URL鉴权文档,通过这个 demo 您可以根据业务需要,方便的对URL进行鉴权处理。以下Python Demo包含三种鉴权方式:A鉴权方式、B鉴权方式、C鉴权方式,分别描述了三种不同鉴权方式的请求URL构成、哈希字符串构成等内容
Python版本import re
import time
import hashlib
import datetime
def md5sum(src):
m = hashlib.md5()
return m.hexdigest()
def a_auth(uri, key, exp):
p = re.compile("^(http://|https://)?([^/?]+)(/[^?]*)?(\\?.*)?$")
if not p:
return None
m = p.match(uri)
scheme, host, path, args = m.groups()
if not scheme: scheme = "http://"
if not path: path = "/"
if not args: args = ""
rand = "0" # "0" by default, other value is ok
uid = "0" # "0" by default, other value is ok
sstring = "%s-%s-%s-%s-%s" %(path, exp, rand, uid, key)
hashvalue = md5sum(sstring)
auth_key = "%s-%s-%s-%s" %(exp, rand, uid, hashvalue)
if args:
return "%s%s%s%s&auth_key=%s" %(scheme, host, path, args, auth_key)
return "%s%s%s%s?auth_key=%s" %(scheme, host, path, args, auth_key)
def b_auth(uri, key, exp):
p = re.compile("^(http://|https://)?([^/?]+)(/[^?]*)?(\\?.*)?$")
if not p:
return None
m = p.match(uri)
scheme, host, path, args = m.groups()
if not scheme: scheme = "http://"
if not path: path = "/"
if not args: args = ""
# convert unix timestamp to "YYmmDDHHMM" format
nexp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(exp).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
sstring = key + nexp + path
hashvalue = md5sum(sstring)
return "%s%s/%s/%s%s%s" %(scheme, host, nexp, hashvalue, path, args)
def c_auth(uri, key, exp):
p = re.compile("^(http://|https://)?([^/?]+)(/[^?]*)?(\\?.*)?$")
if not p:
return None
m = p.match(uri)
scheme, host, path, args = m.groups()
if not scheme: scheme = "http://"
if not path: path = "/"
if not args: args = ""
hexexp = "%x" %exp
sstring = key + path + hexexp
hashvalue = md5sum(sstring)
return "%s%s/%s/%s%s%s" %(scheme, host, hashvalue, hexexp, path, args)
def main():
uri = "http://xc.cdnpe.com/ping?foo=bar" # original uri
key = "<input private key>" # private key of authorization
exp = int(time.time()) + 1 * 3600 # expiration time: 1 hour after current itme
authuri = a_auth(uri, key, exp) # auth type: a_auth / b_auth / c_auth
print("URL : %s\nAUTH: %s" %(uri, authuri))
if __name__ == "__main__":