Connect to Autonomous Database Using Oracle Database Tools

简介: Connect to Autonomous Database Using Oracle Database Tools

Autonomous Database by default supports Mutual TLS (mTLS) connections. You have the option to configure an Autonomous Database instance to support both mTLS and TLS connections.

Oracle Database Tools such as SQL Developer, SQL*Plus, and SQLcl can be used with Autonomous Database.

The following sections provide step-by-step instructions for connecting to Autonomous Database using these tools.

Connect Oracle SQL Developer with a Wallet (mTLS)
Oracle SQL Developer is a free integrated development environment that simplifies the development and management of Autonomous Database.
Connect Oracle SQL Developer Without a Wallet
Oracle SQL Developer is a free integrated development environment that simplifies the development and management of Autonomous Database. Oracle SQL Developer provides support for connecting using TLS authentication without a wallet.
Connect SQLPlus with a Wallet (mTLS)
Plus is a command-line interface used to enter SQL commands. SQLPlus connects to an Oracle database.
Connect SQL
Plus Without a Wallet
SQLPlus is a command-line interface used to enter SQL commands. SQLPlus connects to an Oracle database.
Connect Oracle SQLcl Cloud with a Wallet (mTLS)
SQLcl is a command-line interface used to enter SQL commands. You can use SQLcl to connect to an Autonomous Database with client credentials configured (mTLS).
Connect Oracle SQLcl Cloud Without a Wallet
SQLcl is a command-line interface used to enter SQL commands. You can use SQLcl to connect to an Autonomous Database with TLS authentication without a wallet.

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