1. import pygame 2. import random 3. import sys 4. 5. # Initialize Pygame 6. pygame.init() 7. 8. # Set up the window 9. WINDOW_WIDTH = 800 10. WINDOW_HEIGHT = 600 11. WINDOW = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT)) 12. pygame.display.set_caption("Ping Pong Game") 13. 14. # Set up the colors 15. BLACK = (0, 0, 0) 16. WHITE = (255, 255, 255) 17. 18. # Set up the fonts 19. FONT = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 48) 20. 21. # Set up the ball 22. BALL_RADIUS = 10 23. ball_x = WINDOW_WIDTH // 2 24. ball_y = WINDOW_HEIGHT // 2 25. ball_dx = 5 26. ball_dy = 5 27. 28. # Set up the player's paddle 29. PLAYER_PADDLE_WIDTH = 10 30. PLAYER_PADDLE_HEIGHT = 100 31. player_paddle_x = WINDOW_WIDTH - PLAYER_PADDLE_WIDTH - 10 32. player_paddle_y = WINDOW_HEIGHT // 2 - PLAYER_PADDLE_HEIGHT // 2 33. player_paddle_dy = 0 34. 35. # Set up the computer's paddle 36. COMPUTER_PADDLE_WIDTH = 10 37. COMPUTER_PADDLE_HEIGHT = 100 38. computer_paddle_x = 10 39. computer_paddle_y = WINDOW_HEIGHT // 2 - COMPUTER_PADDLE_HEIGHT // 2 40. computer_paddle_dy = 5 41. 42. # Set up the scores 43. player_score = 0 44. computer_score = 0 45. player_str = "" 46. computer_str = "" 47. 48. # Set up the game state 49. game_state = "start" 50. space_state = "0" 51. 52. # Set up the clock 53. clock = pygame.time.Clock() 54. 55. # Set up the main game loop 56. while True: 57. # Handle events 58. for event in pygame.event.get(): 59. if event.type == pygame.QUIT: 60. pygame.quit() 61. sys.exit() 62. elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: 63. if event.key == pygame.K_UP: 64. player_paddle_dy = -5 65. elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: 66. player_paddle_dy = 5 67. elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: 68. if space_state == "0": 69. space_state = "1" 70. #print(f"DOWN, space_state: {space_state}, {game_state}, {computer_score}", flush=True) 71. elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: 72. if event.key == pygame.K_UP or event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: 73. player_paddle_dy = 0 74. elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: 75. if space_state != "1": continue 76. #print(f" UP, space_state: {space_state}, {game_state}, {computer_score}", flush=True) 77. space_state = "0" 78. if game_state == "start": 79. game_state = "playing" 80. ball_dx = -ball_dx 81. ball_dy = -ball_dy 82. #ball_dx = random.choice([-5, 5]) 83. #ball_dy = random.choice([-5, 5]) 84. #elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: 85. #elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: 86. # if game_state == "start": 87. # game_state = "playing" 88. # ball_dx = random.choice([-5, 5]) 89. # ball_dy = random.choice([-5, 5]) 90. 91. # Update the game state 92. if game_state == "playing": 93. # Move the ball 94. ball_x += ball_dx 95. ball_y += ball_dy 96. 97. # Bounce the ball off the top or bottom of the window 98. if ball_y - BALL_RADIUS <= 0 or ball_y + BALL_RADIUS >= WINDOW_HEIGHT: 99. ball_dy = -ball_dy 100. 101. # Bounce the ball off the player's paddle 102. if ball_x + BALL_RADIUS >= player_paddle_x and ball_y >= player_paddle_y and ball_y <= player_paddle_y + PLAYER_PADDLE_HEIGHT: 103. ball_dx = -ball_dx 104. 105. # Bounce the ball off the computer's paddle 106. if ball_x - BALL_RADIUS <= computer_paddle_x + COMPUTER_PADDLE_WIDTH and ball_y >= computer_paddle_y and ball_y <= computer_paddle_y + COMPUTER_PADDLE_HEIGHT: 107. ball_dx = -ball_dx 108. 109. # Check if the ball went out of bounds 110. if ball_x - BALL_RADIUS <= 0: 111. #computer_score += 1 112. player_score += 1 113. game_state = "start" 114. elif ball_x + BALL_RADIUS >= WINDOW_WIDTH: 115. #player_score += 1 116. computer_score += 1 117. game_state = "start" 118. # 判断游戏是否结束 119. if computer_score >= 5 or player_score >= 5: 120. game_state = "game over" 121. 122. # Move the player's paddle 123. player_paddle_y += player_paddle_dy 124. if player_paddle_y <= 0: 125. player_paddle_y = 0 126. elif player_paddle_y + PLAYER_PADDLE_HEIGHT >= WINDOW_HEIGHT: 127. player_paddle_y = WINDOW_HEIGHT - PLAYER_PADDLE_HEIGHT 128. 129. # Move the computer's paddle 130. if ball_y < computer_paddle_y + COMPUTER_PADDLE_HEIGHT // 2: 131. computer_paddle_dy = -5 132. elif ball_y > computer_paddle_y + COMPUTER_PADDLE_HEIGHT // 2: 133. computer_paddle_dy = 5 134. else: 135. computer_paddle_dy = 0 136. computer_paddle_y += computer_paddle_dy 137. if computer_paddle_y <= 0: 138. computer_paddle_y = 0 139. elif computer_paddle_y + COMPUTER_PADDLE_HEIGHT >= WINDOW_HEIGHT: 140. computer_paddle_y = WINDOW_HEIGHT - COMPUTER_PADDLE_HEIGHT 141. 142. # Draw the game 143. WINDOW.fill(BLACK) 144. if game_state == "start": 145. #start_text = FONT.render("Press the mouse button to start", True, WHITE) 146. start_text = FONT.render("Press space key to start", True, WHITE) 147. start_rect = start_text.get_rect() 148. start_rect.center = (WINDOW_WIDTH // 2, WINDOW_HEIGHT // 2) 149. WINDOW.blit(start_text, start_rect) 150. elif game_state == "playing": 151. # Draw the ball 152. pygame.draw.circle(WINDOW, WHITE, (ball_x, ball_y), BALL_RADIUS) 153. 154. # Draw the player's paddle 155. pygame.draw.rect(WINDOW, WHITE, (player_paddle_x, player_paddle_y, PLAYER_PADDLE_WIDTH, PLAYER_PADDLE_HEIGHT)) 156. 157. # Draw the computer's paddle 158. pygame.draw.rect(WINDOW, WHITE, (computer_paddle_x, computer_paddle_y, COMPUTER_PADDLE_WIDTH, COMPUTER_PADDLE_HEIGHT)) 159. 160. # Draw the scores 161. player_score_text = FONT.render(str(player_score), True, WHITE) 162. player_score_rect = player_score_text.get_rect() 163. player_score_rect.center = (WINDOW_WIDTH - 50, 50) 164. WINDOW.blit(player_score_text, player_score_rect) 165. 166. computer_score_text = FONT.render(str(computer_score), True, WHITE) 167. computer_score_rect = computer_score_text.get_rect() 168. computer_score_rect.center = (50, 50) 169. WINDOW.blit(computer_score_text, computer_score_rect) 170. 171. elif game_state == "game over": 172. # Draw the game over text 173. game_over_text = FONT.render("Game Over", True, WHITE) 174. game_over_rect = game_over_text.get_rect() 175. game_over_rect.center = (WINDOW_WIDTH // 2, WINDOW_HEIGHT // 2 - 50) 176. WINDOW.blit(game_over_text, game_over_rect) 177. 178. # Draw the final scores 179. #print(player_score, computer_score, flush=True) 180. if not player_str: 181. player_str = f"Player Score: {player_score}" 182. computer_str = f"Computer Score: {computer_score}" 183. 184. player_final_score_text = FONT.render(player_str, True, WHITE) 185. player_final_score_rect = player_final_score_text.get_rect() 186. player_final_score_rect.center = (WINDOW_WIDTH // 2, WINDOW_HEIGHT // 2) 187. WINDOW.blit(player_final_score_text, player_final_score_rect) 188. 189. computer_final_score_text = FONT.render(computer_str, True, WHITE) 190. computer_final_score_rect = computer_final_score_text.get_rect() 191. computer_final_score_rect.center = (WINDOW_WIDTH // 2, WINDOW_HEIGHT // 2 + 50) 192. WINDOW.blit(computer_final_score_text, computer_final_score_rect) 193. 194. # Reset the scores and game state 195. player_score = 0 196. computer_score = 0 197. game_state = "game over" 198. 199. # Update the window 200. pygame.display.update() 201. 202. # Tick the clock 203. clock.tick(60) 204. 205. pygame.quit()
- 游戏包含两个参与者,一方是电脑,一方是玩家;电脑在界面左侧,玩家在界面右侧。
- 游戏界面上包含一个开始按钮,点击开始按钮后,游戏才能开始。
- 乒乓球接触球拍和界面上下边界时会反弹。
- 玩家通过Up,Down键来控制球拍的上下运动,玩家按住对应的键,球拍会保持一个方向运动。
- 电脑通过自动判断乒乓球的位置来进行移动,尽可能的将乒乓球反弹。
- 一方的球拍没有接到球的时候,对方得1分,先得够5分的一方获胜,同时游戏结束。
- 游戏结束后显示获胜的一方的角色:电脑或者玩家。