
简介: Environment Kylin requires a properly setup Hadoop environment to run. Following are the minimal request to run Kylin, for more detial, please check Hadoop Environment.


Kylin requires a properly setup Hadoop environment to run. Following are the minimal request to run Kylin, for more detial, please check Hadoop Environment.

It is most common to install Kylin on a Hadoop client machine, from which Kylin can talk with the Hadoop cluster via command lines including hive, hbase, hadoop, etc. The scenario is depicted as:


For normal use cases, the application in the above picture means Kylin Web, which contains a web interface for cube building, querying and all sorts of management. Kylin Web launches a query engine for querying and a cube build engine for building cubes. These two engines interact with the Hadoop components, like hive and hbase.

Except for some prerequisite software installations, the core of Kylin installation is accomplished by running a single script. After running the script, you will be able to build sample cube and query the tables behind the cubes via a unified web interface.

Install Kylin

  1. Download latest Kylin binaries at http://kylin.apache.org/download
  2. Export KYLIN_HOME pointing to the extracted Kylin folder
  3. Make sure the user has the privilege to run hadoop, hive and hbase cmd in shell. If you are not so sure, you can run bin/check-env.sh, it will print out the detail information if you have some environment issues.
  4. To start Kylin, run bin/kylin.sh start, after the server starts, you can watch logs/kylin.log for runtime logs;
  5. To stop Kylin, run bin/kylin.sh stop

存储 SQL 分布式数据库
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Kylin 是什么?
Apache Kylin™是一个开源的、分布式的分析型数据仓库,提供Hadoop/Spark 之上的 SQL 查询接口及多维分析(OLAP)能力以支持超大规模数据,最初由 eBay 开发并贡献至开源社区。它能在亚秒内查询巨大的表。
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Kylin 是什么?
分布式计算 Hadoop 分布式数据库
Hbase 安装方法
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SQL 分布式计算 Java
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【Kylin】(二)Apache Kylin 环境搭建
【Kylin】(二)Apache Kylin 环境搭建
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SQL 存储 分布式计算
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【Kylin】(一)初识 Apache Kylin 1
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【Kylin】(一)初识 Apache Kylin 1
SQL 存储 分布式计算
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【Kylin】(一)初识 Apache Kylin 2
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SQL 存储 分布式计算
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分布式计算 Java 分布式数据库
1. 概述   Apache Kylin™是一个开源的分布式分析引擎,提供Hadoop之上的SQL查询接口及多维分析(OLAP)能力以支持超大规模数据,最初由eBay Inc. 开发并贡献至开源社区。
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