踪执行.
- \" vim:filetype=vim foldmethod=marker textwidth=78
- \" ==========================================================================
- \" File: visSum.vim (global plugin)
- \" Last Changed: 2012-07-17
- \" Maintainer: Erik Falor
- \" Version: 1.0
- \" License: Vim License
- \"
- \" A great big thanks to Christian Mauderer for providing a patch for
- \" floating-point support!
- \"
- \" ________ __ __
- \" /_ __/ /_ ____ _____ / /_______/ /
- \" / / / __ \\/ __ `/ __ \\/ //_/ ___/ /
- \" / / / / / / /_/ / / / / ,
- \" /_/ /_/ /_/\\__,_/_/ /_/_/|_/____(_)
- \"
- \" This plugin will work whether or not your Vim is compiled with support for
- \" floating-point numbers. If your Vim doesn\'t has(\'float\'), we\'ll just
- \" ignore whatever comes after the decimal point.
- \"
- \" Due to the way Vim parses floating-point numbers, the only valid separtator
- \" between the whole and fractional parts of the number is a period. Vim
- \" won\'t accept a comma, even if that\'s your locale\'s preference. This
- \" plugin follows that convention.
- \" ==========================================================================
- \" Exit quickly if the script has already been loaded
- let s:this_version = \'1.0\'
- if exists(\'g:loaded_visSum\') && g:loaded_visSum == s:this_version
- finish
- endif
- let g:loaded_visSum = s:this_version
- \"Mappings {{{
- \" clean up existing key mappings upon re-loading of script
- if hasmapto(\'SumNum\')
- nunmap \\su
- vunmap \\su
- nunmap SumNum
- vunmap SumNum
- endif
- \" Key mappings
- nmap su SumNum
- vmap su SumNum
- if has(\'float\')
- \" Call the floating-point version of the function
- nmap
- vmap
- command! -nargs=? -range -register VisSum call SumNumbers_Float(\"\")
- else
- \" Call the integer version of the function
- nmap
- vmap
- command! -nargs=? -range -register VisSum call SumNumbers_Int(\"\")
- endif
- \"}}}
- function! SumNumbers_Float(...) range \"{{{
- let l:sum = 0.0
- let l:cur = \"\"
- if visualmode() =~ \'\\cv\'
- let y1 = line(\"\'
- let y2 = line(\"\'>\")
- while y1
- let l:cur = matchstr( getline(y1), \'-\\?\\d\\+\\(\\.\\d\\+\\)\\?\' )
- if l:cur == \"\"
- let l:cur = \"0\"
- endif
- let l:sum += eval(l:cur)
- let y1 += 1
- endwhile
- elseif visualmode() == \"\\\"
- let y1 = line(\"\'
- let y2 = line(\"\'>\")
- \"modify by lfree
- let x1 = col(\"\'
- let len = col(\"\'>\") - x1 -1
- if len == 0
- let let = 1
- endif
- while y1
- \"let line = getline(y1)
- \"let chunk = strpart(line, x1, len)
- \"let l:cur = matchstr( chunk, \'-\\?\\d\\+\\(\\.\\d\\+\\)\\?\' )
- let l:cur = matchstr( strpart(getline(y1), x1, len ), \'-\\?\\d\\+\\(\\.\\d\\+\\)\\?\' )
- if l:cur == \"\"
- let l:cur = \"0\"
- endif
- let l:sum += eval(l:cur)
- let y1 += 1
- endwhile
- else
- echoerr \"You must select some text in visual mode first\"
- return
- endif
- \"Drop the fractional amount if it\'s zero
- \"TODO: When scientific notation is supported, this will need to be changed
- if abs(l:sum) == trunc(abs(l:sum))
- let l:sum = float2nr(l:sum)
- endif
- redraw
- \"echo \"sum = \" l:sum
- \"save the sum in the variable b:sum, and optionally
- \"into the register specified by the user
- \"let b:sum = l:sum
- \"if a:0 == 1 && len(a:1) > 0
- \" execute \"let @\" . a:1 . \" = printf(\'%g\', b:sum)\"
- \"endif
- let @p = \"sum = \" . string(l:sum)
- endfunction \"}}}
- function! SumNumbers_Int(...) range \"{{{
- let l:sum = 0
- let l:cur = 0
- if visualmode() =~ \'\\cv\'
- let y1 = line(\"\'
- let y2 = line(\"\'>\")
- while y1
- let l:cur = matchstr( getline(y1), \'-\\{-}\\d\\+\' )
- let l:sum += l:cur
- let y1 += 1
- endwhile
- elseif visualmode() == \"\\\"
- let y1 = line(\"\'
- let y2 = line(\"\'>\")
- let x1 = col(\"\'
- let len = col(\"\'>\") - x1
- while y1
- let line = getline(y1)
- let chunk = strpart(line, x1, len)
- let l:cur = matchstr( strpart(getline(y1), x1, len ), \'-\\{-}\\d\\+\' )
- let l:sum += l:cur
- let y1 += 1
- endwhile
- else
- echoerr \"You must select some text in visual mode first\"
- return
- endif
- redraw
- echo \"sum = \" l:sum
- \"save the sum in the variable b:sum, and optionally
- \"into the register specified by the user
- let b:sum = l:sum
- if a:0 == 1 && len(a:1) > 0
- execute \"let @\" . a:1 . \" = b:sum\"
- endif
- endfunction \"}}}
- \"Test Data \"{{{
- \" The winter of \'49
- \" The Summer of \'48
- \" 123
- \" 123
- \"1.5 123
- \"-2 123.0
- \"3.1 123.1
- \"-4.2 123.2
- \"+5.9 123.3
- \"-6.0
- \"7
- \"8
- \"8.2
- \"9.
- \"10.
- \"-11.
- \"+12.
- \"
- \"The pedant in me wants to make these numbers work as well;
- \"but if I\'ve learned anything, it\'s that the perfect is the
- \"enemy of the good.
- \"Avogadro 6.0221415e23
- \"Planck 6.626068E-34 m^2 kg / s
- \"Borh Radius 5.2917721092e鈭?1 m
- \"}}}
1.SumNumbers_Int 我没有修改,正常都支持浮点,不会调用这个模块.
4.修改了输出,原来在提示行输出,我修改为保存在register p,然后直接在下面输出结果.
set virtualedit=all