隐语纵向联邦 SecureBoost Benchmark白皮书
原创隐语开源社区隐语的小剧场 2023-04-12 15:31 发表于浙江
在数据科学竞赛中经典算法XGB备受关注。但有小伙伴担心,在纵向联邦中XGB是否足够高效,安全和效率是否可以兼得, 隐私计算是否耗时太长导致模型迭代缓慢?使用隐语中联邦算法SecureBoost的高效实现, 炼丹效率轻松狂飙10倍!
隐语SecureBoost(下文简称:隐语SGB)利用了安全底座和多方联合计算的分布式架构, 极大提高了密态计算效率和灵活性。只需要通过简单配置, 隐语SGB即可切换同态加密协议, 例如Paillier和OU, 满足不同场景下的安全和计算效率的需求。
本文将介绍隐语SGB的具体测试环境、步骤和数据, 方便您了解协议的使用方法和性能数据, 从而更好地了解隐语 SGB, 满足您的业务需求。让我们一起来领略隐语SGB的魅力吧!
- Python:3.8
- pip: >= 19.3
- OS: CentOS 7
- CPU/Memory: 推荐最低配置是 8C16G
- 硬盘:500G
#sudo apt-get install wgetwget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh #安装bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh # 一直按回车然后输入yesplease answer 'yes' or 'no':>>> yes # 选择安装路径, 文件名前加点号表示隐藏文件Miniconda3 will now be installed into this location:>>> ~/.miniconda3 # 添加配置信息到 ~/.bashrc文件Do you wish the installer to initialize Miniconda3 by running conda init? [yes|no][no] >>> yes #运行配置信息文件或重启电脑source ~/.bashrc #测试是否安装成功,有显示版本号表示安装成功conda --version
conda create -n sf-benchmark python=3.8 conda activate sf-benchmark pip install -U secretflow
- alice方:100万50维
- bob方:100万50维
- alice方:100万34维
- bob方:100万33维
- carol:100万33维
import logging import socket import sys import time import spu from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, roc_auc_score import secretflow as sf from secretflow.data import FedNdarray, PartitionWay from secretflow.device.driver import reveal, wait from secretflow.ml.boost.sgb_v import Sgb from secretflow.utils.simulation.datasets import create_df from secretflow.data.vertical import read_csv as v_read_csv # init log logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO) logging.info("test") _parties = { # you may change the addresses # 将alice、bob、carol的ip替换为实际ip 'alice': {'address': ''}, 'bob': {'address': ''}, 'carol': {'address': ''}, } def setup_sf(party, alice_ip, bob_ip, carol_ip): cluster_conf = { 'parties': _parties, 'self_party': party, } # init cluster _system_config = {'lineage_pinning_enabled': False} sf.init( address='local', num_cpus=8, log_to_driver=True, cluster_config=cluster_conf, exit_on_failure_cross_silo_sending=True, _system_config=_system_config, _memory=5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, cross_silo_messages_max_size_in_bytes = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 -1, object_store_memory=5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, ) # SPU settings cluster_def = { 'nodes': [ {'party': 'alice', 'id': 'local:0', 'address': alice_ip}, {'party': 'bob', 'id': 'local:1', 'address': bob_ip}, {'party': 'carol', 'id': 'local:1', 'address': carol_ip}, ], 'runtime_config': { # SEMI2K support 2/3 PC, ABY3 only support 3PC, CHEETAH only support 2PC. # pls pay attention to size of nodes above. nodes size need match to PC setting. 'protocol': spu.spu_pb2.ABY3, 'field': spu.spu_pb2.FM64, }, } # HEU settings heu_config = { 'sk_keeper': {'party': 'alice'}, 'evaluators': [{'party': 'bob'},{'party': 'carol'}], 'mode': 'PHEU', # 这里修改同态加密相关配置 'he_parameters': { 'schema': 'paillier', 'key_pair': { 'generate': { 'bit_size': 2048, }, }, }, 'encoding': { 'cleartext_type': 'DT_I32', 'encoder': "IntegerEncoder", 'encoder_args': {"scale": 1}, }, } return cluster_def, heu_config class SGB_benchmark: def __init__(self, cluster_def, heu_config): self.alice = sf.PYU('alice') self.bob = sf.PYU('bob') self.carol = sf.PYU('carol') self.heu = sf.HEU(heu_config, cluster_def['runtime_config']['field']) def run_sgb(self, test_name, v_data, label_data, y, logistic, subsample, colsample): sgb = Sgb(self.heu) start = time.time() params = { 'num_boost_round': 5, 'max_depth': 5, 'sketch_eps': 0.08, 'objective': 'logistic' if logistic else 'linear', 'reg_lambda': 0.3, 'subsample': subsample, 'colsample_by_tree': colsample, } model = sgb.train(params, v_data, label_data) # reveal(model.weights[-1]) print(f"{test_name} train time: {time.time() - start}") start = time.time() yhat = model.predict(v_data) yhat = reveal(yhat) print(f"{test_name} predict time: {time.time() - start}") if logistic: print(f"{test_name} auc: {roc_auc_score(y, yhat)}") else: print(f"{test_name} mse: {mean_squared_error(y, yhat)}") fed_yhat = model.predict(v_data, self.alice) assert len(fed_yhat.partitions) == 1 and self.alice in fed_yhat.partitions yhat = reveal(fed_yhat.partitions[self.alice]) assert yhat.shape[0] == y.shape[0], f"{yhat.shape} == {y.shape}" if logistic: print(f"{test_name} auc: {roc_auc_score(y, yhat)}") else: print(f"{test_name} mse: {mean_squared_error(y, yhat)}") def test_on_linear(self, sample_num, total_num): """ sample_num: int. this number * 10000 = sample number in dataset. """ io_start = time.perf_counter() common_path = "/root/sf-benchmark/data/{}w_{}d_3pc/independent_linear.".format( sample_num, total_num ) vdf = v_read_csv( {self.alice: common_path + "1.csv", self.bob: common_path + "2.csv", self.carol: common_path + "3.csv"}, keys='id', drop_keys='id', ) # split y out of dataset, # <<< !!! >>> change 'y' if label column name is not y in dataset. label_data = vdf["y"] # v_data remains all features. v_data = vdf.drop(columns="y") # <<< !!! >>> change bob if y not belong to bob. y = reveal(label_data.partitions[self.alice].data) wait([p.data for p in v_data.partitions.values()]) io_end = time.perf_counter() print("io takes time", io_end - io_start) self.run_sgb("independent_linear", v_data, label_data, y, True, 1, 1) def run_test(party): cluster_def, heu_config = setup_sf(party, _parties['alice'], _parties['bob'], _parties['carol']) test_suite = SGB_benchmark(cluster_def, heu_config) test_suite.test_on_linear(100, 100) sf.shutdown() if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='sgb benchmark remote') parser.add_argument('party') args = parser.parse_args() run_test(args.party)
alice方:python sgb_benchmark.py alice
bob方:python sgb_benchmark.py bob
alice方:python sgb_benchmark.py alice
bob方:python sgb_benchmark.py bob
carol方:python sgb_benchmark.py carol
SGB Benchmark报告
本次benchmark的数据为百万百维。我们在两组网络参数下进行实验。算法参数中的schema也有'paillier'和'ou'两种。本次实验训练的XGB树的数量为5,深度为5,特征分桶数量为13,进行二分类任务。我们分别在两方和三方场景下进行上述实验。两方情况下,alice和bob各拥有其中50维的数据。三方情况下,alice, bob 和 carol分别拥有(34,33,33)维数据。
在设置HEU所用协议时,我们分别配置了paillier和ou两种协议计算作为对比(密钥长度默认为2048bit)。Paillier和OU均为IND-CPA 安全,语义安全(Semantic Security)的加密系统,但是基于不同的困难假设。在加密性能和密态加法的性能上OU要优于Paillier,密文大小也是Paillier的一半,关于 OU 更详细的介绍参见下方链接。总体来讲,OU相比于Paillier在隐语SGB上提供了3~4倍的计算性能加速并把内存需求降低一半。
参考资料:Okamoto-Uchiyama 算法介绍https://www.secretflow.org.cn/docs/heu/zh_CN/getting_started/algo_choice.html#okamoto-uchiyama