interface IERC4907{
//Logged when the user of a NFT is changed or expires is changed
///notice Emitted when theuser
of an NFT or theexpires
of theuser
is changed
///The zero address for user indicates that there is no user address
event UpdateUser(uint256 indexed tokenId,address indexed user,uint64 expires);
///notice set the user and expires of a NFT
///dev The zero address indicates there is no user
///Throws iftokenId
is not valid NFT
///param user The new user of the NFT
///param expires UNIX timestamp,The new user could use the NFT before expires
function setUser(uint256 tokenId,address user,uint64 expires)external;
///notice Get the user address of an NFT
///dev The zero address indicates that there is no user or the user is expired
///param tokenId The NFT to get the user address for
///return The user address for this NFT
function userOf(uint256 tokenId)external view returns(address);
///notice Get the user expires of an NFT
///dev The zero value indicates that there is no user
///param tokenId The NFT to get the user expires for
///return The user expires for this NFT
function userExpires(uint256 tokenId)external view returns(uint256);
userOf(uint256 tokenId)函数可以作为pure或view函数实现。
userExpires(uint256 tokenId)函数可以作为pure或view函数实现。
setUser(uint256 tokenId,address user,uint64 expires)函数可以作为public或external函数实现。