中文编程知乎专栏: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/codeInChinese 中文编程GitHub组: https://github.com/program-in-chinese
用JavaScript实现的火狐插件, 代码中使用中文命名. 实现浏览历史按主题以树的形式显示. Firefox addon implemented in JavaScript, with Chinese naming, to show browsing history in threads.
为"圈2"语言, 修改语法定义规则接近BNF格式. Modify grammar definition of pretotype programming language quan2 to make it closer to BNF format.
为"圈2"语言, 添加变量赋值和求值, 括号, 以及出现的各种问题. Add assigning value, parenthesis features to the pretotype programming language quan2 with Antlr4 and Java, and related issues.
在之前的"圈2"语言基础上, 添加错误处理. Add exception handling for the pretotype programming language quan2 with Antlr4 and Java.
为"圈2"语言, 添加四则运算功能. Add add/plus and mutiple/divide features to the pretotype programming language quan2 with Antlr4 and Java.
由高考开设编程科目说开去, 设想一种通用型的中文编程语言. As university entrace exam in China starts to include programming, here we discuss about a general-purpose programming language in Chinese.
The Little Prover一书第一章的读后感, 示例代码用中文命名. 另测试Chez Scheme对中文命名的支持. Notes after reading the first chapter of the book 'The Little Prover', with sample programs using Chinese naming.
一个半拉子工程, 用Java实现的汇编语言编译器的介绍. 代码中使用中文命名. An unfinished project, an assembler implemented in Java, with naming in Chinese.
基于JavaScript和Antlr4, 通过语法树实现多层循环. Use AST based on JavaScript and Antlr4 to achieve multi-level loops.
讨论Java关键词的中文对应词语该如何选择. Discuss word choices for keywords in Chinese version for Java programming language.
尝试用AIDE在Android手机环境中开发最简单的Android应用. Develope a simple Android app using AIDE running on Android phone.
为一个简单的实验编程语言编写Visual Studio Code插件, 实现语法高亮. Develop a plugin for Visual Studio Code, to achieve syntax highlight for a simple experimental programming language.
对第三版"抚子"语言的源代码进行初步学习. Study the source code of the 3rd version of Japanese programming language Nadesiko.
试用游戏引擎FriceEngine, 将常用API中文化. Try out game engine FriceEngine, and create corresponding Chinese APIs.
将TypeScript官方入门文档的示例代码进行中文命名. Use Chinese naming in the sample programs in the 5-minute tutorial from official TypeScript language website.
为ZLOGO子集JavaScript实现添加QUnit测试用例. Add test cases in QUnit for subset of ZLOGO in JavaScript
用JavaScript实现ZLOGO的功能子集, 添加单层循环. Implement subset of ZLOGO using JavaScript, adding single-level loop
用JavaScript实现ZLOGO的功能子集, 并在线演示. Implement subset of ZLOGO using JavaScript, and setup online demo
根据VS Code官方入门文档编写一个最简单的插件. Write a simple hello-world extension for Visual Studio Code.
参考网文, 倚靠Antlr生成JavaScript实现的分析器, 实现一个简单的编程语言. Implement a pretotype programming language with Antlr4 and JavaScript, based on an online article.
探究当年为何Python3选择添加对Unicode标识符的支持. Find out why Python 3 chose to add support for non-ASCII identifiers.
检验多个在线编程网站对中文标识符的支持, 包括运行和编译反馈信息. Verify support of Chinese identifiers on online programming websites, including running and compile messages.
学习ZLOGO官方教程,记录过程中的发现. Follow the official tutorial of ZLOGO programming language, and share the findings during the way.
通过修改编译器, 实现对中文标识符支持的一位前辈的对于中文编程和中文编程语言的心得. View of programming in Chinese from a pioneer who modified a dozen compliers to add support of Chinese identifiers.
对常见的对中文语法的编程语言的反对声音进行小结, 并作针对回应. Q&A for creating programming language in Chinese grammar.
参考网文, 使用Antlr生成Java分析器, 实现一个简单的编程语言. Implement a pretotype programming language with Antlr4 and Java, based on an online article.
用一个简单的商品管理系统演示在Spring Boot最基本的功能中使用中文代码. Demostrate naming in Chinese in the basic features of Spring Boot 1.
通过修改gcc编译器源码, 使之支持中文变量名, 函数名. Allow gcc to support unicode identifiers.
通过修改gcc编译器源码, 添加中文关键词. Allow gcc to support unicode identifiers.
前文"中文代码示例教程之Vuejs入门"碰到的问题的解决. Solutions to the issues found when rewriting sample codes in Vuejs official guide by using Chinese naming as much as possible.
对比创造英文编程语言, 国人在创造中文编程语言时具备的优势, 以及开源的中文编程语言项目. Compared to creating English programming language, some advantages the Chinese have when creating Chinese programming languages.
通过修改Python编译器源码, 使之支持中文关键词. Add Chinese keywords to Python compiler.
通过修改clang编译器源码, 使之支持中文关键词. Add Chinese keywords to clang compiler.
比较同一段代码使用中文和英文命名的效果, 讨论代码风格. Compare one piece of code using Chinese and English namings. Discuss related code style issues.
中文代码示例教程之Vuejs入门, 记录过程中碰到的问题. Rewrite sample codes in Vuejs official guide by using Chinese naming as much as possible, and take notes of issues found.
对最新版的"抚子"语言进行各方面学习, 此文从功能和特性开始. Study the unique features and designs from the Japanese programming language Nadesiko.
用中文命名API的好处和方法. Why and how to name API in Chinese.
对常见的对在编写代码时用中文命名标识符的反对声音进行小结, 并作针对回应. Q&A of programming with naming in Chinese.
与13年前的博文有同感, 分析在代码中用中文命名的优势和问题. Echoing a blog article 13 years ago, with the topic of pro and cons of Chinese naming in code.
以中文编写示例代码的Java入门短教程. Short beginner's tutorial of Java programming with sample codes using Chinese naming.
开发一个简单的Java库, 通过sonatype发布到Maven主库. Publish Java library with APIs in Chinese on Maven Central, through Sonatype.
中文编程的各个方面: 1. 以中文命名标识符 2. 汉化现有库/框架的接口(API) 3. 将现有编程语言进行汉化 4. 改进现有的, 以及创立新的中文编程语言及对应的开发集成环境