mysql 通过grant 赋权
grant all privileges on 库.表 to '用户名'@'主机' identified by '密码';
flush privileges;
AI 代码解读
如果语句后带有with grant option
给用户 test 全部权限
grant all privileges on *.* to 'test'@'%' identified by 'testpwd';
flush privileges;
AI 代码解读
给用户 test 赋某个IP访问权限
grant all privileges on *.* to 'test'@'' identified by 'testpwd';
flush privileges;
AI 代码解读
给用户test 赋予数据库 demo 的访问权限
grant all privileges on demo.* to 'test'@'%' identified by 'testpwd';
flush privileges;
AI 代码解读
revoke 删除用户权限
revoke 权限列表 on 库.表 from 用户名@'主机';
flush privileges;
AI 代码解读
revoke all privileges on *.* from test@'%';
flush privileges;
AI 代码解读
revoke all privileges on demo.* from test@'%';
flush privileges;
AI 代码解读
show grants; //查看当前用户下所有权限
show grants for test@''; //查看指定用户权限
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