中文编程知乎专栏: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/codeInChinese 中文编程GitHub组: https://github.com/program-in-chinese
将数学, 历史等传统学科的内容用代码进行表达. Use program to implement common-sense knowledge, like math and history.
实现Chrome插件, 基于本地词典数据, 提供Github在线源码翻译功能. Implement a Chrome extension to translate English source code to Chinese on Github pages.
第一次发现在例程中使用日语命名的编程教程, 为Javascript入门. Found a programming book with sample programs naming identifiers in Japanese.
日本官方和民间在编程中使用日语命名的相关历史. Brief history of naming identifiers in Japanese.
实现Chrome插件, 基于本地词典数据, 提供Github在线源码翻译功能. Show how to translate English source code to Chinese on Github pages.
实现浏览器插件, 基于本地词典数据, 提供网页上英语词语查询汉语释义功能. Show how to implement English to Chinese dictionary using local data in browser extension.
实现浏览器插件, 读取插件内较大的json资源文件. Show how to read json resource file in browser extension.
解析Java源码, 并将标识符翻译为中文服务部署. Demonstrate the library to parse Java source code and translate the identifiers to Chinese with a domain.
用Python3读取word文档中的表格并比较. Create a wubi encoding editor using Python with Chinese naming.
用Python3和tkinter开发五笔编码编辑器. Create a wubi encoding editor using Python with Chinese naming.
解析Java源码, 并将标识符翻译为中文演示网页. Demonstrate the library to parse Java source code and translate the identifiers to Chinese with a web application.
修改V8编译器源码, 实现关键词的中文化. Modify source code of V8 JavaScript compiler to support keywords in Chinese.
解析Java源码, 并将标识符翻译为中文的库和演示服务. Demonstrate the library to parse Java source code and translate the identifiers to Chinese with a web service.
解析Java源码, 并将标识符翻译为中文. Parse Java source code and translate the identifiers to Chinese.
使用谷歌, 百度, 有道等在线翻译服务对代码进行翻译并比较效果. Use online translation service, including Google, baidu, youdao, etc. to translate source code and compare results.
基于ECDICT词典数据, 开发一个Java库实现词典接口, 发布到Maven主库. Publish Java library to provide English-to-Chinese dictionary API on Maven Central.
为Chrome编写一个扩展, 实现GitHub网站查看代码显示对应中文版本. A prototype of an extension for Chrome to showcase translating the code on github website.
使用Eclipse的JDT核心库, 对JDK源码进行语法分析, 提取API包括类/方法/方法参数, 对其命名进行初步分析. Analyze JDK source code using JDT core library, get the naming of the classes and public...
演示用Spring Boot查询H2内存数据库, 使用中文代码. Demostrate naming in Chinese in query H2 in-memory database in a demo based on Spring Boot.
为中文Java库项目添加Travis持续集成. Add Travis continuous integration for the Chinese API project.
实现一个原型, 通过对实用例程的关键词替换, 体验各种中文关键词的可读性
演示用Spring Boot集成H2内存数据库, 使用中文代码. Demostrate naming in Chinese in integrating H2 in-memory database to a demo based on Spring Boot.
修改Java编译器源码, 实现关键词的中文化
AIDE在Android手机环境中开发的诀窍, 各种问题与解决. Tips and tricks for developing in AIDE on Android phone.
演示用Spring Boot实现基本日志, 使用中文代码. Demostrate naming in Chinese in adding log to a demo based on Spring Boot.
演示用Spring Boot实现简单REST服务, 使用中文代码. Demostrate naming in Chinese in a demo of building RESTful service based on Spring Boot.
演示在Spring Boot 2.0.3入门示例中使用中文代码. Demostrate naming in Chinese in the basic tutorial of Spring Boot 2.0.3.
对mkyong的Python教程进行例程中文化. Change sample programs in the Python tutorial on Dictionary from mkyong.com, to use Chinese naming.
基于官方文档, 将DLL库的接口进行中文命名. Based on official tutorial, name API in DLL library in Chinese.
对质疑中文编程的一篇网文的逐条驳斥. Detailed response to a post that's questioning programming in Chinese.
Z语言作者介绍它的实现原理和细节. Under the hood of Z programming language by its author.
以一个Python实现的实用小工具为例, 演示中文命名标识符的可行易用, 以及带来的好处, 包括易于阅读理解, 维护改进, 更可以鼓励其他开发者包括编程新手参与.
相比英文命名, 一些中文命名的优势. Some advantages with Chinese naming compared to English naming.
对问题"假设中国人最先开发电脑和设计程序语言,那么各种程序语言会使用汉字吗?"的回应. A response to the question "what if the Chinese invented computer first?"
为Chrome和火狐浏览器编写一个简单的扩展, 使用中文命名. Use Chinese naming when developing a simple extension for Chrome/Firefox.
对解谜计算机科学第一章中的示例代码进行命名中文化. Change demo programs in chapter 1 of the ebook "Demystify Computing Science" to use Chinese naming.
Python3本身支持中文命名类/方法/变量 任何额外的库和工具都不需要, 不需要, 不需要! 重要的话三遍. Python3本身就可以正确运行下面的代码: 补一句, 不光是Python3支持中文命名哦, 以后一个一个语言讲过来, 九成九你用的编程语言也支持.
研究Python3官方教程中的字典例程的来历. The hidden meaning behind the sample program of Dictionary in Python 3's official tutorial.
基于TypeScript官方入门文档, 用中文版TypeScript CTS重写示例代码. Use CTS, TypeScript with Chinese keywords and APIs, to rewrite sample programs in the 5-minute tutorial from official TypeScript language website.
演示翻译Python官方文档的示例代码中的标识符. Demonstrate translating the identifiers in the sample programes in official Python tutorials.
为翻译Python官方文档的示例代码中的标识符, 搭建翻译环境 Setup translation environment in order to translate the identifiers in the sample programes in official Python tutorials.
越来越多的人机交互使用自然语言, 比如移动设备. 从这个角度看, 中文编程已经非常普及了. Programming in Chinese seems popular already from perspective of human-machine interaction, especially mobile devices.
在教程中使用中文命名的一些副效应. Some side effects of naming identifiers in Chinese in the sample programs of tutorials.
在前作基础上, 使用Antlr4添加简单的条件语句. Based on previous work in the series, add support for simple conditional statement using Antlr4.
以冒泡算法演示代码中的中文命名. Use bubble sort algorithm to illustrate naming identifiers in Chinese.
编程猫对Scratch的编程语言功能和IDE改进. Improvements to Scratch programming language and IDE.
对AppleScript语言中的类自然语言设计, 和日语, 法语的语法设计进行回顾和讨论. Review Applescript, which has a grammar close to natural language, and the support for Japanese and French grammars.
为"圈2"语言, 添加整数比较功能. Add integer comparison to pretotype programming language quan2.