double test = 1.2351; printf("%.2f\n",test); //这种情况属于进位的情况,在5后面有非零数值,进位 test = 1.235; printf("%.2f\n",test); //这种情况属于进位的情况,在5后面是0,无有效数字,但前面为3奇数,进位 test = 1.245; printf("%.2f\n",test); //这种情况属于舍位的情况,在5后面为0,无有效数字,但前面是4,为偶数,舍位
- 输出结果:
1.24 1.24 1.25
分析2: 有人想到了C++中的保留小数的方法,cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2);//需要头文件#include <iomanip>这种方法非常有效,既能保留指定位数,又能进行四舍五入,但是,一来某些场合并不能使用C++的环境硬性要求使用C,那么这种输出方法无法使用;二来需要单独记忆这个格式,规律性不强,难以记牢,易忘;再者,在负数的情况下,无论保留位后是什么,均直接丢弃。例如下列情况:
cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<-1.115<<endl; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<-1.114<<endl; cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed)<<setprecision(2)<<-1.110<<endl;
-1.11 -1.11 -1.11
API | 参数 | 功能 |
sprintf | char*,const char*,… | 将第三个参数的内容按第二个参数的格式传输到第一个参数的字符串(数组)中 |
sscanf | const char*,const char*,… | 将第一个参数中的字符串(数组)以第二个参数的格式传输到第三个参数的变量中 |
double decimalFormat5Up(double srcNumber , int decimalBitNumber,int integerBitNumber){ /* Description: To complete the work rounding decimal number.The rounding execute rule is when the compare bit over five to carry bit, or drop the follow bits. Parameters : srcNumber: the number what you wanna to deal with decimalBitNumber: the bits count what you wanna to reserve integerBitNumber: the bits count your number's integer part Date : 2020-1-7 Author : Moresweet CSDN ID :qq_38853759 */ char temp[100]; //the char array transfer the middle result int flag = 0; if(srcNumber < 0){ //deal with negative number srcNumber = -srcNumber; flag = 1; } sprintf(temp,"%f",srcNumber); int length = strlen(temp),i; if(decimalBitNumber > length || decimalBitNumber < 0){ //the error situation to return origin number return srcNumber; } if(temp[decimalBitNumber+integerBitNumber+1]>= ('0'+5) ){ //carry bit when the current bit value is over five srcNumber += (double)1/pow(10,decimalBitNumber); sprintf(temp,"%f",srcNumber); } //array index add two to adjust to avoid the error bought by the integer and decimal point for(i=decimalBitNumber+integerBitNumber+1;i<length;i++){ //these follow bits is set zero temp[i] = '0'; } if(flag){ for(i=length - 1;i>=0;i--){ temp[i+1] = temp[i]; } temp[0] = '-'; } sscanf(temp,"%lf",&srcNumber); return srcNumber; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> double decimalFormat5Up(double , int ,int ); int main() { double testDb; scanf("%lf",&testDb); //testDb = testDb*9/5+32; //此处为东华大学OJ的一道温度转换题,消除注释即可AC int n = 1,count = 0; while((int)testDb / n){ //判断整数位 n=n*10; count++; } testDb = decimalFormat5Up(testDb,count,2); printf("%.6f\n",testDb); }
- 输出
第一组数据: 29.9999 30.000000 第二组数据: 80.006 80.010000
double decimalFormat5Up1(double srcNumber , int decimalBitNumber){ /* Description: To complete the work rounding decimal number.The rounding execute rule is when the compare bit over five to carry bit, or drop the follow bits. Parameters : srcNumber: the number what you wanna to deal with decimalBitNumber: the bits count what you wanna to reserve Date : 2020-1-7 Author : Moresweet CSDN ID :qq_38853759 */ char temp[100]; //the char array transfer the middle result int n = 1,integerBitNumber = 0,flag = 0;//integerBitNumber: the bits count your number's integer part while((int)srcNumber / n){ n=n*10; integerBitNumber++; } if(srcNumber < 0){ //deal with negative number srcNumber = -srcNumber; flag = 1; } sprintf(temp,"%f",srcNumber); int length = strlen(temp),i; if(decimalBitNumber > length || decimalBitNumber < 0){ //the error situation to return origin number return srcNumber; } if(temp[decimalBitNumber+integerBitNumber+1]>= ('0'+5) ){ //carry bit when the current bit value is over five srcNumber += (double)1/pow(10,decimalBitNumber); sprintf(temp,"%f",srcNumber); } //array index add two to adjust to avoid the error bought by the integer and decimal point for(i=decimalBitNumber+integerBitNumber+1;i<length;i++){ //these follow bits is set zero temp[i] = '0'; } if(flag){ for(i=length - 1;i>=0;i--){ temp[i+1] = temp[i]; } temp[0] = '-'; } sscanf(temp,"%lf",&srcNumber); return srcNumber; }
- 示例主程序
int main() { double testDb; scanf("%lf",&testDb); testDb = decimalFormat5Up1(testDb,2); printf("%.6f\n",testDb); }