在 OpenCV 中读取和写入视频与读取和写入图像非常相似。视频只不过是一系列通常称为帧的图像。因此,您需要做的就是遍历视频序列中的所有帧,然后一次处理一帧。在这篇文章中,我们将演示如何从文件、图像序列和网络摄像头读取、显示和写入视频。我们还将调查过程中可能出现的一些错误,并帮助了解如何解决它们。
// Include Libraries #include<opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include<iostream> using namespace std; using namespace cv;
# Create a video capture object, in this case we are reading the video from a file VideoCapture vid_capture("Resources/Cars.mp4");
if (!vid_capture.isOpened()) { cout << "Error opening video stream or file" << endl; } else { // Obtain fps and frame count by get() method and print int fps = vid_capture.get(5): cout << "Frames per second :" << fps; frame_count = vid_capture.get(7); cout << "Frame count :" << frame_count; }
while (vid_capture.isOpened()) { // Initialize frame matrix Mat frame; // Initialize a boolean to check if frames are there or not bool isSuccess = vid_capture.read(frame); // If frames are present, show it if(isSuccess == true) { //display frames imshow("Frame", frame); } // If frames are not there, close it if (isSuccess == false) { cout << "Video camera is disconnected" << endl; break; } //wait 20 ms between successive frames and break the loop if key q is pressed int key = waitKey(20); if (key == 'q') { cout << "q key is pressed by the user. Stopping the video" << endl; break; } }
- 您继续使用视频捕捉对象
- 但您无需指定视频文件,只需指定图像序列
- 使用下面显示的符号 (Cars%04d.jpg),其中 %04d 表示四位序列命名约定(例如 Cars0001.jpg、Cars0002.jpg、Cars0003.jpg 等)。
- 如果您指定了“Race_Cars_%02d.jpg”,那么您将寻找以下形式的文件:
(Race_Cars_01.jpg、Race_Cars_02.jpg、Race_Cars_03.jpg 等……)。
VideoCapture vid_capture("Resources/Image_sequence/Cars%04d.jpg");
// Include Libraries #include<opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include<iostream> // Namespace to nullify use of cv::function(); syntax using namespace std; using namespace cv; int main() { // initialize a video capture object VideoCapture vid_capture("Resources/Cars.mp4"); // Print error message if the stream is invalid if (!vid_capture.isOpened()) { cout << "Error opening video stream or file" << endl; } else { // Obtain fps and frame count by get() method and print // You can replace 5 with CAP_PROP_FPS as well, they are enumerations int fps = vid_capture.get(5); cout << "Frames per second :" << fps; // Obtain frame_count using opencv built in frame count reading method // You can replace 7 with CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT as well, they are enumerations int frame_count = vid_capture.get(7); cout << " Frame count :" << frame_count; } // Read the frames to the last frame while (vid_capture.isOpened()) { // Initialise frame matrix Mat frame; // Initialize a boolean to check if frames are there or not bool isSuccess = vid_capture.read(frame); // If frames are present, show it if(isSuccess == true) { //display frames imshow("Frame", frame); } // If frames are not there, close it if (isSuccess == false) { cout << "Video camera is disconnected" << endl; break; } //wait 20 ms between successive frames and break the loop if key q is pressed int key = waitKey(20); if (key == 'q') { cout << "q key is pressed by the user. Stopping the video" << endl; break; } } // Release the video capture object vid_capture.release(); destroyAllWindows(); return 0; }