要获取关于 eBPF 中的进程信息,可以使用以下函数:
、bpf_get_current_comm(char *buf, int size_of_buf)
。当程序被绑定到对某个内核函数调用时(如第一个示例所示),就可以使用它们。UID/GID 应该比较明确,但对于那些以前没有接触过内核操作细节的人来说,还是需要解释一下。在内核中被视为 PID 的东西在用户空间中显示为进程的 thread ID。内核认为用户空间中的 thread group ID 是 PID。类似的,bpf_get_current_comm()
好吧,我们总归会拿到进程数据,那怎么将数据传递到用户空间?Table 就是用于此目的,通过BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(event)
创建,通过方法event.perf_submit(ctx, data, data_size)
下面将详细介绍这一机制,但现在,我们继续从理论上进行分析。我们既可以传输数据,也可以传输数据包本身。但要做到这一点,必须为传输的数据选择一个特定长度的变量。怎么选?直接回答是 512 字节,但并不正确。这一长度并没有考虑 EDNS,而且我们还想正确跟踪基于 TCP 的 DNS 报文。因此我们不得不分配大量的预留空间,而更大的包将会被丢弃,大多数情况下,我们将分配比所需更多的内存。我不喜欢这种方法,幸运的是,还有另一个方法: perf_submit_skb()
。除了数据外,它还从缓冲区传输指定字节的数据包。但需要注意,该方法仅适用于网络程序 eBPF: 套接字,XDP。也就是说,我们无法获得有关进程的信息。
幸运的是,可以使用多个 eBPF 程序并互相交换数据!这也可以通过 Table 来实现。声明如下:
BPF_TABLE_PUBLIC("hash", key, val, name, max_elements);
这是为了使其对其他 eBPF 程序可用。在另一个程序中,通过如下代码访问:
BPF_TABLE("extern", key, val, name, max_elements);
因此,即使 5 元组(协议、源地址、源端口、目的地址和目的端口)都一样,也不会丢失数据包,键将是以下结构:
struct port_key { u8 proto; u32 saddr; u32 daddr; u16 sport; u16 dport; };
struct port_val { u32 ifindex; u32 pid; u32 tgid; u32 uid; u32 gid; char comm[64]; };
总结: 当调用内核函数发送数据包时,存储涉及到的进程信息。当数据包出现在网络接口上时(不管是传出的还是传入),检查是否在目的地之间通过这样或那样的协议传输包的任何信息。如果有,就将其与包一起传递给 Python,在那里完成其余工作。
结构作为第一个参数。在 eBPF 中有两种方法可以访问所研究函数的实参: 将其指定为函数的形参,或者使用宏PT_REGS_PARMx
,其中 x 是实参号。下面将展示这两个选项,这是第一个程序,C_BPF_KPROBE
// The structure that will be used as the key for // eBPF table 'proc_ports': struct port_key { u8 proto; u32 saddr; u32 daddr; u16 sport; u16 dport; }; // The structure that will be stored in the eBPF table 'proc_ports' // contains information about the process: struct port_val { u32 ifindex; u32 pid; u32 tgid; u32 uid; u32 gid; char comm[64]; }; // Public (accessible from other eBPF programs) eBPF table in which // information about the process is written. // It's read when a packet appears on the socket: BPF_TABLE_PUBLIC("hash", struct port_key, struct port_val, proc_ports, 20480); // These are two ways to get access to the function arguments: //int trace_udp_sendmsg(struct pt_regs *ctx) { // struct sock *sk = (struct sock *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx); int trace_udp_sendmsg(struct pt_regs *ctx, struct sock *sk) { u16 sport = sk->sk_num; u16 dport = sk->sk_dport; // Processing packets only on port 53. // 13568 = ntohs(53); if (sport == 13568 || dport == 13568) { // Preparing the data: u32 saddr = sk->sk_rcv_saddr; u32 daddr = sk->sk_daddr; u64 pid_tgid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid(); u64 uid_gid = bpf_get_current_uid_gid(); // Forming the key structure. // These strange transformations will be explained below. struct port_key key = {.proto = 17}; key.saddr = htonl(saddr); key.daddr = htonl(daddr); key.sport = sport; key.dport = htons(dport); // Forming a structure with the process properties: struct port_val val = {}; val.pid = pid_tgid >> 32; val.tgid = (u32)pid_tgid; val.uid = (u32)uid_gid; val.gid = uid_gid >> 32; bpf_get_current_comm(val.comm, 64); //Writing the value into the eBPF table: proc_ports.update(&key, &val); } return 0; }
将等于 6,这两个值(17 和 6)分别是 UDP 和 TCP 的协议号,可以在/etc/protocols
函数都返回 64 比特,因此我们分别获取高低 32 比特来提取数据。此外,对于 PID/TGID,我们可以立即以常见的形式获取(例如,对于 PID,写入字段的高 32 位,其中包含内核认为是 TGID 的内容)。
中获取数据,而是从 eBPF 的__sk_buff
__u32 remote_ip4; /* Stored in network byte order */ __u32 local_ip4; /* Stored in network byte order */ __u32 remote_port; /* Stored in network byte order */ __u32 local_port; /* stored in host byte order */
// The structure that will be used as the key for // eBPF table 'proc_ports': struct port_key { u8 proto; u32 saddr; u32 daddr; u16 sport; u16 dport; }; // The structure that will be stored in the eBPF table 'proc_ports', // Contains information about the process: struct port_val { u32 ifindex; u32 pid; u32 tgid; u32 uid; u32 gid; char comm[64]; }; // eBPF table from which information about the process is extracted. // Filled when calling kernel functions udp_sendmsg()/tcp_sendmsg(): BPF_TABLE("extern", struct port_key, struct port_val, proc_ports, 20480); // Table for transferring data to the user space: BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(dns_events); // Look for DNS packets among the data passing through the socket and // check if there is any information about the process: int dns_matching(struct __sk_buff *skb) { u8 *cursor = 0; // Checking the IP protocol: struct ethernet_t *ethernet = cursor_advance(cursor, sizeof(*ethernet)); if (ethernet->type == ETH_P_IP) { struct ip_t *ip = cursor_advance(cursor, sizeof(*ip)); u8 proto; u16 sport; u16 dport; // Checking the transport layer protocol: if (ip->nextp == IPPROTO_UDP) { struct udp_t *udp = cursor_advance(cursor, sizeof(*udp)); proto = 17; // Getting the data about the ports: sport = udp->sport; dport = udp->dport; } else if (ip->nextp == IPPROTO_TCP) { struct tcp_t *tcp = cursor_advance(cursor, sizeof(*tcp)); // We don't need packets where no data is transmitted: if (!tcp->flag_psh) { return 0; } proto = 6; // Getting the data about the ports: sport = tcp->src_port; dport = tcp->dst_port; } else { return 0; } // If it's a DNS query: if (dport == 53 || sport == 53) { // Form a key structure: struct port_key key = {}; key.proto = proto; if (skb->ingress_ifindex == 0) { key.saddr = ip->src; key.daddr = ip->dst; key.sport = sport; key.dport = dport; } else { key.saddr = ip->dst; key.daddr = ip->src; key.sport = dport; key.dport = sport; } // By the key, look for a value in the eBPF table: struct port_val *p_val; p_val = proc_ports.lookup(&key); // If no value is found, then we have no information about the // process and there is no point in continuing: if (!p_val) { return 0; } // Network device index: p_val->ifindex = skb->ifindex; // Transmit the structure with the process information along with // skb->len bytes sent to the socket: dns_events.perf_submit_skb(skb, skb->len, p_val, sizeof(struct port_val)); return 0; } //dport == 53 || sport == 53 } //ethernet->type == ETH_P_IP return 0; }
该程序的启动方式与第一个示例相同。我们在数据包中移动指针,从不同级别的协议中收集信息。当前仍然不考虑 IP 头的实际长度,但还是添加了一些新的东西,对于 TCP 包,我们将检查其标志,过滤掉不携带数据的包(SYN、ACK 等)。
标识为 0 用于标识输出流量。
我们需要通过 Python 做三件事: 将程序加载到内核中,从内核中获取数据,并对其进行处理。
前两个任务很简单。此外,我们已经在第一个例子中考虑了使用 eBPF 的两种方法:
# BPF initialization: bpf_kprobe = BPF(text=C_BPF_KPROBE) bpf_sock = BPF(text=BPF_SOCK_TEXT) # Send UDP: bpf_kprobe.attach_kprobe(event="udp_sendmsg", fn_name="trace_udp_sendmsg") # Send TCP: bpf_kprobe.attach_kprobe(event="tcp_sendmsg", fn_name="trace_tcp_sendmsg") # Socket: function_dns_matching = bpf_sock.load_func("dns_matching", BPF.SOCKET_FILTER) BPF.attach_raw_socket(function_dns_matching, '')
bpf_sock["dns_events"].open_perf_buffer(print_dns) while True: try: bpf_sock.perf_buffer_poll() except KeyboardInterrupt: exit()
但数据处理将更加繁琐。尽管有现成模块,我们还是决定自己解析协议头。首先,我想自己弄清楚这是如何发生的(最后,尽管在当前情况下正确处理 IP 包头的长度没有意义,因为头域有额外选项的包将在 eBPF 中被丢弃),其次是减少对模块的依赖。然而,对于直接解析 DNS,我仍然(到目前为止)使用现成模块,DNS 结构比 IP/TCP 稍微复杂一些,需要另一个模块(ctypes)来处理 C 数据类型。
def print_dns(cpu, data, size): import ctypes as ct class SkbEvent(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("ifindex", ct.c_uint32), ("pid", ct.c_uint32), ("tgid", ct.c_uint32), ("uid", ct.c_uint32), ("gid", ct.c_uint32), ("comm", ct.c_char * 64), ("raw", ct.c_ubyte * (size - ct.sizeof(ct.c_uint32 * 5) - ct.sizeof(ct.c_char * 64))) ] # We get our 'port_val' structure and also the packet itself in the 'raw' field: sk = ct.cast(data, ct.POINTER(SkbEvent)).contents # Protocols: NET_PROTO = {6: "TCP", 17: "UDP"} # eBPF operates on thread names. # Sometimes they coincide with process names, but often not. # So we try to get the process name by its PID: try: with open(f'/proc/{sk.pid}/comm', 'r') as proc_comm: proc_name = proc_comm.read().rstrip() except: proc_name = sk.comm.decode() # Get the name of the network interface by index: ifname = if_indextoname(sk.ifindex) # The length of the Ethernet frame header is 14 bytes: ip_packet = bytes(sk.raw[14:]) # The length of the IP packet header is not fixed due to the arbitrary # number of parameters. # Of all the possible IP header we are only interested in 20 bytes: (length, _, _, _, _, proto, _, saddr, daddr) = unpack('!BBHLBBHLL', ip_packet[:20]) # The direct length is written in the second half of the first byte (0b00001111 = 15): # len_iph = length & 15 # Length is written in 32-bit words, convert it to bytes: # len_iph = len_iph * 4 # Convert addresses from numbers into IPs, assembling it into octets: saddr = ".".join(map(str, [saddr >> 24 & 0xff, saddr >> 16 & 0xff, saddr >> 8 & 0xff, saddr & 0xff])) daddr = ".".join(map(map(str, [daddr >> 24 & 0xff, daddr >> 16 & 0xff, daddr >> 8 & 0xff, daddr & 0xff])) # If the transport layer protocol is UDP: if proto == 17: udp_packet = ip_packet[len_iph:] (sport, dport) = unpack('!HH', udp_packet[:4]) # UDP datagram header length is 8 bytes: dns_packet = udp_packet[8:] # If the transport layer protocol is TCP: elif proto == 6: tcp_packet = ip_packet[len_iph:] # TCP packet header length is also not fixed due to the optional # options. Of the entire TCP header, we are only interested in the data up to the 13th # byte (header length): (sport, dport, _, length) = unpack('!HHQB', tcp_packet[:13]) # The direct length is written in the first half (4 bits): len_tcph = length >> 4 # Length is written in 32-bit words, converted to bytes: len_tcph = len_tcph * 4 # That's the tricky part. # I don't know where I went wrong or why I need a 2 byte offset, # but it's necessary because the DNS packet doesn't start until after it: dns_packet = tcp_packet[len_tcph + 2:] # other protocols are not handled: else: return # DNS data decoding: dns_data = dnslib.DNSRecord.parse(dns_packet) # Resource record types: DNS_QTYPE = {1: "A", 28: "AAAA"} # Query: If dns_data.header.qr == 0: # We are only interested in A (1) and AAAA (28) records: for q in dns_data.questions: If q.qtype == 1 or q.qtype == 28: print(f'COMM={proc_name} PID={sk.pid} TGID={sk.tgid} DEV={ifname} PROTO={NET_PROTO[proto]} SRC={saddr} DST={daddr} SPT={sport} DPT={dport} UID={sk.uid} GID={sk.gid} DNS_QR=0 DNS_NAME={q.qname} DNS_TYPE={DNS_QTYPE[q.qtype]}') # Response: elif dns_data.header.qr == 1: # We are only interested in A (1) and AAAA (28) records: For rr in dns_data.rr: If rr.rtype == 1 or rr.rtype == 28: print(f'COMM={proc_name} PID={sk.pid} TGID={sk.tgid} DEV={ifname} PROTO={NET_PROTO[proto]} SRC={saddr} DST={daddr} SPT={sport} DPT={dport} UID={sk.uid} GID={sk.gid} DNS_QR=1 DNS_NAME={rr.rname} DNS_TYPE={DNS_QTYPE[rr.rtype]} DNS_DATA={rr.rdata}') else: print('Invalid DNS query type.')
启动应用程序 Python 代码,在另一个控制台中用dig
# dig @ google.com +tcp
# python3 final_code_eBPF_dns.py The program is running. Press Ctrl-C to abort. COMM=dig PID=10738 TGID=10739 DEV=ens18 PROTO=TCP SRC= DST= SPT=57915 DPT=53 UID=0 GID=0 DNS_QR=0 DNS_NAME=google.com. DNS_TYPE=A COMM=dig PID=10738 TGID=10739 DEV=ens18 PROTO=TCP SRC= DST= SPT=53 DPT=57915 UID=0 GID=0 DNS_QR=1 DNS_NAME=google.com. DNS_TYPE=A DNS_DATA= COMM=dig PID=10738 TGID=10739 DEV=ens18 PROTO=TCP SRC= DST= SPT=53 DPT=57915 UID=0 GID=0 DNS_QR=1 DNS_NAME=google.com. DNS_TYPE=A DNS_DATA= COMM=dig PID=10738 TGID=10739 DEV=ens18 PROTO=TCP SRC= DST= SPT=53 DPT=57915 UID=0 GID=0 DNS_QR=1 DNS_NAME=google.com. DNS_TYPE=A DNS_DATA= COMM=dig PID=10738 TGID=10739 DEV=ens18 PROTO=TCP SRC= DST= SPT=53 DPT=57915 UID=0 GID=0 DNS_QR=1 DNS_NAME=google.com. DNS_TYPE=A DNS_DATA= COMM=dig PID=10738 TGID=10739 DEV=ens18 PROTO=TCP SRC= DST= SPT=53 DPT=57915 UID=0 GID=0 DNS_QR=1 DNS_NAME=google.com. DNS_TYPE=A DNS_DATA= COMM=dig PID=10738 TGID=10739 DEV=ens18 PROTO=TCP SRC= DST= SPT=53 DPT=57915 UID=0 GID=0 DNS_QR=1 DNS_NAME=google.com. DNS_TYPE=A DNS_DATA=
到此为止,我们已经创建了一个有用的应用程序,可以显示系统中所有的 DNS 查询。希望上面的解释足够详细,这样如果你对编写 eBPF 程序感兴趣,可以更容易开始。这段代码已经帮助我更好的了解服务器上发生的事情,以下链接可以获取完整代码。
这段代码还可以做得更好吗?当然可以!首先,应该增加对 IPv6 的支持。其次,不要再依赖 IP 头的固定长度,而是要对其进行解析。我拒绝使用 Python 库来处理数据包,不是没有原因的,在 C 语言中,仍然需要手动操作。第三,用 C 语言重写代码也很好,可以完全放弃 Python,当然还要增加几行 JSON 输出的代码,这样在以后开发 UI 仪表盘时会更方便。这将导致第四点,对 DNS 数据包的手动分析。最后,最诱人的一点是停止查看端口(因为也许 DNS 数据包并不总是通过 53 端口),并尝试分析每个数据包,在其中寻找那些符合 DNS 格式的数据包,这将使我们即使在非标准的端口上也能检测到数据包。