TensorFlow 机器学习秘籍第二版:9~11(2)https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1426843
- 如果模型和数据目录尚不存在,请创建它们:
# Make Model Directory if not os.path.exists(full_model_dir): os.makedirs(full_model_dir) # Make data directory if not os.path.exists(data_dir): os.makedirs(data_dir)
- 现在我们删除标点符号并将翻译数据拆分为英语和德语句子的单词列表:
print('Loading English-German Data') # Check for data, if it doesn't exist, download it and save it if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(data_dir, data_file)): print('Data not found, downloading Eng-Ger sentences from www.manythings.org') sentence_url = 'http://www.manythings.org/anki/deu-eng.zip' r = requests.get(sentence_url) z = ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content)) file = z.read('deu.txt') # Format Data eng_ger_data = file.decode('utf-8') eng_ger_data = eng_ger_data.encode('ascii', errors='ignore') eng_ger_data = eng_ger_data.decode().split('\n') # Write to file with open(os.path.join(data_dir, data_file), 'w') as out_conn: for sentence in eng_ger_data: out_conn.write(sentence + '\n') else: eng_ger_data = [] with open(os.path.join(data_dir, data_file), 'r') as in_conn: for row in in_conn: eng_ger_data.append(row[:-1]) print('Done!')
- 现在我们删除英语和德语句子的标点符号:
# Remove punctuation eng_ger_data = [''.join(char for char in sent if char not in punct) for sent in eng_ger_data] # Split each sentence by tabs eng_ger_data = [x.split('\t') for x in eng_ger_data if len(x) >= 1] [english_sentence, german_sentence] = [list(x) for x in zip(*eng_ger_data)] english_sentence = [x.lower().split() for x in english_sentence] german_sentence = [x.lower().split() for x in german_sentence]
- 为了使用 TensorFlow 中更快的数据管道函数,我们需要以适当的格式将格式化的数据写入磁盘。翻译模型期望的格式如下:
train_prefix.source_suffix = train.en train_prefix.target_suffix = train.de
后缀将决定语言(en = English
,de = deutsch
# We need to write them to separate text files for the text-line-dataset operations. train_prefix = 'train' src_suffix = 'en' # English tgt_suffix = 'de' # Deutsch (German) source_txt_file = train_prefix + '.' + src_suffix hparams.add_hparam('src_file', source_txt_file) target_txt_file = train_prefix + '.' + tgt_suffix hparams.add_hparam('tgt_file', target_txt_file) with open(source_txt_file, 'w') as f: for sent in english_sentence: f.write(' '.join(sent) + '\n') with open(target_txt_file, 'w') as f: for sent in german_sentence: f.write(' '.join(sent) + '\n')
- 接下来,我们需要解析一些(~100)测试句子翻译。我们任意选择大约 100 个句子。然后我们也将它们写入适当的文件:
# Partition some sentences off for testing files test_prefix = 'test_sent' hparams.add_hparam('dev_prefix', test_prefix) hparams.add_hparam('train_prefix', train_prefix) hparams.add_hparam('test_prefix', test_prefix) hparams.add_hparam('src', src_suffix) hparams.add_hparam('tgt', tgt_suffix) num_sample = 100 total_samples = len(english_sentence) # Get around 'num_sample's every so often in the src/tgt sentences ix_sample = [x for x in range(total_samples) if x % (total_samples // num_sample) == 0] test_src = [' '.join(english_sentence[x]) for x in ix_sample] test_tgt = [' '.join(german_sentence[x]) for x in ix_sample] # Write test sentences to file with open(test_prefix + '.' + src_suffix, 'w') as f: for eng_test in test_src: f.write(eng_test + '\n') with open(test_prefix + '.' + tgt_suffix, 'w') as f: for ger_test in test_src: f.write(ger_test + '\n')
- 接下来,我们处理英语和德语句子的词汇表。然后我们将词汇表列表保存到适当的文件中:
print('Processing the vocabularies.') # Process the English Vocabulary all_english_words = [word for sentence in english_sentence for word in sentence] all_english_counts = Counter(all_english_words) eng_word_keys = [x[0] for x in all_english_counts.most_common(vocab_size-3)] # -3 because UNK, S, /S is also in there eng_vocab2ix = dict(zip(eng_word_keys, range(1, vocab_size))) eng_ix2vocab = {val: key for key, val in eng_vocab2ix.items()} english_processed = [] for sent in english_sentence: temp_sentence = [] for word in sent: try: temp_sentence.append(eng_vocab2ix[word]) except KeyError: temp_sentence.append(0) english_processed.append(temp_sentence) # Process the German Vocabulary all_german_words = [word for sentence in german_sentence for word in sentence] all_german_counts = Counter(all_german_words) ger_word_keys = [x[0] for x in all_german_counts.most_common(vocab_size-3)] # -3 because UNK, S, /S is also in there ger_vocab2ix = dict(zip(ger_word_keys, range(1, vocab_size))) ger_ix2vocab = {val: key for key, val in ger_vocab2ix.items()} german_processed = [] for sent in german_sentence: temp_sentence = [] for word in sent: try: temp_sentence.append(ger_vocab2ix[word]) except KeyError: temp_sentence.append(0) german_processed.append(temp_sentence) # Save vocab files for data processing source_vocab_file = 'vocab' + '.' + src_suffix hparams.add_hparam('src_vocab_file', source_vocab_file) eng_word_keys = ['<unk>', '<s>', '</s>'] + eng_word_keys target_vocab_file = 'vocab' + '.' + tgt_suffix hparams.add_hparam('tgt_vocab_file', target_vocab_file) ger_word_keys = ['<unk>', '<s>', '</s>'] + ger_word_keys # Write out all unique english words with open(source_vocab_file, 'w') as f: for eng_word in eng_word_keys: f.write(eng_word + '\n') # Write out all unique german words with open(target_vocab_file, 'w') as f: for ger_word in ger_word_keys: f.write(ger_word + '\n') # Add vocab size to hyper parameters hparams.add_hparam('src_vocab_size', vocab_size) hparams.add_hparam('tgt_vocab_size', vocab_size) # Add out-directory out_dir = 'temp/seq2seq/nmt_out' hparams.add_hparam('out_dir', out_dir) if not tf.gfile.Exists(out_dir): tf.gfile.MakeDirs(out_dir)
- 接下来,我们将分别创建训练,推断和评估图。首先,我们创建训练图。我们用一个类来做这个并将参数设为
。此代码来自 NMT TensorFlow 仓库。有关更多信息,请参阅名为model_helper.py
class TrainGraph(collections.namedtuple("TrainGraph", ("graph", "model", "iterator", "skip_count_placeholder"))): pass def create_train_graph(scope=None): graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): src_vocab_table, tgt_vocab_table = vocab_utils.create_vocab_tables(hparams.src_vocab_file, hparams.tgt_vocab_file,share_vocab=False) src_dataset = tf.data.TextLineDataset(hparams.src_file) tgt_dataset = tf.data.TextLineDataset(hparams.tgt_file) skip_count_placeholder = tf.placeholder(shape=(), dtype=tf.int64) iterator = iterator_utils.get_iterator(src_dataset, tgt_dataset, src_vocab_table, tgt_vocab_table, batch_size=hparams.batch_size, sos=hparams.sos, eos=hparams.eos, random_seed=None, num_buckets=hparams.num_buckets, src_max_len=hparams.src_max_len, tgt_max_len=hparams.tgt_max_len, skip_count=skip_count_placeholder) final_model = model.Model(hparams, iterator=iterator, mode=tf.contrib.learn.ModeKeys.TRAIN, source_vocab_table=src_vocab_table, target_vocab_table=tgt_vocab_table, scope=scope) return TrainGraph(graph=graph, model=final_model, iterator=iterator, skip_count_placeholder=skip_count_placeholder) train_graph = create_train_graph()
- 我们现在创建评估图:
# Create the evaluation graph class EvalGraph(collections.namedtuple("EvalGraph", ("graph", "model", "src_file_placeholder", "tgt_file_placeholder","iterator"))): pass def create_eval_graph(scope=None): graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): src_vocab_table, tgt_vocab_table = vocab_utils.create_vocab_tables( hparams.src_vocab_file, hparams.tgt_vocab_file, hparams.share_vocab) src_file_placeholder = tf.placeholder(shape=(), dtype=tf.string) tgt_file_placeholder = tf.placeholder(shape=(), dtype=tf.string) src_dataset = tf.data.TextLineDataset(src_file_placeholder) tgt_dataset = tf.data.TextLineDataset(tgt_file_placeholder) iterator = iterator_utils.get_iterator( src_dataset, tgt_dataset, src_vocab_table, tgt_vocab_table, hparams.batch_size, sos=hparams.sos, eos=hparams.eos, random_seed=hparams.random_seed, num_buckets=hparams.num_buckets, src_max_len=hparams.src_max_len_infer, tgt_max_len=hparams.tgt_max_len_infer) final_model = model.Model(hparams, iterator=iterator, mode=tf.contrib.learn.ModeKeys.EVAL, source_vocab_table=src_vocab_table, target_vocab_table=tgt_vocab_table, scope=scope) return EvalGraph(graph=graph, model=final_model, src_file_placeholder=src_file_placeholder, tgt_file_placeholder=tgt_file_placeholder, iterator=iterator) eval_graph = create_eval_graph()
- 现在我们对推理图做同样的事情:
# Inference graph class InferGraph(collections.namedtuple("InferGraph", ("graph","model","src_placeholder", "batch_size_placeholder","iterator"))): pass def create_infer_graph(scope=None): graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): src_vocab_table, tgt_vocab_table = vocab_utils.create_vocab_tables(hparams.src_vocab_file,hparams.tgt_vocab_file, hparams.share_vocab) reverse_tgt_vocab_table = lookup_ops.index_to_string_table_from_file(hparams.tgt_vocab_file, default_value=vocab_utils.UNK) src_placeholder = tf.placeholder(shape=[None], dtype=tf.string) batch_size_placeholder = tf.placeholder(shape=[], dtype=tf.int64) src_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(src_placeholder) iterator = iterator_utils.get_infer_iterator(src_dataset, src_vocab_table, batch_size=batch_size_placeholder, eos=hparams.eos, src_max_len=hparams.src_max_len_infer) final_model = model.Model(hparams, iterator=iterator, mode=tf.contrib.learn.ModeKeys.INFER, source_vocab_table=src_vocab_table, target_vocab_table=tgt_vocab_table, reverse_target_vocab_table=reverse_tgt_vocab_table, scope=scope) return InferGraph(graph=graph, model=final_model, src_placeholder=src_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder=batch_size_placeholder, iterator=iterator) infer_graph = create_infer_graph()
- 为了在训练期间提供更多说明性输出,我们提供了在训练迭代期间输出的任意源/目标翻译的简短列表:
# Create sample data for evaluation sample_ix = [25, 125, 240, 450] sample_src_data = [' '.join(english_sentence[x]) for x in sample_ix] sample_tgt_data = [' '.join(german_sentence[x]) for x in sample_ix] print([x for x in zip(sample_src_data, sample_tgt_data)])
- 接下来,我们加载训练图:
config_proto = utils.get_config_proto() train_sess = tf.Session(config=config_proto, graph=train_graph.graph) eval_sess = tf.Session(config=config_proto, graph=eval_graph.graph) infer_sess = tf.Session(config=config_proto, graph=infer_graph.graph) # Load the training graph with train_graph.graph.as_default(): loaded_train_model, global_step = model_helper.create_or_load_model(train_graph.model, hparams.out_dir, train_sess, "train") summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(os.path.join(hparams.out_dir, 'Training'), train_graph.graph)
- 现在我们将评估操作添加到图中:
for metric in hparams.metrics: hparams.add_hparam("best_" + metric, 0) best_metric_dir = os.path.join(hparams.out_dir, "best_" + metric) hparams.add_hparam("best_" + metric + "_dir", best_metric_dir) tf.gfile.MakeDirs(best_metric_dir) eval_output = train.run_full_eval(hparams.out_dir, infer_graph, infer_sess, eval_graph, eval_sess, hparams, summary_writer, sample_src_data, sample_tgt_data) eval_results, _, acc_blue_scores = eval_output
- 现在我们创建初始化操作并初始化图;我们还初始化了一些将更新每次迭代的参数(时间,全局步骤和周期步骤):
# Training Initialization last_stats_step = global_step last_eval_step = global_step last_external_eval_step = global_step steps_per_eval = 10 * hparams.steps_per_stats steps_per_external_eval = 5 * steps_per_eval avg_step_time = 0.0 step_time, checkpoint_loss, checkpoint_predict_count = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 checkpoint_total_count = 0.0 speed, train_ppl = 0.0, 0.0 utils.print_out("# Start step %d, lr %g, %s" % (global_step, loaded_train_model.learning_rate.eval(session=train_sess), time.ctime())) skip_count = hparams.batch_size * hparams.epoch_step utils.print_out("# Init train iterator, skipping %d elements" % skip_count) train_sess.run(train_graph.iterator.initializer, feed_dict={train_graph.skip_count_placeholder: skip_count})
请注意,默认情况下,训练将每 1,000 次迭代保存模型。如果需要,您可以在超参数中更改此设置。目前,训练此模型并保存最新的五个模型占用大约 2 GB 的硬盘空间。
- 以下代码将开始模型的训练和评估。训练的重要部分是在循环的最开始(前三分之一)。其余代码专门用于评估,从样本推断和保存模型,如下所示:
# Run training while global_step < hparams.num_train_steps: start_time = time.time() try: step_result = loaded_train_model.train(train_sess) (_, step_loss, step_predict_count, step_summary, global_step, step_word_count, batch_size, __, ___) = step_result hparams.epoch_step += 1 except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: # Next Epoch hparams.epoch_step = 0 utils.print_out("# Finished an epoch, step %d. Perform external evaluation" % global_step) train.run_sample_decode(infer_graph, infer_sess, hparams.out_dir, hparams, summary_writer, sample_src_data, sample_tgt_data) dev_scores, test_scores, _ = train.run_external_eval(infer_graph, infer_sess, hparams.out_dir, hparams, summary_writer) train_sess.run(train_graph.iterator.initializer, feed_dict={train_graph.skip_count_placeholder: 0}) continue summary_writer.add_summary(step_summary, global_step) # Statistics step_time += (time.time() - start_time) checkpoint_loss += (step_loss * batch_size) checkpoint_predict_count += step_predict_count checkpoint_total_count += float(step_word_count) # print statistics if global_step - last_stats_step >= hparams.steps_per_stats: last_stats_step = global_step avg_step_time = step_time / hparams.steps_per_stats train_ppl = utils.safe_exp(checkpoint_loss / checkpoint_predict_count) speed = checkpoint_total_count / (1000 * step_time) utils.print_out(" global step %d lr %g " "step-time %.2fs wps %.2fK ppl %.2f %s" % (global_step, loaded_train_model.learning_rate.eval(session=train_sess), avg_step_time, speed, train_ppl, train._get_best_results(hparams))) if math.isnan(train_ppl): break # Reset timer and loss. step_time, checkpoint_loss, checkpoint_predict_count = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 checkpoint_total_count = 0.0 if global_step - last_eval_step >= steps_per_eval: last_eval_step = global_step utils.print_out("# Save eval, global step %d" % global_step) utils.add_summary(summary_writer, global_step, "train_ppl", train_ppl) # Save checkpoint loaded_train_model.saver.save(train_sess, os.path.join(hparams.out_dir, "translate.ckpt"), global_step=global_step) # Evaluate on dev/test train.run_sample_decode(infer_graph, infer_sess, out_dir, hparams, summary_writer, sample_src_data, sample_tgt_data) dev_ppl, test_ppl = train.run_internal_eval(eval_graph, eval_sess, out_dir, hparams, summary_writer) if global_step - last_external_eval_step >= steps_per_external_eval: last_external_eval_step = global_step # Save checkpoint loaded_train_model.saver.save(train_sess, os.path.join(hparams.out_dir, "translate.ckpt"), global_step=global_step) train.run_sample_decode(infer_graph, infer_sess, out_dir, hparams, summary_writer, sample_src_data, sample_tgt_data) dev_scores, test_scores, _ = train.run_external_eval(infer_graph, infer_sess, out_dir, hparams, summary_writer)
对于这个秘籍,我们使用 TensorFlow 内置的序列到序列模型从英语翻译成德语。
在 ManyThings 网站上托管了其他类似的双语句子数据集。您可以随意替换任何吸引您的语言数据集。
训练 Siamese RNN 相似性度量
与许多其他模型相比,RNN 模型的一个重要特性是它们可以处理各种长度的序列。利用这一点,以及它们可以推广到之前未见过的序列这一事实,我们可以创建一种方法来衡量输入的相似序列是如何相互作用的。在这个秘籍中,我们将训练一个 Siamese 相似性 RNN 来测量地址之间的相似性以进行记录匹配。
在本文中,我们将构建一个双向 RNN 模型,该模型将输入到一个完全连接的层,该层输出一个固定长度的数值向量。我们为两个输入地址创建双向 RNN 层,并将输出馈送到完全连接的层,该层输出固定长度的数字向量(长度 100)。然后我们将两个向量输出与余弦距离进行比较,余弦距离在 -1 和 1 之间。我们将输入数据表示为与目标 1 相似,并且目标为 -1。余弦距离的预测只是输出的符号(负值表示不相似,正表示相似)。我们可以使用此网络通过从查询地址获取在余弦距离上得分最高的参考地址来进行记录匹配。
图 8:Siamese RNN 相似性模型架构
这个模型的优点还在于它接受以前没有见过的输入,并且可以将它们与 -1 到 1 的输出进行比较。我们将通过选择模型之前未见过的测试地址在代码中显示它并查看它是否可以匹配到类似的地址。
- 我们首先加载必要的库并启动图会话:
import os import random import string import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf sess = tf.Session()
- 我们现在设置模型参数如下:
batch_size = 200 n_batches = 300 max_address_len = 20 margin = 0.25 num_features = 50 dropout_keep_prob = 0.8
- 接下来,我们创建 Siamese RNN 相似性模型类,如下所示:
def snn(address1, address2, dropout_keep_prob, vocab_size, num_features, input_length): # Define the Siamese double RNN with a fully connected layer at the end def Siamese_nn(input_vector, num_hidden): cell_unit = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell # Forward direction cell lstm_forward_cell = cell_unit(num_hidden, forget_bias=1.0) lstm_forward_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper(lstm_forward_cell, output_keep_prob=dropout_keep_prob) # Backward direction cell lstm_backward_cell = cell_unit(num_hidden, forget_bias=1.0) lstm_backward_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper(lstm_backward_cell, output_keep_prob=dropout_keep_prob) # Split title into a character sequence input_embed_split = tf.split(1, input_length, input_vector) input_embed_split = [tf.squeeze(x, squeeze_dims=[1]) for x in input_embed_split] # Create bidirectional layer outputs, _, _ = tf.nn.bidirectional_rnn(lstm_forward_cell, lstm_backward_cell, input_embed_split, dtype=tf.float32) # Average The output over the sequence temporal_mean = tf.add_n(outputs) / input_length # Fully connected layer output_size = 10 A = tf.get_variable(name="A", shape=[2*num_hidden, output_size], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1)) b = tf.get_variable(name="b", shape=[output_size], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1)) final_output = tf.matmul(temporal_mean, A) + b final_output = tf.nn.dropout(final_output, dropout_keep_prob) return(final_output) with tf.variable_scope("Siamese") as scope: output1 = Siamese_nn(address1, num_features) # Declare that we will use the same variables on the second string scope.reuse_variables() output2 = Siamese_nn(address2, num_features) # Unit normalize the outputs output1 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(output1, 1) output2 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(output2, 1) # Return cosine distance # in this case, the dot product of the norms is the same. dot_prod = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(output1, output2), 1) return dot_prod
请注意,使用变量范围在两个地址输入的 Siamese 网络的两个部分之间共享参数。另外,请注意,余弦距离是通过归一化向量的点积来实现的。
- 现在我们将声明我们的预测函数,它只是余弦距离的符号,如下所示:
def get_predictions(scores): predictions = tf.sign(scores, name="predictions") return predictions
- 现在我们将如前所述声明我们的
函数。请记住,我们希望为误差留下边距(类似于 SVM 模型)。我们还将有一个真正的积极和真正的消极的损失期限。使用以下代码进行损失:
def loss(scores, y_target, margin): # Calculate the positive losses pos_loss_term = 0.25 * tf.square(tf.sub(1., scores)) pos_mult = tf.cast(y_target, tf.float32) # Make sure positive losses are on similar strings positive_loss = tf.mul(pos_mult, pos_loss_term) # Calculate negative losses, then make sure on dissimilar strings neg_mult = tf.sub(1., tf.cast(y_target, tf.float32)) negative_loss = neg_mult*tf.square(scores) # Combine similar and dissimilar losses loss = tf.add(positive_loss, negative_loss) # Create the margin term. This is when the targets are 0, and the scores are less than m, return 0\. # Check if target is zero (dissimilar strings) target_zero = tf.equal(tf.cast(y_target, tf.float32), 0.) # Check if cosine outputs is smaller than margin less_than_margin = tf.less(scores, margin) # Check if both are true both_logical = tf.logical_and(target_zero, less_than_margin) both_logical = tf.cast(both_logical, tf.float32) # If both are true, then multiply by (1-1)=0\. multiplicative_factor = tf.cast(1\. - both_logical, tf.float32) total_loss = tf.mul(loss, multiplicative_factor) # Average loss over batch avg_loss = tf.reduce_mean(total_loss) return avg_loss
- 我们声明
def accuracy(scores, y_target): predictions = get_predictions(scores) correct_predictions = tf.equal(predictions, y_target) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_predictions, tf.float32)) return accuracy
- 我们将通过在地址中创建拼写错误来创建类似的地址。我们将这些地址(参考地址和拼写错误地址)表示为类似:
def create_typo(s): rand_ind = random.choice(range(len(s))) s_list = list(s) s_list[rand_ind]=random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + '0123456789') s = ''.join(s_list) return s
- 我们将生成的数据将是街道号码,
street_names = ['abbey', 'baker', 'canal', 'donner', 'elm', 'fifth', 'grandvia', 'hollywood', 'interstate', 'jay', 'kings'] street_types = ['rd', 'st', 'ln', 'pass', 'ave', 'hwy', 'cir', 'dr', 'jct']
- 我们生成测试查询和引用如下:
test_queries = ['111 abbey ln', '271 doner cicle', '314 king avenue', 'tensorflow is fun'] test_references = ['123 abbey ln', '217 donner cir', '314 kings ave', '404 hollywood st', 'tensorflow is so fun']
- 我们现在将定义如何生成一批数据。我们的批量数据将是 50% 类似的地址(参考地址和拼写错误地址)和 50% 不同的地址。我们通过占用地址列表的一半并将目标移动一个位置(使用
def get_batch(n): # Generate a list of reference addresses with similar addresses that have # a typo. numbers = [random.randint(1, 9999) for i in range(n)] streets = [random.choice(street_names) for i in range(n)] street_suffs = [random.choice(street_types) for i in range(n)] full_streets = [str(w) + ' ' + x + ' ' + y for w,x,y in zip(numbers, streets, street_suffs)] typo_streets = [create_typo(x) for x in full_streets] reference = [list(x) for x in zip(full_streets, typo_streets)] # Shuffle last half of them for training on dissimilar addresses half_ix = int(n/2) bottom_half = reference[half_ix:] true_address = [x[0] for x in bottom_half] typo_address = [x[1] for x in bottom_half] typo_address = list(np.roll(typo_address, 1)) bottom_half = [[x,y] for x,y in zip(true_address, typo_address)] reference[half_ix:] = bottom_half # Get target similarities (1's for similar, -1's for non-similar) target = [1]*(n-half_ix) + [-1]*half_ix reference = [[x,y] for x,y in zip(reference, target)] return reference
- 接下来,我们定义地址词汇表并指定如何将地址热编码为索引:
vocab_chars = string.ascii_lowercase + '0123456789 ' vocab2ix_dict = {char:(ix+1) for ix, char in enumerate(vocab_chars)} vocab_length = len(vocab_chars) + 1 # Define vocab one-hot encoding def address2onehot(address, vocab2ix_dict = vocab2ix_dict, max_address_len = max_address_len): # translate address string into indices address_ix = [vocab2ix_dict[x] for x in list(address)] # Pad or crop to max_address_len address_ix = (address_ix + [0]*max_address_len)[0:max_address_len] return address_ix
- 处理完词汇后,我们将开始声明我们的模型占位符和嵌入查找。对于嵌入查找,我们将使用单一矩阵
TensorFlow 机器学习秘籍第二版:9~11(4)https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1426845