GraalVM IllegalArgumentException: A language with id ‘xx‘ is not installed. Installed languag

简介: GraalVM IllegalArgumentException: A language with id ‘xx‘ is not installed. Installed languag


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World from Java!");

        Context context = Context.newBuilder().allowAllAccess(true).build();

        context.eval("js", "print('Hello World from JavaScript!');");
        context.eval("python", "print('Hello World from Python!')");
        context.eval("ruby", "puts 'Hello World from Ruby!'");


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A language with id 'js' is not installed. Installed languages are: [].
  at org.graalvm.truffle/
  at org.graalvm.truffle/
  at org.graalvm.truffle/
  at org.graalvm.truffle/
  at org.graalvm.truffle/
  at org.graalvm.truffle/
  at org.graalvm.truffle/
  at org.graalvm.sdk/org.graalvm.polyglot.Context.eval(
  at org.graalvm.sdk/org.graalvm.polyglot.Context.eval(

进程已结束,退出代码为 1

提示没安装 安装就好了(未配置graalvm的环境变量时, 应在graalvm包下的bin目录执行命令)

PS F:\ProgramsDev\JDK\graalvm-jdk-17.0.8+9.1\bin> .\gu install js
Downloading: Artifacts catalog from
Skipping ULN EE channels, no username provided.
Downloading: Component catalog from
Processing Component: Graal.js
Processing Component: ICU4J
Processing Component: TRegex
Additional Components are required:
    ICU4J (org.graalvm.icu4j, version 23.0.1), required by: Graal.js (org.graalvm.js)
    TRegex (org.graalvm.regex, version 23.0.1), required by: Graal.js (org.graalvm.js)
Downloading: Component js: Graal.js from
Downloading: Component org.graalvm.icu4j: ICU4J from
Downloading: Component org.graalvm.regex: TRegex from
Installing new component: TRegex (org.graalvm.regex, version 23.0.1)
Installing new component: ICU4J (org.graalvm.icu4j, version 23.0.1)
Installing new component: Graal.js (org.graalvm.js, version 23.0.1)


You can use GraalVM like a Java Development Kit (JDK) in your IDE.


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984 0
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580 0
The application could not be installed: INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE