MySQL 8.0采用快速迭代的开发模式,基本上每三个月就会推出一个新的小版本。
看了release notes,却又有股说不上来的失望,无甚太多值得说到的。
这两位开发者分别是 Zhai Weixiang 和 Yuxiang Jiang,都是如雷贯耳的大佬。
看完release notes,发现并无什么值得说到的新特性,看来8.0版本有可能基本上止步于此了。。。
本次共修复223个bug。不过最关注的MGR方面,也只有1个小小的新特性,以及2处bug fix:
Group Replication’s allowlist of hosts from which an incoming Group Communication System connection can be accepted, can now be updated while Group Replication is still running. You can therefore add new members to a group controlled by an allowlist without needing to stop and restart Group Replication. The allowlist is specified by the group_replication_ip_allowlist system variable on each group member.
2处bug fix之一
Replication: When MySQL Server counted the number of GTIDs in a set, it was possible for the return value to wrap, returning an incorrect result. This could lead to an incorrect decision to use state transfer from the binary log for Group Replication’s distributed recovery, when a remote cloning operation would have been more efficient. The logic has now been corrected. (Bug #32086209)
It is now possible to use START REPLICA SQL_THREAD and STOP REPLICA SQL_THREAD statements for the group_replication_applier channel when Group Replication is stopped. This enables an operator to apply any remaining unapplied transactions on a server that left the group, without having to rejoin the server to the group. (Bug #32027612, Bug #32414767)
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