First of all——如何正确理解enum类型?
enumColor { red, white, blue}; Colorx;
enumColor { red, white, blue};
理解此类型的最好的方法是将这个类型的值看成是red, white和blue,而不是简单将看成int值。
C++编译器提供了Color到int类型的转换,上面的red, white和blue的值即为0,1,2,但是,你不应简单将blue看成是2。blue是Color类型的,可以自动转换成2,但对于C++编译器来说,并不存在 int 到 Color 的自动转换!(C编译则提供了这个转换)
// Color会自动转换成intenumColor { red, white, blue }; voidf1() { intn; n=red; // change n to 0 n=white; // change n to 1 n=blue; // change n to 2 } voidf2() { Colorx=red; Colory=white; Colorz=blue; intn; n=x; // change n to 0 n=y; // change n to 1 n=z; // change n to 2 }
voidf() { Colorx; x=blue; // change x to blue x=2; // compile-time error: can't convert int to Color }
voidf() { Colorx; x=red; // change x to red x=Color(1); // change x to white x=Color(2); // change x to blue x=2; // compile-time error: can't convert int to Color }