
简介: 快速学习深度解读服务网格的未来




In Conversation(对话)

Our Service Mesh is dedicated structural layer for making service communications safe, fast and reliable. Today we have Jeffery Harmand, vice president, principal analyst of Forster and the Xining Wang, senior technical expert who is in charge of ASM product; Dongsheng Li, who is chief architect from Dongfeng data Marketing Company. According to the sincere service of the last year, 27% of enterprises are using Service Mesh production and 23% are also evaluating Service Mesh. It is obvious that this number will continue to rise as enterprises continue to expand their micro service. So Jeffrey, according to you why Service Mesh is needed and what are the different values?

翻译:服务网格是一种专用结构层使得服务之间的通信安全快速和可靠。今天我们邀请到了Jeffery Harmand- Forrester公司的副总裁,兼首席分析师王夕宁,负责阿里云服务网格产品的高级技术专家以及李东生,东风目产数据服务有限公司的首席架构师。根据去年的诚信服务,27%的企业在使用服务网格产品,23%的企业还在对服务网格进行评估,很显然,由于企业不断扩展微服务,这一数字将继续上升。Jeffrey您认为为什么需要使用服务网格以及它有哪些不同的价值?

探讨软件平台的未来(Leap into the future of software platforms)

服务网格能否改变未来?(Can Service Mesh Transform the Future?)


Leap into the future of software platforms

Jeffrey Hammond: So Service Mesh is a cloud, native technology and transition in my opinion. this is the year I think it really gets over the hump. For a few years, we’ve seen somewhat slow adoption. mainly because enterprise organizations weren’t sure what problem is solved and whether or not they had those problems. Service Mesh can be complex to roll out and maintain, especially if you’re trying to do it on your own instead of as a managed service. Teams can configure service meshes and married distinct styles, patterns and scopes of functionality depending on their needs, and the preferences of micro service development teams and their enterprises, so, to effectively plan and implement the service mesh, developers and solution architects must have a strong understanding of how it removes complexity in their environment. Now, what we’re seeing is that as organizations start to scale up their cloud native efforts, and in particular, as they begin to spend more time modernizing their existing applications, the benefits of service meshes are starting to become more apparent to enterprises. Some of the most compelling reasons that we see organizations adopting the service mesh include integration, especially if they are trying to integrate cloud native applications and micro services to traditional application constructs. So for example, I have a container and it needs to talk to virtual machine. I need to go from a cluster that’s in the public cloud to an application that’s running on Plumas. Securing communications between micro services. So as you start to break a monolithic application into a lot of independent services, it really increase it’s a test service. Every micro service is a potential entry point to protect from nefarious axis by bad actors. And so as service mesh is really good for securing those micro services, when health care technology from that we talked to, was building micro service and was very concerned about meeting their complaints requirements and they felt that implementing the service mesh was a good way to make sure that they would remaining complacent as they now announced. Traffic management is another reason that a service mesh can be very helpful and as more development organizations start to look at doing modern practices like multivariate testing, doing chaos testing and production, doing rolling updates of micro service. The benefits of a service mesh as enabling that and making it easier to do become more apparent. So the ability choose from multiple models for how they update those services and the complexity, and manage the complexity of those is really important. So, another use of service mesh is really good capabilities to identify what’s happening when a micro service misbehaves in the run time environment. When you’re got dozens or, even hundred of micro services running, there are many individual processes that need production monitoring and service level management to make sure that you’re meeting your availability in performance goals. So knowing exactly what’s going on is something that a service mesh can do by using the sidecar model in the Kubernetes world to get that telemetry and make it available. It can help developers understand what’s going on.




Ok, thank you. And Kubernetes is becoming a cloud operation system that supports distributed application while the industry generally believes that the service mesh is becoming a new batter ground in platform wars. So, where do you stand on the saying that we still need service mesh, when we already have Kubernetes, Jeffery?

翻译:好的 谢谢。Kubernetes正在成为能够支持分布式应用程序的云操作系统,行业普遍认为服务网格正在成为平台战的新战场。所以,当我们在已经可以使用Kubernetes的情况下,您对我们仍然需要使用服务网格怎么看呢Jeffery

Jeffrey Hammond: I think you need both. To me, it’s kind of like saying I’ve got a really good hammer. So why do I need a screw driver? For most carpenters, the answer is: Yes, you need both because they do complementary things. So I don’t see a time in the next decade when most businesses won’t need to connect to thing besides containers. Bs are going to be around for a long time. I think there’s more development teams discover the need to test in production. They’re going to look for tools that give them fine grain traffic control. Doesn’t necessarily mean that lstio will be the service message choice. Though 2 years ago it looked like that’s the course that we were on, but Google got a bit squishy on the governance model for lstio and it caused enterprises, and I used to take a second look. And developers are staring to look at thing like how lstio comparison Linkerd other commercial offerings which of these can best meet my needs. And the services provided by service mesh can potentially be provided by other technologies too. My teammate David Murder recently wrote a blog post about Dapper and asked if it were a better alternative to the needs developers have compared to a service mesh. If you’re not familiar with Dapper, it’s a coding framework intended to solve the challenges of modern distributed applications. While a service mesh focuses on networking infrastructure concerns. Dapper focuses on what developers need to build micro service. So, I think this is an exciting area. I think service mesh is important. It’s a key tool. It’s a tool that we are going to use, lstio will very probably feature in that and be part of the solution, it may not be the exclusive solution. I think what we’ll have to do is to continue to watch what developers build here. I can tell you though, I think that any solution that makes it easier for developers to quickly build, deploy and operate micro service at scale while abstracting them from lower level, networking concerns is gonna prove popular, especially if it’s easy to install, run, managing use. So that’s why I think that hosted service mesh capabilities will be increasingly popular because it will make them easier to inject into enterprise organizations.

翻译:我认为我们这两种都需要,对我来说,这就像是我已经有了一把好锤子,那为什么我还需要螺丝刀呢?对于大多数木工来说答案是 是的。这两种都需要,因为它们是互补的。因此,我认为在未来十年内大多数企业都不需要连接到容器以外的东西,这种现象将会存在很长一段时间,我认为有更多地开发团队发现在生产过程中进行测试的必要,他们将寻找能够更好地控制流量的工具,但这并不一定意味着lstio将是服务消息的选择。虽然两年前,看起来这是我们正在努力的方向,但谷歌在lstio的管理模式上不太果断,造成企业选择观望。此外,开发人员开始关注lstio相比Linkerd和其他商业产品,如何最好地满足需求,服务网格提供的服务可能其他技术也可以提供,我的队友David Murder最近写了一篇关于Dapper的博客文章,问到相对服务网格Dapper是否符合开发人员需求的更好的替代方案,如果您还不太熟悉Dapper,它是旨在用于解决现代分布式应用程序的挑战的编码框架,服务网格侧重网络基础架构方面的问题,而Dapper则侧重开发人员在构建微服务方面所需的内容,因此,我认为这是一个令人兴奋的领域。我认为服务网格非常重要,它是一个关键工具,一个我们将使用的工具,lstio将非常有可能侧重这一方面,并将其视为解决方案的一部分,它可能不是唯一的解决方案。我认为我们要做的就是继续观察开发人员在这里构建的内容,不过,我可以说,我认为任何能使开发人员更容易地大规模地快捷构建部署和操作微服务,同时将这些微服努从较低级別的联网问题中抽象出来的解决方案都会很受欢迎,尤其是在它易于安装运行和管理使用的情况下,所以这就是为什么我认为托管式服务网格能力会越来越受欢迎,正是因为这将使这些能力更容易注入到企业组织。

Ok, Thank you. And how about you? Xinning.


Xinning Wang:

The major cloud vendors already provide the service mesh products and solution offers,for example last year Alibaba cloud had launched one managed service mesh product, named Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh, for short we call it ASM. ASM not only can help our customers lower the barrier to use, but also can provide a lot of enterprise-level capabilities, including enterprise security, scalability, observability, 24 and 7 online professional production, support and so on. Today I want to share one customer case with you to show how the customer use Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh product in their business applications. Let’s welcome Dongsheng li, who is Chief Architect from Dongfeng Nissan Data Marketing Co,Ltd. Hello, Dongsheng, would you like to have a brief about the background why you use service mesh in your business applications and what paint points have been resolved by service mesh technology?


Dongsheng Li(李冬生):Okay. As a data service provider for the entire value chain of automobiles, we are providing digital service, sales service, customer service, operation service, omni-channel data value mining analysis and application for Dongfeng Nissan and other brands. With the development of business, the 12 complete test environments created early can no longer meets many concurrent needs. Therefore, the R&D department urgently needs to upgrade the 12 environments to the Infinite and Autoscaling environments. so that, in addition to automatically providing and development on demand, it also needs incremental deployment to save server resources. In the realization, one of the key points is the needs for refined management of layer 7 traffic, which can be forwarded according to the design situation, such as Header, cookies. Hitting the application corresponding to the demand or hitting the default application. This can not only solve environmental problems, but also reduce service resource cost.


Xinning Wang :Yes, very nice. Would you like to share your service mesh journey with us.


Dongsheng Li(李冬生):

Before we talking about anything about service mash in deeply. I want to explain how we need a service mesh. At the DNDC, we run the hundreds of micro service data do everything from the best customer experience. Running micro service at scale is not without its own challenges. When we compared to last year, our micro service size is repeatedly increasing. So, it become increasingly difficult to understand the interactions between all these service. When a problem occurs in a micro service world it can be really difficult to find where the problem is. Service mesh addresses these challenges.



Xinning Wang : Yeah, when you decided that you are ready for a service mesh I think there are still several options to choose. For example, there are a lot to of service mesh products in the software world. For example, lstio, Linkerd, Linkerd2, Consul Connect and so on. What’s your decision about this?

翻译:好的,在您解决要使用服务网格的时候,我想您任然还有几个产品可供选择,比如说,软件行业有许多的服务网格产品。例如lstio, Linkerd, Linkerd2, Consul Connect等等。那么您是怎么作出选择的呢?

Dongsheng Li(李冬生):

Much like Kubernetes has become the de facto container orchestration standard, lstio is often seems as the de facto service mesh standard, and lstio is also the most popular service mesh from the recent surveys by CNCF. We made some of benchmark tests to show latency between our micro services communication, lstio and other service mesh products are nearly the same. In our use case, we decide to use lstio. Why are we don’t directly use open source community tools and we know that Alibaba cloud has launch one product named Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh, for short ASM.


Xinning Wang : So, why you finally choose Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh for your business applications?


Dongsheng Li(李冬生):

As the industry’s first fully managed lstio-compatible service mesh product, ASM has maintained consistency with the community and industry trends from the beginning. The components of the control plane are hosted on Alibaba Cloud side, and are independent of the user side's cluster on the data plane. By this managed mode, the life cycle management of the control plane components, and the data plane's K8s cluster is decoupled, making the architecture more flexible and improving the scalability of the system. only helps us lower the barrier to use, but also provides some enterprise level capabilities such as security, scalability, observability and 24/7 production support. ASM help us shorten the service mesh technology landing cycle, shortened by75%. The operate iteration efficiency is increased by 70%, the abnormal troubleshooting cost is reduced by 80%, and the control plane resource cost is reduced by 100%. Xining.


Xinning Wang : Yes, as an important link between the upper-layer applications and the lower-layer computing infrastructure. ASM can provide the following capabilities from three perspectives. Firstly, from the perspective of a downward integration with infrastructure. ASM can be thought as Anywhere Service Mesh. Its goal is to enable service mesh capabilities for application services running on any computer infrastructure. Secondly, from the perspective of service mesh’s built-in feature enhancement, ASM can provide the unified traffic control, unified security protection and unified observability to our application services without most code change. Last one, from the perspective of supporting the application layer and the ability to be integrated upwards, for example, ASM can provide the easy-to-use ApIs for integration and also provide the declarative APIs, while are fully compatible with Istio community. ASM, fully leverage the advantage of Alibaba Cloud instruction to build the multi-regions and the multi-zones topology and build one delicated support team to guarantee the stability of managed service. Due to the limited time, I will close my topic here. Please visit the website of ASM products and go though the features and use case to understand what ASM can do for you. We appreciate our customer to share their service mesh adoption experience. Hi Dongsheng, thanks a lot for your time. See you later. Thank you.

翻译:是的,阿里云服务网格,作为上层应用程序和下层计算机基础之间放入重要连接。它从三个角度提供以下功能,首先,从向下基础整合来看,ASM可视为任何场所的服务网格,它的目标是为在任何计算机上运行的,应用服务,启用服务网格能力。其次,从服务网格内置特征增强来看, ASM可以为我们的应用服务提供统一的流量控制功能,统一的安全保护功能和统一的可观测性,而几乎无需修改代码。最后,从支持应用层和向上集成能力的角度,比如说,阿里云服务网格可以提供易于使用的API进行集成,也可以提供与Istio完全兼容的,声明式API,阿里云服务网格充分利用阿里云指令的优势,构建了多区域拓扑,并组建了一支专门的支持团队,保证托管服务的稳定运行。由于时间有限,我就说到这里了。请访问阿里云服务网格产品的网站,了解相关的功能和用例,如需了解阿里云服务网格能为您提供哪些服务,我们感谢我们的客户能够分享他们的服务网格使用经验,好的,冬生,非常的感谢。回见,谢谢。

Thank you everyone.


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