"update VirtualWarehouse set deleted=1 where id=#{virtualWarehouse.id}"})
@Options(useGeneratedKeys=true )
Long deleteVirtualWarehouse(@Param("virtualWarehouse") VirtualWarehouse virtualWarehouse);
List findWarehouseListByIds(List ids);
### 遍历Set
"select 3 as status ,'可用' as statusName,
case COUNT(*) when null then 0 else COUNT(*) end as
statusCount from Warehouse",
" where organizationId in ( ",
" <foreach collection='collection' item='item' open='(' close=')' separator=','>",
" #{item}",
findAvailableStatusWarehouseCount(Set<Long> organizationIds);
"update VirtualWarehouse set ",
"name=#{virtualWarehouse.name} ",
" , updateTime=getdate()",
"<if test=\" virtualWarehouse.description !=null and virtualWarehouse.description !='' \" > ",
" description=#{virtualWarehouse.description} ",
" where id=#{virtualWarehouse.id}",
@Options(useGeneratedKeys = true)Long updateVirtualWarehouse(@Param("virtualWarehouse") VirtualWarehouse virtualWarehouse);
" select * from user ",
" <when test=\" user.name !=null and user.name !='' \" >",
" and name like CONCAT('%' , #{user.name} , '%')",
" </when>",
" <otherwise>",
" and name =#{currentUserName} ",
" </otherwise>",
List<User> findUser(@Param("user") User user, @Param("currentUserName") String currentUserName);
like 模糊查询
" select count(id) from Warehouse warehouse ",
" organizationId in (",
" <foreach collection='organizationIds' item='item' open='(' close=')' separator=','>",
" #{item}",
" <if test=\" warehouse.id !=null and warehouse.id !=0
\" >" ,
" and Warehouse.id=#{warehouse.id}" ,
" <if test=\" warehouse.name !=null and warehouse.name
!='' \" >" ,
" and Warehouse.name like CONCAT('%' ,
warehouse.name} , '%') " ,
" <if test=\" warehouse.type !=null and
warehouse.type!=0 \" >" ,
" and Warehouse.type=#{warehouse.type}" ,
" </if>",
Integer countFindWarehouseList(@Param("warehouse") Warehouse warehouse , @Param("organizationIds") Set<Long> organizationIds);
sku.name like '%'+ #{
keywords} + '%' ",
* 查询可用仓库,无分页
* @return
"select * ",
"from Warehouse ",
" <if test=\" searchProvisoDTO.name !=null and
searchProvisoDTO.name !='' \" > ",
" and name like CONCAT('%' ,
searchProvisoDTO.name} , '%') ",
" </if>",
" <if test=\" searchProvisoDTO.ids !=null \" > ",
" <foreach collection='searchProvisoDTO.ids'
item='id' open='and id in (' close=')' separator=','>",
" #{id}",
" </foreach>",
" </if>",
SearchProvisoDTO searchProvisoDTO );
* 创建 *
* @return
" insert into DeliveryRouteStreet( deliveryRouteId , streetId , deleted , createTime) ",
deliveryRouteStreet.streetId} ",
" , 0 , now())",
@Options(useGeneratedKeys = true)
Long insertDeliveryRouteStreet(@Param("deliveryRouteStreet")
DeliveryRouteStreet deliveryRouteStreet);
" SELECT u.id , u.account , u.username , u.mobile , u.dept_logic_id as deptId , u.org_logic_id as orgId , s.times , s.login_time ",
"<if test=\" condition.loginState !=null and condition.accounts !=null and condition.accounts.size > 0 \" > ",
" <when test=\"condition.accounts !=null and condition.accounts.size > 0 and condition.loginState !=null and condition.loginState ==1 \" >",
" , '在线' as state ",
" </when>",
" <when test=\"condition.accounts !=null and condition.accounts.size > 0 and condition.loginState !=null and condition.loginState == 2 \" >",
" , '注销' as state ",
" </when>",
" <otherwise>",
" , '' as state ",
" </otherwise>",
" from bams_user u LEFT JOIN login_statistics s on u.account=s.account ",
" u.has_del=0 ",
" <if test=\"condition.account != null and condition.account !='' \"> and u.account like CONCAT('%' , #{condition.account} , '%') </if>",
" <if test=\"condition.username != null and condition.username !='' \"> and u.username like CONCAT('%' , #{condition.username} , '%') </if>",
" <if test=\" condition.areaDeptId !=null and condition.areaDeptId !='' \" >",
" and u.dept_logic_id like CONCAT( #{condition.areaDeptId} , '%') ",
" </if>",
" <if test=\"condition.ids !=null and condition.ids.size > 0 \" > ",
" <foreach collection='condition.ids' item='id' open='and u.id in (' close=')' separator=','>",
" #{id}",
" </foreach>",
" </if>",
" <if test=\"condition.accounts !=null and condition.accounts.size > 0 and condition.loginState !=null \" > ",
" <choose>",
" <when test=\" condition.loginState !=null and condition.loginState == 1 \" >",
" <foreach collection='condition.accounts' item='id' open='and u.account in (' close=')' separator=','>",
" #{id}",
" </foreach>",
" </when>",
" <otherwise>",
" <foreach collection='condition.accounts' item='id' open='and u.account not in (' close=')' separator=','>",
" #{id}",
" </foreach>",
" </otherwise>",
" </choose>",
" </if>",
" <if test=\" condition.loginRecord !=null \" >",
" <choose>",
" <when test=\" condition.loginRecord == 1 \" >",
" and ( s.times > 0) ",
" </when>",
" <when test=\" condition.loginRecord == 2 \" >",
" and (ISNULL(s.times) or s.times=0 ) ",
" </when>",
" </choose>",
" </if>",
" <if test=\"condition.startTime != null \"> and s.login_time >= #{condition.startTime} </if>",
" <if test=\"condition.endTime != null \"> and s.login_time <= #{condition.endTime} </if>",
" order by u.id ",
"<if test=\"condition.needPage == true \"> ",
" limit #{condition.pageNum},#{condition.pageSize} ",
List<LoginStatisticsDto> findPage(@Param("condition") LoginStatisticsCondition condition);