盘一盘 Python 系列 2 - NumPy (下)(四)

简介: 盘一盘 Python 系列 2 - NumPy (下)(四)

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  • 1, 2, 3 的总和是 6
  • 轴 0(只有一个轴) 上的元素求和是 6


arr = np.array([1,2,3])print( 'The total sum is', arr.sum() )print( 'The sum on axis0 is', arr.sum(axis=0) )
The total sum is 6
The sum on axis0 is 6





  • 1 到 6 的总和是 6
  • 轴 0 上的元素 (被一个红方括号[]包住的) 是[1, 2, 3][4, 5, 6],求和得到[[5, 6, 7]]
  • 轴 1 上的元素 (被两个蓝方括号[] 包住的) 分别是 1, 2, 3 和 4, 5, 6,求和得到 [[1+2+3, 4+5+6]]=[[6, 15]]


arr = np.arange(1,7).reshape((2,3))print( arr )
[[1 2 3]
 [4 5 6]]

print( 'The total sum is', arr.sum() )print( 'The sum on axis0 is', arr.sum(axis=0) )print( 'The sum on axis1 is', arr.sum(axis=1) )
The total sum is 21
The sum on axis0 is [5 7 9]
The sum on axis1 is [ 6 15]

结果是对的,但是好像括号比上图推导出来的少一个。原因np.sum()里面有个参数是 keepdims,意思是「保留维度」,默认值时 False,因此会去除多余的括号,比如 [[5, 7, 9]] 会变成 [5, 7, 9]。

如果把 keepdims 设置为 True,那么打印出来的结果和上图推导的一模一样。

print( arr.sum(axis=0, keepdims=True) )print( arr.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) )
[[5 7 9]]
[[ 6]



  • 1 到 12 的总和是 78
  • 轴 0 上的元素是一个红方括号[] 包住的两个[[ ]],对其求和得到一个[ [[ ]] ]
  • 轴 1 上的元素是两个蓝方括号[] 包住的两个[ ],对其求和得到两个[[ ]],即 [ [[ ]],[[ ]]]
  • 轴 2 上的元素是四个绿方括号[] 包住的三个标量,对其求和得到四个[],即 [ [[ ],[ ]], [[ ],[ ]] ]


arr = np.arange(1,13).reshape((2,2,3))print(arr)
[[[ 1 2 3]
  [ 4 5 6]]
 [[ 7 8 9]
  [10 11 12]]]

print( 'The total sum is', arr.sum() )print( 'The sum on axis0 is', arr.sum(axis=0) )print( 'The sum on axis1 is', arr.sum(axis=1) )print( 'The sum on axis2 is', arr.sum(axis=2) )
The total sum is 78
The sum on axis0 is [[ 8 10 12] [14 16 18]]
The sum on axis1 is [[ 5 7 9] [17 19 21]]
The sum on axis2 is [[ 6 15] [24 33]]

打印出来的结果比上图推导结果少一个括号,也是因为 keepdims 默认为 False。



  • 轴 0上求和,包含是两个[],对其求和
  • 轴 1 上求和,包含是两个 [],对其求和
  • 轴 2 上求和,包含是两个 [],对其求和
  • 轴 3 上求和,包含是三个标量,对其求和


arr = np.arange(1,25).reshape((2,2,2,3))print(arr)
[[[[ 1 2 3]
   [ 4 5 6]]
  [[ 7 8 9]
   [10 11 12]]]
 [[[13 14 15]
   [16 17 18]]
  [[19 20 21]
   [22 23 24]]]]

print( 'The total sum is', arr.sum() )print( 'The sum on axis0 is', arr.sum(axis=0) )print( 'The sum on axis1 is', arr.sum(axis=1) )print( 'The sum on axis2 is', arr.sum(axis=2) )print( 'The sum on axis3 is', arr.sum(axis=3) )
The total sum is 300
The sum on axis0 is [[[14 16 18] [20 22 24]]
                     [[26 28 30] [32 34 36]]]
The sum on axis1 is [[[ 8 10 12] [14 16 18]]
                     [[32 34 36] [38 40 42]]]
The sum on axis2 is [[[ 5 7 9] [17 19 21]]
                     [[29 31 33] [41 43 45]]]
The sum on axis3 is [[[ 6 15] [24 33]]
                     [[42 51] [60 69]]]

打印出来的结果比上图推导结果少一个括号,也是因为 keepdims 默认为 False。


除了 sum 函数,整合函数还包括 min, max, mean, std cumsum,分别是求最小值、最大值、均值、标准差和累加,这些函数对数组里的元素整合方式和 sum 函数相同,就不多讲了。总结来说我们可以对数组

  • 所有的元素整合
  • 在某个轴 (axis) 上的元素整合

整合函数= {sum, min, max, mean, std,cumsum}

5.4 广播机制计算


  1. 广播轴 (broadcast axis):比对两个数组的维度,将形状小的数组的维度 (轴) 补齐
  2. 复制元素:顺着补齐的轴,将形状小的数组里的元素复制,使得最终形状和另一个数组吻合



arr = np.arange(5)print( arr )print( arr + 2 )
[0 1 2 3 4]
[2 3 4 5 6]

元素 2 被广播到数组 arr 的所有元素上。


arr = np.arange(12).reshape((4,3))print( arr )print( arr.mean(axis=0) )print( arr - arr.mean(axis=0) )
[[ 0 1 2]
 [ 3 4 5]
 [ 6 7 8]
 [ 9 10 11]]
[4.5 5.5 6.5]
[[-4.5 -4.5 -4.5]
 [-1.5 -1.5 -1.5]
 [ 1.5 1.5 1.5]
 [ 4.5 4.5 4.5]]

沿轴 0 的均值的一维数组被广播到数组 arr 的所有的行上。





  • 不相容 (incompatible),广播机制不能进行
  • 相容 (compatible),广播机制可以进行


  1. 检查两个数组形状是否兼容,即从两个形状元组最后一个元素,来检查

    1. 它们是否相等
    2. 是否有一个等于 1

  2. 一旦它们形状兼容,确定两个数组的最终形状。



a = np.array([[1,2,3]])b = np.array([[4],[5],[6]])print( 'The shape of a is', a.shape )print( 'The shape of b is', b.shape )
The shape of a is (1, 3)
The shape of b is (3, 1)


  1. 检查数组 a 和 b 形状是否兼容,从两个形状元组 (1, 3) 和 (3, 1)最后一个元素开始检查,发现它们都满足『有一个等于 1』的条件。

  2. 因此它们形状兼容,两个数组的最终形状为 (max(1,3), max(3,1)) = (3, 3)

到此,a 和 b 被扩展成 (3, 3) 的数组,让我们看看 a + b 等于多少

c = a + bprint( 'The shape of c is', c.shape )print( 'a is', a )print( 'b is', b )print( 'c = a + b =', c )
The shape of c is (3, 3)
a is [[1 2 3]]
b is [[4]
c = a + b = [[5 6 7]
             [6 7 8]
             [7 8 9]]


a = np.arange(5)b = np.array(2)print( 'The dimension of a is', a.ndim, 'and the shape of a is', a.shape )print( 'The dimension of b is', b.ndim, 'and the shape of b is', b.shape )
The dimension of a is 1 and the shape of a is (5,)
The dimension of b is 0 and the shape of b is ()

数组 a 和 b 形状分别为 (5,) 和 (),首先我们把缺失的维度用 1 补齐得到 (5,) 和 (1,),再根据广播机制那套流程得到这两个形状是兼容的,而且最终形状为 (5,)。

用代码来看看 a + b 等于多少

c = a + bprint( 'The dimension of c is', c.ndim, 'and the shape of c is', c.shape, '\n' )print( 'a is', a )print( 'b is', b )print( 'c = a + b =', c )
The dimension of c is 1 and the shape of c is (5,)
a is [0 1 2 3 4]
b is 2
c = a + b = [2 3 4 5 6]


a = np.array( [[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]] )b1 = np.array( [[1,1,1], [2,2,2], [3,3,3]] )b2 = np.arange(3).reshape((1,3))b3 = np.arange(6).reshape((2,3))b4 = np.arange(12).reshape((2,2,3))b5 = np.arange(6).reshape((2,1,3))print( 'The dimension of a is', a.ndim, 'and the shape of a is', a.shape )print( 'The dimension of b1 is', b.ndim, 'and the shape of b1 is', b1.shape, '\n')print( 'The dimension of a is', a.ndim, 'and the shape of a is', a.shape )print( 'The dimension of b2 is', b.ndim, 'and the shape of b2 is', b2.shape, '\n' )print( 'The dimension of a is', a.ndim, 'and the shape of a is', a.shape )print( 'The dimension of b3 is', b.ndim, 'and the shape of b3 is', b3.shape, '\n' )print( 'The dimension of a is', a.ndim, 'and the shape of a is', a.shape )print( 'The dimension of b4 is', b.ndim, 'and the shape of b4 is', b4.shape, '\n' )print( 'The dimension of a is', a.ndim, 'and the shape of a is', a.shape )print( 'The dimension of b5 is', b.ndim, 'and the shape of b5 is', b5.shape )
The dimension of a is 3 and the shape of a is (1, 2, 3)
The dimension of b1 is 0 and the shape of b1 is (3, 3)
The dimension of a is 3 and the shape of a is (1, 2, 3)
The dimension of b2 is 0 and the shape of b2 is (1, 3)
The dimension of a is 3 and the shape of a is (1, 2, 3)
The dimension of b3 is 0 and the shape of b3 is (2, 3)
The dimension of a is 3 and the shape of a is (1, 2, 3)
The dimension of b4 is 0 and the shape of b4 is (2, 2, 3)
The dimension of a is 3 and the shape of a is (1, 2, 3)
The dimension of b5 is 0 and the shape of b5 is (2, 1, 3)

对于数组 a 和 b1,它们形状是 (1, 2, 3) 和 (3, 3)。元组最后一个都是 3,兼容;倒数第二个是 3 和 2,即不相等,也没有一个是 1,不兼容a 和 b1 不能进行广播机制。不行就看看下面代码:

c1 = a + b1print( c1 )print( c1.shape )
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast
together with shapes (1,2,3) (3,3)

a 和其他 b2, b3, b4, b5 都可以进行广播机制,自己分析吧。

c2 = a + b2print( c2 )print( c2.shape )
[[[1 3 5]
  [4 6 8]]]
(1, 2, 3)

c3 = a + b3print( c3 )print( c3.shape )
[[[ 1 3 5]
  [ 7 9 11]]]
(1, 2, 3)

c4 = a + b4print( c4 )print( c4.shape )
[[[ 1 3 5]
  [ 7 9 11]]
 [[ 7 9 11]
  [13 15 17]]]
(2, 2, 3)

c5 = a + b5print( c5 )print( c5.shape )
[[[ 1 3 5]
  [ 4 6 8]]
 [[ 4 6 8]
  [ 7 9 11]]]
(2, 2, 3)


NumPy 篇终于完结!即上贴讨论过的数组创建、数组存载和数组获取,本贴讨论了数组变形、数组计算


  • 改变维度的重塑打平
  • 改变分合的合并分裂
  • 复制本质的重复拼接
  • 其他排序插入删除复制


  1. 元素层面:四则运算、函数,比较
  2. 线性代数:务必弄懂点乘函数 dot()
  3. 元素整合:务必弄懂轴这个概念!
  4. 广播机制:太重要了,神经网络无处不在!

下篇讨论用于科学计算的 SciPy。Stay Tuned!

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