PostgreSQ 连接问题 FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host

简介: PostgreSQ数据库为了安全,它不会监听除本地以外的所有连接请求,当用户通过JDBC访问是,会报一些如下的异常: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: no pg_hba.


org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host


要解决这个问题,只需要在PostgreSQL数据库的安装目录下找到/data/pg_hba.conf,找到“# IPv4 local connections:”


host all all md5







Properties info = new Properties();
info.setProperty(ProxoolConstants.USER_PROPERTY, this.username);
info.setProperty(ProxoolConstants.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, this.password); 
info.setProperty(ProxoolConstants.PROTOTYPE_COUNT_PROPERTY, this.prototypeConnections);
info.setProperty(ProxoolConstants.MINIMUM_CONNECTION_COUNT_PROPERTY, this.poolMinConnections);
info.setProperty(ProxoolConstants.MAXIMUM_CONNECTION_COUNT_PROPERTY, this.poolMaxConnections);

info.setProperty(ProxoolConstants.HOUSE_KEEPING_SLEEP_TIME_PROPERTY, waitTime);

url = "proxool." + this.dbType + ":" + this.driver + ":"+this.dbURL;
ProxoolFacade.registerConnectionPool(url, info);


/*取连接,其中 this.dbType是连接池的关联名称*/

DriverManager.getConnection("proxool." + this.dbType);

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