What is the importance of %TYPE and %ROWTYPE data types in PL/SQL?
%TYPE: This declaration is used for the purpose of anchoring by providing the data type of any variable, column, or constant. It is useful during the declaration of a variable that has the same data type as that of its table column. Consider the example of declaring a variable named ib_employeeid which has the data type and its size same as that of the column employeeid in table ib_employee. The syntax would be :
ib_employeeid ib_employee.employeeid%TYPE;
%ROWTYPE: This is used for declaring a variable that has the same data type and size as that of a row in the table. The row of a table is called a record and its fields would have the same data types and names as the columns defined in the table. For example: In order to declare a record named ib_emprecord for storing an entire row in a table called ib_employee, the syntax is:
ib_emprecord ib_employee%ROWTYPE;