【YashanDB知识库】YAS-02547 there is a gap in the restored archived logs on instance 1, reason: start of restored archive 35 is greater than database last archive 21

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简介: 【YashanDB知识库】YAS-02547 there is a gap in the restored archived logs on instance 1, reason: start of restored archive 35 is greater than database last archive 21

本文内容来自YashanDB官网,原文内容请见 https://www.yashandb.com/newsinfo/7849017.html?templateId=1718516




【问题描述】执行restore archivelog sequence between xxx and yyy thread 1 from searchdir '/tmp/d1' ; 语句后触发报错。


# YAS-02547 there is a gap in the restored archived logs on instance 1, reason: start of restored archive 35 is greater than database last archive 21

# 由于数据库中当前注册的最新归档号为21,在恢复归档文件时,必须从下一个归档(22号归档)开始进行恢复。

# 在实际恢复中,指定的归档范围中最早的归档号为35,因此触发报错。
AI 代码解读




【YashanDB知识库】YAS-02605 the current instance is not master role
【YashanDB 知识库】YAS-02605 the current instance is not master role
【YashanDB 知识库】YAS-02605 the current instance is not master role
【YashanDB知识库】YAS-02547 there is a gap in the restored archived logs on instance 1, reason: start of restored archive 35 is greater than database last archive 21
【YashanDB知识库】YAS-02547 there is a gap in the restored archived logs on instance 1, reason: start of restored archive 35 is greater than database last archive 21
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